Saturday, December 11th 2004--
    I'M BAAAAAAAACK!I have not been on my site, let alone update it for 6 months or so, but that's going to change. I will most likely make covers for monthly WWE events, but there may be one or so i might leave out. Also, there won't be as many superstar/ special covers made,although there will be some.
   I've added a cover only i've seen. Bad Blood 2004. I like the back, fronts not bad. You be the judge.
   My Armageddon cover is coming along very nicely. If you are a member of WCF forum, then you can check out the Armageddon previews topic to check outmine.
   I am about half done it, even though i am not getting the event, and it is tomorrow, lol. But expect it to be up sometime this week.
Armageddon 2004:
50% Completed