yrd aegtessa

existence In Between

William Blake's 'Hecate, or the Three Fates'

Wyrd [weird]

n : Fate personified; one of the three Weird Sisters

adj. weird·er, weird·est
Of, relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural.
Suggesting the operation of supernatural influences
Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange.
Archaic . Of or relating to fate or the Fates.
often Weird Greek & Roman Mythology. One of the Fates.

etymology : Middle English werde, fate, having power to control fate , from Old English wyrd, fate


n : a hedge rider, one who sits on the hedge [divide]

etymology: Old Saxon haegtessa, witch

"The Saxon word for witch is haegtessa, which means "hedge-rider";
the hedge being the boundary between this world and the mysterious
Otherworld which lies beyond the parameters of 'ordinary' reality and consciousness."
- Nigel Jackson, Call of the Horned Piper


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