An unusual or unexpected sight;
a ghostly figure.

Some humans that "go over" into the
are those who are no longer physically alive, but have become "stuck" for one reason or another.
Often they are confused about, or unaware, of their death.
Many attempt to maintain contact with the physical world through familiar people or places.
These are the ones we call "ghosts." Inhabitants are stuck because they are unable to leave through their own resources.
The range of their free-will choices is extremely narrow.
They are typically alone and completely isolated from communication with other humans.
This can occur through the circumstances of their death or habitual patterns of thinking prior to death.
DOPPLEGÄNGER (dop-pel-gang-er)

When they meet...

From the German meaning 'double walker',
a "ghostly double" or "counterpart" of a living person. The belief that each person has an identical "twin" somewhere, though not related, is a very ancient one.
Sometimes the Doppelgänger is completely opposite of the real person;
thus, nice person, evil Doppelgänger and vice-versa.
Legend says that if the two should meet, they will both die.
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A ghost is the alleged spirit of a dead person.
Ghosts are often depicted as haunting places, especially houses where murders have occurred.
Why a murder victim would stick around for eternity to haunt a place,
while others seem to evaporate is one of the great mysteries
of existence better left to ponder. Most philosophers consider the concept of ghosts
to be on the same level with that of faeries.
They are just like us except not in the physical form. They can be friendly, hateful
sweet, decietful. You have nothing to fear from a ghost except fear its self.
Hollywood has led us to believe all ghosts should be feared.
They can do us no harm.
Poltergeist Activity:
A malevolent, mischievous spirit or form of energy which manifests
with characteristics such as strange noises,
moving or disappearing objects, and abnormal odors.
The word poltergeist is a German word,
literally translated means, "Noisy Spirit."
Poltergeists usually begin and end abruptly. The typical incident can last for several hours or several years.
The differences between poltergeist activity and a haunting can be very hard to distinguish.
In the early stages of a poltergeist it may be impossible.
Haunts are poltergeists do share basic aspects, (apparitions, strange noises, odors, moving or disappearing objects, etc.)
There are some points that make them very different:
  • Haunting: Involves the ghosts of deceased human beings appearing frequently in certain places and times.
  • Poltergeist: May not be ghosts at all. There are theories are that poltergeists are mass forms of PK energy that a living person is unknowingly controlling. In some cases extreme poltergeists activity has been linked to demons.
  • Haunting: The appearances of spirits in areas known to the deceased before death.
  • Poltergeist: Can be triggered by a living person's trauma in any location, at any time.
  • Haunting:Activities are continuous over time, concentrated in the same general area.
  • Poltergeist: Activities build up over time to a climax and then start over. Poltergeist energies can travel anywhere with anyone.
  • Haunting: Not violent by nature.
  • Poltergeist: Nearing the climax of the energy cycle poltergeists can become dangerous, inflicting both mental and physical terror in extreme cases.
If you feel that you are encountering poltergeist activity don't wait to look for help.
Find a priest or local paranormal research group in your area.
Some poltergeist cases can be exorcised before they have the chance of becoming dangerous.
If you think that the poltergeist is linked to an object in you possession get rid of that object right away.
Don't try to move or run away from a poltergeist. It's a waste of time.
If the poltergeist is linked to a person or object it will follow right along with you.
The best thing to do is seek out professional help as soon as you can.
It shouldn't cost you a penny to do so.
If you find someone that wants to charge you a fee, look for someone else.

  • Ghosts can smell things
  • Ghosts love the smell of lemons
  • They are cold in temperature
  • They have a huge sense of humor
  • They love it when humans laugh
  • Ghosts are referred to as discarnates (We are incarnates)
  • They get bored where they are
  • Most are happy, but others may still feel a clinging emotional pain
  • They can appear to the living in dreams
  • They can leave behind certain scents that they were closely associated with
  • Ghosts cannot cross water
  • They can make sounds that are audible
  • They use their energies & ours to move things (our hands on a planchette)
  • They are pranksters (loving to get a row out of us)
  • They usually appear as orbs (balls of intense light)
  • The orbs are usually neon blue or violet in color
  • Ghosts favor night due to the decrease in daytime energy use
  • Ghosts may appear as mists or vapors
  • A hooded black smoky figure is a dark entity! WATCH OUT! They usually appear at the foot of beds.
  • Some alleged hauntings are actually what they refer to as residue (A past event that replays itself over & over)
  • People may find portals or vortexes in places. Here is how ghosts transport themselves. Usually cold
  • Hauntings are most intense around children entering puberty. The kids are emitting immense amounts of energy.
  • Ghosts can read your thoughts
  • Ghosts retain all the memories & emotions of their lives
  • Sometimes ghosts get trapped & need to be released. Let them know they can move on
  • Noisy, troublesome ghosts are known as poltergeists
  • Animal ghosts exist & have been sighted
  • Some believe alien spirits can be contacted on the board, ever try this?
  • Ghosts who lived hundreds of years ago keep up with the trends
  • Children perceive ghosts as imaginary friends
  • Ghosts tend to be very temperamental
  • Ghosts hang out in cliques (many pals or loved ones)
  • Ghosts make friends with other ghosts from different eras
  • Strange whisper in the ear wake you out of a sleep? It's a ghost


Banshees are spirits found in Celtic lore which appear to people as an omen
of impending death or often are only heard wailing loudly after someone has died.
Several reports say Ghost Dogs appeared in the form of an ordinary dog.
The term ‘Black dog’ is used to refer to apparitions of creatures which typically resemble black dogs though it is also often used as a generic term for canine apparitions of other colours and types. The term does not usually include apparitions of pets however. (Brown, 1978; Miller, 1984)

Imagine the scene, you are walking back to your house across the way, the moon is hidden from view by clouds as you trudge on to your destination. You climb over a fence into a field and as you turn around to continue on your way, you scream as a huge black dog with glowing red eyes comes bounding towards you out of the gloom. Stories such as this are suprisingly common and some of them notably ancient, enough to merit sitings of such creatures being in a class of their own in the ghost world. Ghostly Black Dogs have been seen throughout Britain with few counties being left unaffected, though the form and identity of the beast may differ. Apparitions of this sort may be distinguished from normal flesh and blood black dogs by features such as large or glowing eyes, sometimes only one, their ability to disappear or appear out of thin air or into and out of the ground, no head, two heads or the ability to change their size or appearance. The Demon association is sometimes emphasised by the title Devil Dog. In the south. This name for the hounds is widely used, but the origin also seems linked to the term Witch Hounds which is also common. Whether there is any connection between the two, one coming from the other is unknown. The names may just be referring to the fact that these dogs are often seen in wild country places.

Black Dog Folklore
In many places the dogs are seen as omens of death, to see one means either a vision of your own death or the death of a family member. In a case in 16th century Peterborough, a Black Dog entered two churches a few miles apart and killed several members of the congregation by burning and wringing of necks! Near Peterborough in the Neolithic/Bronze-Age site of Flag-Fen were found the bodies of dogs that had been ritually killed and dogs were found in a well attached to a Romano-Celtic temple site at Muntham Court near Findon, West Sussex, buried at the bottom of an 80 foot deep well. One of the supernatural associations the Dog had in Roman-Celtic mythology was with the underworld, in the case of Muntham Court this was made more pronounced by their burial in a ritual pit, which had underworld associations in itself. In ancient European folklore, the dog is seen as both the guardian and consumer of dead spirits, especially with the Wild Hunt where a pack of dogs with a master of the hunt flies through the sky looking for lost souls. Such a hunt has been witnessed at Ditchling Beacon. Various ancient gods associated with the underworld, hunting, birth and death are also associated with Dogs. Despite a generally bad press, many dogs are seen as helpful, leading lost travellers or protecting them from harm. The protection motif is sometimes also present when Black Dogs are beleived to guard treasure.

Check this link out.
Good read!

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