Prophetic Word - Kim Clement
Friday, February 28, 1997
Detroit Regional Meeting

Word of the Lord to Toledo, Ohio

"The word of the Lord came to me this afternoon about 5:30, and the Lord said to me that the heavens have been opened over Toledo, Ohio. That came to me this afternoon. All the people from Ohio, stand on your chairs please. You are warriors, no doubt. Yes! You have labored, and the heavens have opened up to you, says the Spirit of the Lord. The heavens have opened up to you and there is divine destiny in every one of you. You have connected with a spiritual force, a combustion that is about to come forth. A fire that is about to consume your enemies over the region of Toledo, Ohio. And Ohio shall be greatly blessed because the Lord says, the heavens have opened, and because they have opened, I am going to send down light, I'm going to send down fire, I'm going to send down my word, and they will say - they will refuse to say that Toledo has had no revival. God says, it has already started and now comes the breakthrough and now the enemies will be crushed under your feet by the power of your praise and your word says the Lord. Hallelujah!"

This Generation

". . . .You are going to become the greatest and most achieving generation. Your spiritual acts are going to be greater than the Book of Acts! The miracles that God is going to perform for you are going to be greater than any generation's ever done."

What God is About To Do (Prophetic preaching)

God is about to do some intriguing things. He will catch our attention no matter what. He caught the attention of Moses with a burning bush. And God began to show me something in 1993. He said, I am going to do incredible, intriguing things and they will be in the most inappropriate places. I endeavored to share it with my associates and they told me I was a fool . . . God will never move outside of His church. And I said, but I saw Him. And you'd better get ready for what I'm about to tell you.

Today God is going to reach the sinners by going into their world, catching their attention by revealing Himself through burning bushes in unspecified places. You say Kim, are you trying to tell me that God's glory may just fall in a place that is wicked and overcome by sin? A Christian group went over, maybe it was Russia, and when they went over to this country, they were to do a gospel concert but they could not get into the building. The church, the electricity broke down and they could not perform as a Christian group. But next to the church, just a few blocks down, was a pornographic store.

Thank God for radical Christians. They told the people in the pornographic store . . .there was a platform where they had strip dancers . . . .and they said if you give us just two hours, we'll pay for whatever would have come in in the two hours. They set up their equipment and began to sing and worship God. People came from all over. Pornographers that were there for other pleasure suddenly heard a sound they had never heard before. A revival broke through. Thousands started coming in. They didn't know what to do about it because their newsletter had to be written back to America that revival broke loose in a pornographic store!

Why should God work with us when we constantly define the boundaries of His operation and where He should perform? I'm going to challenge you tonight. Why should God work with us when we constantly define the operation and the boundaries of His operation and where He should perform His miracles? He will not work with you if you have bound Him to the four walls of your experience. Is God bound to show Himself only in the holy places of our personal experiences? No, He is not and He is going to show Himself in a big way, in a way that you never thought possible.

Must we travel to the Holy Land to feel Him or is He at liberty to appear on a basketball court in Arizona? Must we drag the Muslims into our unconvincing Christian debates or is He at liberty to appear in a boxing glove of Evander Holyfield in Las Vegas catching the attention of Allah, Allah, Allah?! I don't think you heard what I said! I said, must we drag the Muslims into our unconvincing Christian debates or is the Lord at liberty to appear in a boxing glove of Evander Holyfield in Las Vegas catching the attention of Allah, Allah, Allah! Allah, Allah, Allah?! How many of you know Allah is about to come down?

We are not fully persuaded that this revival or whatever you want to call it is going to only happen in the church. I've got news for you - it's about to break loose. God is not confined to us. He's going to bring us a sound and that sound is going to go with us into the highways, byways, backstreet alleys, mountains, valleys - wherever God wants us to go. I don't know about you, but God is about to show the Muslims that there's only one prophet and there's only one God and His name is Jesus.

Must we walk along the Via DelaRosa to see a vision of Christ or is He at liberty to appear to a violent gangster in a lonely street in Harlem? Must we travel to some holy cathedral to observe blood trickling from the hands of Mother Mary or is He at liberty to appear to a teenage girl in an abortion clinic bleeding from the inside out? Is He at liberty? Is He at liberty? He's at liberty to do it and I tell you tonight He's going to do it and He's going to do it in a big, big way and if you embrace it and if you say yes, He's going to do it through you! Hallelujah! Are you ready? Shout unto the Lord! Hallelujah!

Is He at liberty? Is He at liberty to go to the atheists? Is He at liberty to invade the Taj Mahal? Is He at liberty to go to any holy ground of the Islamic people and present Himself and say I am He who has the key. I am He who has the key. God has liberty to go wherever He likes. The church has bound Him. They've said, God you're only allowed to move within the context of our own experience, but God says, I'm going to go into the places and if you allow me to go there and do some intriguing event, I'm going to go to your loved ones. I'm going to go to your loved ones and I'm going to absolutely defy the principalities that have tried to overcome them and blind their minds and I'm going to give light to them and I'm going to raise them up! Are you ready for your loved ones to be raised up in the kingdom of God? Then allow Him to go where they are. They're not going to come where we are! Let's send Him to them now! Hallelujah! Praise Him!

Does He have the liberty to do it? Does He have the liberty to do it! There's a breakthrough that's taking place in a pornographic store in Lithuania and you know what's happening? God's raising up miracles in that very place. There are no more pornographic pictures. The striptease dancers have gone somewhere else. That doesn't matter. But God has invaded an area that they never dreamed would be invaded. You know what God said to me? I'm going to go to the places you never dreamed I'm going to go to. I'm going to take over where you never dreamed I'm going to take over. You think that they've got no entry to me, but actually, I say I have entrance to every area. You know what's going to happen? There's going to be a fulfillment of a prophecy that the kingdoms of this world are going to become the kingdom of our God and our Christ for He reigns forever and ever and ever and ever! Give Him praise! Hallelujah! Rejoice! There's liberty in this house!

Does He have the liberty to do it in America? Does He have the liberty to go to the White House and do something intriguing? Can He do it? Well, you say, that's not a holy place. Neither was that place that Moses stood on and God said take off your shoes for the ground that you stand on is holy ground. Moses looked around and said, what are you talking about? This is a dirty piece of soil - I've been here daily. God said, this is holy ground because my fire is burning here. God says, my fire is burning, consuming the cities of America. And that which they called unholy is becoming holy ground. The political arenas are becoming holy ground. The very arenas that have been called unholy are becoming holy. You know why? Because there's a fire shut up in your bones. There's a fire shut up in your bones. And when you open up your mouth, the fire that's in your bones is released and the prophetic word consumes the enemies of God. Come on, give the Lord praise.

"The Spirit of the Lord says, you are going to go. You are going to go back to the places where you came from. I'm going to send you with a sword in your hand. But beware, there is a prowler. And there is a thief that is waiting for you and he wants to steal away from you that which I have given to you in this generation. Do you not remember that the thief cometh not but for to steal, to kill and to destroy and I came that you might have life. And the life that I gave you is the life that he does not have. The sword that I give you is a sword that he does not have. There is influence I am giving you. There is a power that I'm granting unto you."