"Eating alone will not keep a man well; he must also take exercise."
                                                              Hippocrates, c.400BC

Pretty sharp, huh?  Yep, even Hippocrates knew what was up way back then. 

FIT ON SITE - Quick, convenient fitness delivered to you!  Learn moves you can take anywhere with minimal or no props.  This combination yoga and cardio-strength workout gets you in shape and alleviates stress so you're always FIT TO GO. 

Work up a sweat to work off stress!

Well, first of all, you must make fitness a priority.  Not just a thing you know you should do, but something that you fit into your schedule and work around when a potential conflict arises.  Fitness needs to be a priority like eating is.  We can tailor your workout to fit into your time schedule on site at your office or home. 

Many professionals have justified exercise partly on the basis of stress reduction.  Although the claims have often exceeded the evidence, there is a basis for the relationship between stress reduction and exercise.
Studies have demonstrated...
                                  Exercise physiologists have declared...  
                                                    Doctors have asserted....    

Yeah, whatever.  It doesn't matter what they say, really, does it?  Look around you have friends or acquaintances that work out regularly?  How are their stress levels?  Do they seem to have an easier time relaxing?  How are their general dispositions?  Pretty good, huh? Almost nauseatingly good?  

Have you worked out regularly in the recent or distant past?  How did YOU feel? 

The fact is, you can work off your tensions, and lower your risk of many health problems including anxiety, atherosclerosis, back pain, cancer, chronic lung disease, coronary heart disease, depression, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, and stroke.  And positive health is much more than simply being free from illness, there is an added quality to being well.  Total fitness is defined as optimal quality of life, including social, mental, spiritual and physical components. 

Physical activity is essential to both optimal physical AND mental health and I can guide you through a physical activiy program appropriate for you on your time.        

Write or call for a free initial consultation!    
                                     Tel:  917-596-5707
Wendy S Rosen 
Fitness Guide
                 The more you use...
                                the more you have.

Use more to have more.
      Write or call for a free initial consultation!    
                          Tel:  917-596-5707