<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/wzdrylmaster2001/Whispers.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
The Wizard "Me"
It's not easy being a wizard in fact it can be hard work, The nature of  wizards are often lonly and full of mystery, Yes i am a human being but as many find out we are often more then we ever knew.....
Many think we don't exist and that we are much like witches or mage's
but we are not..  The powers, and being of a Wizard you will find tend to flows from another field altogether, truthfully a mage is a level/step before becoming                        "WIZARD"
About Me

5'7 green eyes/dark hair
athletic build...
About  the A.G.W
about becoming a member of my Private   Order of Wizard's
About magic(k)....
(the in's and out's) lol
click on the pentacle
Care to learn the lessons of the ages
'Study by Wizard light"
contact me if you wish...
just a bit of info, if you want
Magic(k) spans the Universe of ourselves and the Universe's yet to be seen but one thing is always so truthfully told, the circle or sygils to gain within this mystery most only prize in books and other's wordings, but it is engraved in ever heart wanting of the knowing you need to understand... This is the Beginning....
Fire of Being Witch
in truth there is to much to tell, but i will tell you this much, if your fully of the root  ( when the darkness comes ) you will have a inner light and when full of moonlight, you can reflect it where ever and when ever you desire..... and thats not even spells or powers....