A Very Incomplete Annotated Links page

The convention of many KAP Websites I've seen, like an epic poet first invoking his muse, is to first reference the website of Charles C. Benton, a professor of Architecture at the University of California - Berkley and longtime and highly skilled KAP practitioner. Not only does Benton know whereof he speaks, it's a very well designed website. Easy on the eyes, easy on the head. Much as I enjoy flouting convention, this is one I'll honor.       Benton

There are two sites which attempt to encompass and organize all the net wisdom of KAP. Actually, there are more than two, but these are two I'll mention and link. Each also has its own extensive links page(s). KAP Electronic Resources (KAPER)         Digital Encyclopedia of KAP

My local Kite shop. Everybody should be so lucky as to have a good kite shop nearby. The Internet is a wonderful thing, enabling kiters around the world access to wisdom and materials and a closer relationship with their local UPS delivery driver, but there's no substitute for the friendly and knowledgeable staff of an honest-to-god Brick and Mortar Kite Store. Just a few miles down the road. Life is good.      Blowing In The Wind

It's also nice to have a good community darkroom nearby. Possibly the best use I've seen for a rehabilitated WWII surplus Quonset Hut. A true community resource.      Tabula Rasa

I've found two other KAP sites particularly helpful. Harald Prinzler's also has one of the best links pages I've seen. Rather than try to duplicate it, I'll just link to it:Harald Prinzler's Weblinks      John Maxworthy's site hasn't been updated lately and is light on KAP Gallery, but has been particularly helpful in the kitebuilding aspect of KAP.     Maxworthy

Nice to know whether there will be weather. These guys are even occasionally accurate.      WindCast