For those of you who are poetically challenged, here is a place to post the best of your magnetic poetry. Everyone loves those little white rectangles on the fridge with the cute little words and you can add prefixes and....ok....anyway....
Xana's Magnetic Collection

This one's for all the Smithies

A symphony of drunk, black, breasts
lick puppy sausage
under a luscious liquid breeze
bitter on the tongue.


This Boy's Life

Chocolate moments boil
on his delicate skin
like a thousand honey girls
Magic love shines
lathering sleep
onto one languid
from peach summers
and pictures of motherly death.



Sweet garden of eternity
fresh as her velvet dream,
poison my rhythm and
incubate beneath my ghost
whispering to bloody goddesses,
screaming to diamond shadows.
A vision of desire dances through me
as if beating frantically,
having dreams of beauty.
My language is an apparatus
used only to worship you.

Ted's Poetry

She manipulated me as all do
The elaborate symphony of love
The delicate beauty crying for me
Were but a thousand sad lies.
Love will crush you my friend
Yet we still moan deliriously for it.

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