The accident
The section I'd like not having had to write

On Oct 11,1998, going for a 400 m drive with Alba to get something to eat, the 504 crashed into a Renault 21 that came on the opposite direction and was turning left. Everything happened so suddenly that I almost hadn't time to brake.My car was at about 35 mph when I realised that the other driver was going to turn and hadn't seen me...the crash was very violent.

the car as it was (Snif!)

When the 504 crashed into the other car, the Renault made a 180-degree-turn and remained towards the opposite direction it came from.The engine compartment in the Renault got a romboid shape.Both radiators were broken, and altough the engine in the 504 was still turning after the crash (I had to stop it from inside the car), the car had very serious damage. I don't know how, but nobody got injured (the seat belt left a small red mark in Alba's neck and a little kid that travelled in the Renault was crying, but nothing serious...).Even the Peugeot passenger compartment has lost slightly its original shape, (the windshield frame is bended in its union to the roof),the driver's door can't be closed properly and the front wheel has been displaced backwards. As it was the other driver's fault, I'll try to repair the car, but I've been told that repairing it costs 5 times the car's value, and in that condition it will be difficult to get the money from the insurer. They value the car in 100000 pts (=$600), and the repair cost is 500000 pts (more than $3000).


I have to update this section, but the car has been repaired (I got it on Feb 19, 1999, after four months and a half) and -the most incredible thing of all- I HAVE THE MONEY BACK!!!!!!!I had to pay 573047 pts (=4000 $) for the repairing works, but I took the bill and the insurance information to the insurer office, and the next week they gave me ALL THE MONEY...I will put a picture of the 'new' car as soon as possible...