// series one - as usual
-- Eye Color: brown
-- Hair Color: stuff with reddishness
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: saggitarius
-- Innie or Outtie: innie
// series two - describe

-- Your heritage: typical white american. you know, got some people from every country in europe..
-- The shoes you wore today: who cares
-- Your hair: short
-- Your eyes: kinda funny lookin but they suit
-- Your weakness: somebody
-- Your fears: being alone
-- Your perfect pizza: i dont like pizza
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: get a job
// series three - what is

-- Your most overused phrase on aim: [[dont know]]
-- Your thoughts first waking up: i wanna go back to sleep
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite [same] sex: hair, smile, and eyes (unless i see them from behind.. heh heh..)
--Your bedtime: usually by 12:00
-- Your greatest accomplishment: beh.
-- Your most missed memory: not sure
// series four - you prefer

-- Pepsi or coke: pepsi.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: neither
-- Single or group dates: group cos then there arent awkward moments of nothingness.
-- Adidas or nike: either
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: i dont like tea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: depends
-- Cappuccino or coffee: neither
-- Boxers or briefs: thongs/gstrings..yeah.. cos i'm a girl.. and i like girls.. and who cares what boys wear?
// series five - do you

-- Smoke: nope.
-- Cuss: occasionaly
-- Sing well: probably not
-- Take a shower everyday: not usually
-- Have a crush(es): i dont think so
-- Who are they: beh.
-- Think you've been in love: yeah
-- Want to go to college: no
-- Like high school: it's alright.. it's school
-- Want to get married: probably not
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: you betcha
-- Think you're attractive: sometimes i think i am, and other times i think i'm ugly. meh.
-- Think you're a health freak: not really
-- Get along with your parents: my mom, but not my dad
-- Play an instrument: yep
// series six - in the past 3 months, did/have you

-- Drank alcohol: yeah
-- Smoke(d): nope
-- Done a drug: nope
-- Made Out: no
-- Go on a date: no
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: i dont like oreos
-- Eaten sushi: dont like seafood
-- Been on stage: i dont think so
-- Been dumped: no
-- Made homemade cookies: nope
-- Been in love: yeah
-- Gone skinny dipping: nope
-- Dyed your hair: no
-- Stolen anything: nope
// series seven - have you ever

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: no, i dont think so..
-- If so, was it mixed company:
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeah
-- Been caught "doing something": nope
-- Been called a tease: i dont think so
-- Gotten beaten up: no
-- Shoplifted: when i was like six
-- If so, did you get caught: my mom told me to put it back (it was candy hehe)
-- Changed who you were to fit in: no, i never did it to fit in.
// series eight - the future

-- Age you hope to be married: whenever.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: whatever.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: pfft.
-- How do you want to die: i wanna get chopped up and fed to sharks.. or something creative like that.
-- Where you want to go to college: i dont want to go.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: web or fashion designer or model because that'd be cool. well i know i'll never be a fashion designer, but still.
-- What country would you most like to visit: scotland maybe
// series nine - opposite [same] sex

-- Best eye color? dont care
-- Best hair color? dont care
-- Short or long hair?: dont care
-- Best height: average, i guess
-- Best weight: beh. skinny or average or a little chubby , but not like extremely fat cos i'm too small for that
-- Best articles of clothing: meh.
-- Best first date location: -
-- Best first kiss location: -
// series ten - number of

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: four maybe
-- Number of CDs that I own: maybe like 75
-- Number of piercings: 2
-- Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? dunno don care
-- Number of scars on my body: two
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: one, but i told that shithead off so i dont much care anymore.
What song..

[1] Makes you want to dance:
[2] Makes you happy:
[3] Reminds you of an ex-lover: Basement Jaxx - Where's Your Head At
[4] Reminds you of an ex-friend:
[5] Makes you cry:
[6] Makes you laugh:
[7] Makes you ponder life:
[8] You never want to hear again:
[9] You once loved but got sick of:
[10] You love by a band/artist you hate:
[11] You sheepishly admit to liking:
[12] You'd do anything to see played live:
[13] Reminds you of your childhood:
[14] Sums up your teenage years:
[15] Most people like but you hate:
[16] You love the lyrics of:
[17] You used to hate but now love:
[18] Is best played in the car:
[19] You like to fall asleep to: techno
[20] You like to wake up to:
[21] You like out of your parents record collection:
[22] You love that you wouldn't know it if it wasn't for a friend: The Breeders, Babes In Toyland, Lunachicks [[becca!!]] and Bright Eyes [[brando!!]]
[23] You love the video more than the tune:
[24] Is good to listen to while holding hands:
[25] Makes you think of sex:
[26] You love to hear at clubs:
[27] Is not your "typical type" of style but you love anyway:
[28] reminds you of your siblings:
[29] Reminds you of the one you want but can't have:
[30] You can sing really well:
[31] You love which is instrumental: Elastica - "Miami Nice"