The Dark Apokalypse
From my four children now my favorite one is ALL OF THEM.
My Favorite Links:
Unknown Slave revolts/The perfect black inventors/The original Cross
The True Nubian Network
Real Native Americans
About the Dark lord and the A.N.I

For Millennium seekers, you have entered the World of the Dark Apokalypse. An Apokalyliptic outlook with a Dark militant view.  This is my personal site as the ANI site is secure for members only. Our goal is to enlighten others in order to destroy the pale mans system without harm to their own Karma (laws and rules against people of color)set up by the WORLDS MINORITY population. I do not suger coat our views, and I am not color blind. Anyone who claims to be color blind should attempt being A Moor (African), Hatian, Asian, Hispanic, Arab, or a Native Indian for one week. Or better yet view what they call history which is only a lie agreed upon. We study ancient cultures of the Apokalytes, those who ran world before the pale man's skin disease (pale skin). I work for the ANI Society (Afrikan National Intelligence),which is also a private and sometimes secret society for Africans, Asians, Hispanics, Indians, Black Scots, and Black Russians traveling to South America, Africa, Asia, Saudi Arabia, and India seeking the oldest text on knowledge and technical information on how to disrupt the European System of control. I obtained the Hyper ball Computer out of Nigeria which runs 2000 times faster than any known computer in the World.(Thank you Philip Emeagwali) A system based on his layout is how our members communicate.

Thanks to that same computer system it was noted within our security that a group of four members of a sub skinhead group attempted to enter our compound in Colorado. Needless to say they did not read the sign that said "No recessive groups shall enter (PC way to say no whites allowed), violators will only find harm" They found our roaming security and our attack dogs within three mins of their journey into the compound. Sad to say only one was able to walk away after a week in the hospital. Maybe they should learn to read? I am proud to say in the last 10 years not one group has been able to access our network or members no matter what we have done. Even after what we had done to William Pierce, may he never rest in peace.

Matt Hale will be our next test subject as he assumed he would never be jailed for anything, but time changes everything!

Now that GW is back in his second term I expect that jobs will decrease war will increase spending millions of our dollars while funding groups like the FBI and CIA so that they can continue white op missions to spread misinformaion in other countries thus creating more wars. Everything to ensure their own survivil, and way of life.
Well time.... changes everything! Thanks to young men and women who's parents or other family members are in the A.N.I or the Isis group who MENSA wanted but chose our Omega group instead. With new high tech machines we have an edge over other groups. Even after all the attemps to stump the growth of our young to keep them from becoming the top of all class's they have failed.

Take the IQ test on the Nubian Network and know thyself.


Most of the people I deal with have the same objectives as I. We all enjoy the cultural history's of many different ethnic groups including the recently found dig in Ireland which found out that the early Druids were Moors (Nomadic descendents of Kemetians), who fled Eest Africa due to a skin disease. Everyone knows that the Canaanite people were black, but did you know that the Celtic religion gods and Canaanite religion gods are one and the same? The spelling is off by one or two letters, but it is written that they (Canninites)had to travel North were the outcast were sent. That skin disease was and is called Albinoism (They lacked Melanin, a dark pigmented chemical substance produced in human cells for people of color) As known, we have all of our genes! Recessive Mutants do not, and these same genes control anger, and violent behavior among other things. Fear is another reason they lash out towards people of color, and if they could have wiped us all out they would have said we never existed. That is the idea of the Eugenitcs program and selective breeding, but breeding out the gene's only weakens the species til there is no one left. Right now their numbers are falling fast they even tried to counter that by asking the American Chinese to claim white, but they stronly refused after remembering the past treatment. Speaking of Asians, why do Europeans claim that Europe is next to Asia....Europe is IN Asia, and should consider themselves lucky that Asia allowed them to migrate, and set up a homeland in Asia, but if Europeans continue to destroy Earth, they may find themselves living below Europe!
Genes , and genetics are important in behavior, aggression, passing genetic material on, and no group with a long history such as people of color would want to mix with an inferior genetic group unless they are placing those missing genes back into the group that lacks them. The other need to mate with lesser genetic humans would be to breed color back into the color less group thus destroying their population.

  People of color have dominate genes, so no matter if it is a man or woman our gene's carry power and the offspring will continue to pass our genes on.. If you have ever heard those lacking melin claim that having children with blacks weakens the genes they are actully liars and are afraid that by doing so they will be wiped out geneticaly. What they don't understand is they (Pale folk) are not normal humans, but a weaker mutation of us. Those who do make the choice to mate outside of their culture will only put back into those lacking genes they bred out. Genes have alot to do with how a person will react this being another reason African slaves did little to stop their oppressors their genes spoke to them. Don't be mistaken there were plenty of revolts, as some slaves killed entire families of pale skinned people (Nat Turner), but saved the poor Irish who owned no slaves and were known as brothers. Again going back to the FEW Canaanite people to who were Albino. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima wrote books in 92-96 that has gone into great detail about how fearful and academic terrorist groups will do everything possible to stop us from learning the truth about our history pre Europe. How can you stop a worlds majority, you can not, they will not, since they (Europeans) are ruled by their minds and not their hearts their empire will fall as so many of them have. I link the rule of satan who has control of Earth for a 1000 years to Europeans. Their time is almost up!


We like the fact that Isis was equated with the Dog Star Sirius from Mali, (West African people) Osiris means the great black. Kam (Kemit)black land or Khem means black later the Greeks called it Egypt. Zeus means burnt face, Apollo, and Venus were also black. Hitler was a Jew or half his mother was Jewish. What's even funnier is Germany had a black Native population and Hitler used some of them in his army. (little forgotten history) The Swastika was created by the Mali people of West Africa (Dogon), and used by China, and India, and taken by Hitler for the power behind the symbol. The same goes for the symbol of the star we call Sirus it too was taken from Mali and today is called the five pointed pentagram. The Confederate Flag was created by a BLACK WOMAN. (Do they (Mutants)have any symbol they originally created, and why is it that blacks don't know this?)A symbol should never control a person of color, we are living symbols! It is they who should continue to fear us, since it was THEY who killed our mothers while with children ripping the unborn babies out of the wombs, burned or bombed our homes, ripped out the land they stole from us, and created a system they thought would control us. Thank Mother Earth for change, the crimes pale folks used against us will NEVER happen again, but least we forget....

Other things I like can be found in books written by pale men, Europeans hold as great writters.....and in this case they were.

Moby Dick was about Europeans (they being the albino whale). That Mark Twains collection of articles spoke about how perfect we are, in "Damned Human Race". That Tarzan (which means pale skin)is about the alienation of Albino people, hidden fact is that they are on a genetic level a 98% match to the Banaboo and Baboon monkey. How the non Melin group must have side arms to FEEL safe. How the latest weapon created by the ANI Society makes Guns obsolete, and about time we made something better than the gun whose time was outdated. How Greek men when getting married had to dress the woman up as a man so he would feel comfortable when sleeping with her which continued long after Christians took over. Europeans pride themselves of the fact that western civilization was founded from Greek history? There is no such thing as White History, European history yes, white no. They all originated from darker groups of people DNA proves it. Most pale skinned people claim that they have evolved since leaving our tribe say 8000 years ago.....not evolved but de-evolved since they now lack six genes people of color carry. DNA  doesnt lie, so get over any false idea you had of a superior white so called race.  Even early German lords had a rule that the darker you were the stronger you were, and no fair skinned person was to fight in battle. They were used as slaves, and entertainment, and clearly noted in their ancient writtings. . Last but not least the word Caucasian originated from Caucasus, which derived from the Ethiopian word Cush Aur.With that said we can give them a real name which will help us understand how they came about after being kicked out of Africa. Euroangatang. With all we now know about the relationship humanity once had with monkeys, we can still find strong traits of monkey DNA in Europeans or those who spawnd with pale Europeans.


The things that disturb us are the lacking melin groups or pale humans who have the tools to learn accurate history but choose not to since it does not reflect them.They have no idea who they are since they have attempted to separate themselves from their true orgins. This is why they claim and pretend they came from Aliens from space, some think they are the false pale skinned Jesus, or some other false reality they hold as truth.  Lets put the facts on the table for them. The Greatest cultures having maps of stars, math, science, history, and art were black and originators of the genes we carry today. These groups, Olmecs, Nubian Egyptians (Kemetians who keep the Kings list and true records of Kemet), Moors,Mawshakh Muurs, Zimbabwe, Axum, Mali, Nzingha's Nation ,Shang Dynasty,Canaanites, Phoenicians, etc, anything they tell you could be a myth spun to keep themselves in the eye view of the world.

  Think about it. How would it be possible that the youngest group of humankind  be able to tell you about groups who came before them. It's impossible! Why on Earth do we allow those who had to steal other groups information to CREATE their own story, then tell us about our story? That would be like a failed leader trying to tell you how to be a leader, when all they can teach is how to fail. Ever wonder why everything they teach is always one sided. Think about that one. It is like they are trying to mold you into something you are not. A serial killer, a serial rapist, mass murder, tyrant, child molester, etc... Don't be so shocked, they teach you this in school. They hail men who rape and kill as hero's. They glorify so called four fathers as good men? George Washington raped, and killed thousands of African, and Native Americans, as the others after him have, but they want us to call them hero's? That's almost as bad as Europeans thinking Christopher Columbus was the founder of a land already founded. Which brings up another problem. He was not EUROPEAN, but rather Spanish!  He was looking for India, why would westerners want you to think he was something he clearly was not, because it fits their idea of a smart group of people who has molded the world from its primortal state. Another man they hold high is Albert Einstine who was JEWISH with black background, as most true Jews do. A system that lacks will always grab anything they can to fill or complete what it does not have, just like a lie. You can change it a thousand times, where truth simply is, and cannot be changed.


You hear how blacks are heavy into drugs and we make up 90% of the people in jail, but were only 14% of the US population? Who's doing the math here, logic should have you think about that one. Gee, am I suppose to be in jail, did I forget to enroll? If we cant control them toss them in jail for drugs and give them life, but a pale guy rapes and then kills a woman and gets 5 to 10 years?  My favorite one is how African Americans are so Promiscuous, when it is a fact that not one African American owns a Porn shop, sexual oriented TV programming, dirty magazine, hotline (900 #), All nude topless Strip bar's, sexual toy shop, nor homosexual TV shows which are all over Europe. "IT'S A GREEK THING" and Europeans love it, and the lifestyle. The false rumor of our group being oversexed started because in our many countries, all over the world we have had phallic symbols proving our choice to procreate. Unlike the Greeks and early Greek Christians, Romans, etc who kept committing acts that you were and will be killed for in Africa (Homosexuality). The last thing that should disturb all of us is our lack of leaders. We do have them, but they could fall into the same patterns many of today's leaders do. Religion. Which teaches everything will be taking care of by God and we should turn the other cheek until then. That's what M.L.King taught along with loving our weaker side of humanity (pale skinned Europeans). Recessive groups (pale people) in our Government which were still for separation thought it would all go away after his death, only they  created a smarter black person and one who see's the truth of the matter and see's no future in which the dead and the living walk down the street holding hands etc.
  The dead have no color, nor do they carry souls.

Some teach you that God does not like the pale man (devil) and he has to be destroyed. Again the government wanted him (Malcolm X) killed but since he did not want anything to do with pale people they had to get his own people to discredit him and then murder him so they would not create a marytr. Wow were they ever wrong!  Then you have puppets, Preachers, and those who think negro was a real term they called each other in Africa and except that code name given to them by the Catholic Church? The funny thing is that every label or code name given to them they make a joke out of. Like Cracker a TV show for a second, Cracker the band etc. How about white trash? No such thing as white trash so they can laugh at that one too. However they cannot remove Albino, pale, Eurangatang, recessive mutant, or GIM (genetic inferior mutant) all are serious disorders that are not removable and tanning is temporary.

Tell me two wrongs don't make a right, and I can safely say I'm not wrong by giving you a term that today's scientist are using. Tell me that you can attract more fly's with honey, and I can let you know that fly's are attracted to the dead, and other things that decay rather than honey. Where you have honey, you will find bee's. It also does not help to be an Aura path which most Moors, Muurs, African, and African Americans are. Our melin does in fact pick up on things including the energy from others. We can sense when something is not right, all the time, everyday, every time we go to the store, mall, to get gas, etc. Which is why some of us can not put up with people when we are out. Most of us know what your thinking and feeling, so don't try to lie to us. It will only make you look foolish, but then again that would only make sense historically as history has proven.
I cant say it any louder........MALCOLM X WAS RIGHT!
Amon MoShah Ra aka Dark Apokalypse
Little known to European's is the fact that there were black Vikings, black Scottsmen, and Irishmen.

The Mythical group of Blaumen (black) were called Formaorians. Today that myth has become a larger myth that forgets where they came from. Today we call them dwarfs, elfs, and little people. They were wiped out by invaders from the North, and replaced by or mixed in with the group we see to day in Scotland and Ireland, but the older folk have not forgotten, and it's story is still kept on the books. Now thanks to DNA, todays Scotmen and Irishmen can now be linked to ancesters living in Africa.

Vikings on the other hand were not small, most of them were rather large, and some were of African orgin.. 
The Viking Thorhall the man we call THOR was also a very large black man as it is known. His real name was Earl Thorfinn.
Europeans who seek to control over other so call minoirity's could not afford to educate those they held as lesser beings than themselves. A lesson they have not forgotten as we look at the education system today.

Once an oppressed people become truly educated into the system and games those in control play they will no longer ask to share power they will rise up and take it.

As the African proverb says; Complaints that do not lead to action are meaningless!
   Well America get ready for a change.
No Man can MASTER that in which he does not understand. The only thing he can do is destroy or hender that which is beyond him.
The back bone of racism is deceit!

When paleskinned people cannot decieve you through education, law, economics, land, etc they will as history shows they become violent.
              Dr. Welss Cressing
           Author of the Isis Papers

In fact when things are not going the way they think it should, job wise, housing, money, etc, they become violent and attempt to call their misguided abuse of others white rage. It's taught in their history through men they label hero's that getting even is the only way to settle an issue. So it seems the only way to deal with them is through violence as history has proven with Europeans. Words to them are meaning less as they have proven by breaking every contract they have made with Africans, Asians, and Indians, or anyother group for that matter. Another reason the World hates so called white people. 
This way of being is taught to pale people at a young age. They are born into a system that puts them in front of the line by birth. A special priviledge they place themselves in by their education, laws, and created history. They automaticly think because of this system that they are somewhat special. They created a false God with pale skin and a false jesus with pale skin and then market this evil created being to those around them to better control those not in power.
Knowing this it becomes clear that there is no such thing as Black Supremacy. Once hundreds of years back as you can clearly see in Egyptian history that they did in fact claim that black was superior to all other groups. They were not the only black culture to make this claim thousands of groups had such systems. All of this information has been suppressed by Europeans but their notes they wrote on these cultures. With no public records of this idea they can again claim they started the idea of suppression of other groups.  Yes there are many people of color who hate paleskinned people, but they do not have a global system that teaches and enforces hate..... as they use too, yet.
Just because we hate the acts of rape, murder, serial type evil does not mean that we have a system that produces and teaches us grind them into the ground, but as they keep up there mistreatment of us it will come into being. Enimies are not born they are created.
They claim we have come along way from where we were in Africa? Compaired to what? I go to Africa, Asia, India, Middle East and I feel free to say and do as I wish....kinda like Im doing now, but you feel safer, I can let my guard down. Its just a wonderful feeling to walk in a large group of people knowing that they believe what you do, are not out to rob you rape your females, and have the same goal as you.  I feel as if I can trust what they tell me instead of checking every thing they claim to be true. After reading the Isis Papers it is clear why I feel this way. Another reason we gather in our own groups. We can feel  the trust, and security within ourselves.
White- is the absence of all color, the color of the dead, Geneticly inferior, pale, sickly, ill, transparent at times, weak in it's frequency(no power in it's color), and a non visible color within the rainbow.
In the wake of the OK City bombing it is clear they did not capture the other people involved. The leader of the compound in Elohim City Rev Robert Millar was a FBI informant, but broke his ties when his family was threatend.
Andreas Carl Strassmeir an Illegal Alien who migrated from Germany is also still on the loose and the US government looks the other way as he makes his rounds to recruite others into the church compound. 
  Timothy McVeigh was a simple puppet for Christian Identity a neo Nazi group whos actions speak for cowards. As does the National Alliance both ties to nazi systems of religion.

More people per capital were killed in the OK City Bombing than that of the WTC.

However our government jumps on the chance to capture and detain anyone that may even wisper a part in a Islamic militant group. In fact they are attempting by way of the new laws to detain people who just fit the Arab look, or the Nation of Islam  profile. What is funny and sad is that Arabs treat Africans with the same respect pale people do blacks in the states. Now they wish to claim they now understand what black racial profiling means, and understand our cause to fight the dirty governmental system. They still dont have a clue of the crap we have been through dealing with pale lilly white folks but they will.

Is the enemy of my enemy my friend or my enemy? Who can you really trust, unless it benifits all of them they continue acting out of evil? Until they prove themselves different they (those of the recessive pale kind) are still enemies of those of the genetic higher order.. Us!

Why is it that our benighted government puts so much effort into international groups who want to destroy them and over look what the domestic terrorist are doing, planning, etc. I guess thats where we within the ANI Society comes in.  So far we have removed over 300 pale  compounds in the states and overseas. Were looking forward to bring the remainder of them down as we take over the lands and begin our training for our people as we have in Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, California, Oklahoma, and Colorado. Thats just in the states, we started in Africa, and picked up in the P.I, India, Germany, Australia, China, Japan, parts of Europe, and the Middle East.  
For those who are doing research into the Roman Empire, here's a little known fact.

In 193 AD Rome was pulled from going under by a new Emperor by the name of Septimus Severus who just happend to be a full blooded African as well as his wife.

Serverus was born  11 April 145 in the African city of Lepcis Magna, or modern day Libya. His father Antoninus Pius, held major offices and his grandfather may have been a wealthy equestrian.

Serverus was a great thinker, warrior, and political master, and died in his 60's due to physical complications.
Most all Americans of the European fall out are Immagrants. They did not, nor could not live in this country prior to Columbus.
Asians may have crossed the land bridge, Indians may have crossed the land bridge, Hispanics may have lived in the Central of Americas and migrated from South America, and blacks of course may have been here before all others as the Folsom tribes of Arizonia have proven, but no pale or falsly named white group ever made a stay in this country until after Columbus. 

Why then do we have stupid Europeans pushing others to think that because they are not smart enough to learn a second language as their fathers father spoke that the only lanuage spoken here should be English.
Wow just when you thought you were in the country that was built on immagrants for immagrants why the only language being pushed is English. Why is it that they want to close the border off to any group other than those that fit their culture.
The truth behind the story is that Europeans now understand they are not only a worlds minority, but in North  America they have also lost a battle they assumed they were sure to win. The genetic war is over now were just playing clean up, and those who lost the war like the South lost to the North are doing everything and anything they can to balance the so called race's. 
The birth rate of ALL Europeans have dropped so much that the alarms are going off, but there is still NOTHING they can do to change it. Thus they are trying to maintain their so called legacy by  placing walls or laws in place to prevent their way of life from turning into a myth.
I doubt that even the groups they are now allowing to claim will keep up with the crap they have had in check for hundreds of years.  No matter how long your European family has been here if you  dont like the change that is taking place GO BACK TO EUROPE!!
Their you will find like minded people, and can express your discontent for whom ever you wish. In the US you will only make your life harder to fight the future, or as it is and they dont know it but presently the so called minorities as a whole are the majority.
JEWS in fact do have their thumb on Hollywood Productions. Jews are still not considered white, they did have a huge hand in the Slave Trade, and they were only called the Choosen Ones (to watch over Africa and it's people.) Looks like they failed, and the punishment?

AMERICA does not belong to Europeans that too is a big myth, blacks and Indians were here long before the disease came to drive them out of their own land, after hundreds of years of abuse the cure is in the water and since Europeans must drink from it has reduced their population to almost nothing.
Pale hate folks can live in German towns in the US, and speak German, or move to Russia it's pretty empty and hate groups could live their without the intrusion of people like us those who came before them, but they would rather die here and be forgotten, all the better to ensure our future! Besides I like my enemys close. If we can see them we can damper what they do. Like the skin head movement was to start a so called race war in the year 2000, but with private members of the ANI armed ready for war of course NOTHING happend. Which is what alot of us expected and will always expect of so call hate lilly white pale groups. NOTHING!
After a long trip out of the U.S spending
my time in Asia first and then down to Africa and it was wonderful. Now what I like about the hidden movement that is getting our people from all over the world now to prepare for the change in status.

African American will in 2005 launch our very own Sat Con in orbit of the earth thus controling our own shows and systems linked to GPS we can track the trackers!
We want to thank our new members for going through so much training time. Duing what we call hell week. We only lost one person, but they get to re apply and after selection, can take the course again.   
We have made the grade our members  children who made the top grade in their states and were sought after by MENSA have joined the Omega group instead.  Life is about to get a whole lot better in the future for our people of color.....other than pink that is. Expect ALOT of Little Africa's to start popping up all over the U.S, and it's about time!
China Town, Little Oddessa, German Town, Little Italy's all over the US, need I say more.

Want to thank the Moors First group for sending hundred of letters and funds. It took us 3 days! Thank you all again.

Six more years and the reverse of social class will belong to us. Get ready for the pay back!

What most of us who understand the GAME lilly so called white or pale folk play know that most everything that comes forth from their mouths as history has proven are lies, half truths, ignorace of other much older cultures, and the double talk of do as I request not as I do.

The best examples are words spoken by pale people about slavery. 32-43% of pale folks are just ignorant about the subject but pretend they know or pretend they are experts about it from STORIES told by grand parents ext. They will say over and over how THEY had nothing to do with it now, or how it's been so long that we should get over it. How funny from the number one group who DOES NOT FORGET NOR FORGIVE.... unless it does pertain to their group. Then they will attempt to pretend it did nt happen or rewrite history to clear their name's.
  They say we talk about slavery and that stirs up trouble, we talk about the injustice that pale folks continue to put out and our fighting it causes trouble, it's been around 150 years since slavery has ended lets forget about it and move on.....What about ITALY should they stop the bull fights, or stopped the killing of the Black bulls?To them it is there so they NEVER forget that the Black Moors ruled them for 750 years. Gee Italy get over it
  What of India, they complain of Europeans rule for 250 years....Gee India get over it. Ireland was ruled by the English, and today the Irish and Scottish both hate the English not all but most....gee Irish and Scots get over it, and that was white on white raping for hundreds of years. They tend to forget that they raped and killed each other so they can focus on the group of people who are the worlds majority that they must rule over as we once ruled, schooled and pooled them only we never raped them, took their language, history etc. In fact if not for blacks Moors there European culture would not exist...If I only had a time machine!
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