09/25/05 - Simply amazing. Its been about two years since I updated this site. I really dont have much to say, alot has happend in my life since my last visit. I am now 19 years old (17 last update har har) and really kickin it up in this..."life" thing that ive been hearin all about. Many of my friends have gone to college which pretty much takes up the entire Ken Eichberg Fan Club which really never existed in the first place. I highly doubt theres anyone who has even accidently found this place, since I discovered the index link was broken somehow thus making it impossible to find this place even by search engine. Oh well not that I care, im not here to promise constant updates but I am gonna go ahead and give the place a make-over for fun since I cant believe how childish it looks ;). That aside I hope you enjoy what you read here, and give me a break for the horrible spelling/grammer I really dont care anymore. Havea fantastic day as always everyone.

Link to us!
Mr. Shelby "X"
Magus Masaki
ICQ: 76934553 Nickname: Magus Masaki
ICQ: 93420307 Nickname: X
E-mail: I dont know Magus's mail heh...