umm, it's a page that tells you what the page is about, and stuff...

I've been trying to compose a 'manifesto' of sorts for this page for a few weeks and not being particularly successful. Still, I feel the need to get the point across with what I'm trying to achieve here (that sounds SO pretentious). So....

First off, yes, I consider this a zine. So what, it's not on paper. It has all the same pretentious self obseesed whining, that qualifies it for zineness in my books. My main justification, or excuse if you will, for having this internet based only is the cost. Okay, people say to me that having this thing solely online is elitist or whatever. "Not everyone can afford to get the internet". Not everyone can afford to print a bunch of fucking zines that he knows he's not gonna sell.

Call me selfish, I certainly do, but I really don't give a rat's arse if this is read or not. Okay, sure there's the self gratifying side of me that's always shoving URL's your way and going "here, read this". But I'd still be doing it if no one read it I think. This zine is my little ego trip.

Of course, there are all these little justifications for it. I could make a reasonable arguement that simply writing all my opinions and shoving them out here for anyone to read is intself a political action. Screaming "I exist, I have thoughts and opinions, they're not necessarily right, but they're here. Personal, and free from any adherence to convention or editorialsim" could be classed as an act of defiance in a society based upon the notion that duplicity is an acceptable and much adopted means of acquiring wealth.

Hope that made sense. Eh, I know what I'm talking about...

But hopefully people maybe get something through what is written here. Maybe they "Identify with it" (WARNING! WARNING! DANGER WILL ROBINSON, HE JUST USED A HUGE LAMEARSE CLICHE AND MY HOOK ARMS ARE WAVING AROUND DANGEROUSLY!). Whatever, I can say that shit, but I know that really I'm only doing this for self gratification (NOT IN THE WAY YOU'RE THINKING! I HAVE BOTH HANDS ON THE KEYBOARD THANKYOU VERY MUCH!). Simple fact is, I do this because it feels good to whinge. That's all. There's no high moral justification here. Sorry to let you down if you though that, but fact is I'm just a whiny little bitch.

And there is the other zine stuff here of course. We have the interviews, where again I selfishly interview bands I either like or that interest me, and ask them shit that I wanna know about. Reviews, well, I'm redoing that slowly so it's going to be a case of if and when it happens.

This page started out as just an expression of my self. Over a few conversations with good friend and confidant Rachel MacKenzie I have realised the 'political' (in the everday sense, not the fat guys in suits sense) implications of these inferred above. That's why I've decided to give up a little bit of my baby to other people. I know I'm always saying it, but PLEASE, contribute something. I would dearly love for this page to be a bit of a forum where people can write shit about what they feel, scream it out at the world with two fingers held high.

Having said that, I probably won't print shit I don't agree with, anything racist or whatever. Either that or I'm gonna write something totally taking you down and edit your comments to make you look like a fuckwit.

Politically speaking in a classical sense, setback is very broadly left wing. While not vegan or vegetarian myself the zine support people's choice to make that, and support people who can devote the time campaigning for animal rights.

Setback is VERY anti racism, anti nazism, anti homophobia and discrimination on basis of sexuality...THAT INCLUDES USING THE WORD 'GAY' IN A DEROGATORY SENSE!

Setback supports the recognition past injustices committed on part of our ancestors agains the indegenous population of this country. Okay, there's not a lot we can do about it, but at least it needs to be acknowledged. As a matter of fact, setback endorses education in history in general in a big fucking way. We could all profit from learning more about our past fuck ups.

Setback endorses, condones, promotes and postivley encourages the wearing of strange costumes and performance of MC Hammer dance moves at hardcore shows.

Setback thinks straight edge is rad and supports people's rights to adopt it, so long as they don't think that it's an excuse to take the high moral ground and become an arsehole. Likewise setback supports people's rights to get fucking tanked and throw up allo ver tehmselves if that's their thing.

Setback heartily endorses popcorn with butter melted over the top and cheap home brand apple juice.

Setback supports people's right to believe what they want, so long as it doesn't impinge on another's lifestyle. And so long as they don't write really shitty hardcore songs about it. God damn I'm getting sick of songs about "standing up for what you believe in". 

Setback actively endorses the campaing to bring the 80's sitcom alf back on to commercial television.

that's all I can think of for now, there'll be more soon.



Ally: Rae and Amy: Craigos, Phil, Alex and snubfighter crew: Andrew Dodd: Paulie and Lorna: Rory: Aidan: Barney, John, Cori, Brad and Alfredos crew: Rocket: Bura: Brad: Dan: Vikki: Everyone off the ICQ list, sorry but I couldn't be bothered listing you all here: Kat: Becky: Chris: The Beard Fams (incl Andrew and Mim): Becky, Sarah and little Dave Wilson: Nathan Passive: Danny Goons: Anita, Haley and Teddy Royals crew: Brett Candy: Karl, Paul, Matt, Sigrid and anyone else that has let me interview them: Everyone that's nice to me at shows especially Woody: Dixie Drumsticks in a Biskit: You if you bothered to read this.