This den is part of the CDD.
The dragon lands, and you tumble off. You thank the huge creature, and it flys off. Then you walk to the small cottage in the middle of the valley, noticing all the waterfalls drizzling from the sides of the valley. You trot down to the cottage, and open the door.
A girl sits writing at a desk, wearing a blue dress with cloud patterns (like the background) on it, with huge sleeves. She looks up.
Hello, I am katavah. I am a member of the CDD. If you didn't already know why this is called Waterfall Valley, look outside. Well, I'll leave you to look around, just call me if you need me. Katavah's around here somewhere, she''ll help you if you need it. Katavah looked back down at her papers, and hands you a book. Sign it, it's my guest register. Then go ahead and adopt! I am still not completly sure about all of the CDD stuff, so excuse me if I do something wrong. She points to her right, and you follow her finger to a hallway. The hallway is lined with doors (of course). You try the first one, labled Records. It wouln't open, so you try the next one, labled Katavah's room. It is locked. Jesse's voice comes from the main room. The others are unlocked, or they should be anyways. Records are for me to keep track of the CDD and adoptions, and the room with my name, well, that's where I sleep. So you go to the other doors.
Waterfall Valley
Adoption center

My dragons
*This is Katavah's little dragon, Email. He is not registered, he is a messenger. Whereever you see him, you can click on him and email me, katavah. (*