Quiz 4

1. The most important factor in employees' organizational citizenship behavior is:
a. what the employee anticipates getting out of it.
b. their trust in their supervisors to be fair.
c. the employee's longevity with the organization.
d. the organizational climate.

2. Which one of the following actions is an example of whistle-blowing?
a. Reporting the company's misdeeds to the authorities.
b. Telling the local newspaper about the company's upcoming annual picnic.
c. Gossiping about a fellow employee has a drug-problem.
d. Fulfilling the role of referee at a sporting event.

3. Nancy becomes aware that her company is emitting toxic waste into a nearby stream. After finding that reporting it to her supervisor does no good, she reports the incident to the press. Nancy's behavior is an example of:
a. distributive justice.
b. whistle-blowing.
c. procedural justice.
d. anti-social behavior.

4. In relationship to personal orientations toward cooperation, people whose primary motive is doing better than others are described as:
a. altruistic.
b. individualistic.
c. cooperative.
d. competitive.

5. conflict can be broken down into two basic dimensions:
a. distribution and integration.
b. altruism and reciprocity.
c. individualism and collectivism
d. cooperation and competition.

6. conflict does sometimes yield positive benefits, such as:
a. increasing agreement within a group.
b. delaying decisions until all aspects can be considered.
c. encouraging the consideration of new ideas.
d. forcing the use of an arbitrator.

7. conflict within organizations usually has minimal negative effects and generally results in improved communication and coordination.
a. True
b. False

8. Power derived from one's control over valued resources, such as pay, is known as:
a. information power.
b. referent power.
c. reward power.
d. legitimate power.

9. Suppose a supervisor gets a subordinate to do what she wants by threatening him with suspension or firing. It can be said that the supervisor is relying on:
a. reward power.
b. expert power.
c. legitimate power.
d. coercive power.

10. Organizational politics is concerned with:
a. actions not officially sanctioned by the organization to meet one's own goals.
b. the meeting of departmental goals.
c. the disbursement of subunit power.
d. meeting organizational goals.

11. When workers at the same level agree in advance to support each other to increase their size and power in the organization, they are engaging in the political game of:
a. rival camps.
b. alliance.
c. sponsorship.
d. whistle blowing.

12. When it comes to organizational politics and the human resource function, it seems that:
a. organizational political activity is discouraged here except in dealings with upper management.
b. political activity is limited to the training and development function.
c. political activity is present in employee selection, appraisal, and compensation.
d. it is the least political of management functions because of the intense governmental regulation.

13. Which of the following best describes the findings of the Cialdini article?
a. Social proof was influential in both cultures
b. all of these
c. commitment/consistency was influential in both cultures
d. Participants' individualistic/collectivist orientation helps predict whether social proof or commitment/consistency will have a larger impact

14. The Cialdini article predicted that the effect of social proof would remain constant across cultures.
a. True
b. False


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