What is as beautiful as a rose just opening up with drops of dew on it?

What is as beautiful as a new baby not very old but with a smile on its precious face?

What is as beautiful as two loving people holding hands and looking up at each other, with all the love they can muster?

What is as beautiful as the face of a person who was just told their loved one, who is very sick, will live?

We have and we see many things that are beautiful:

The sunsets that you take pictures of belong in that category.

They are awesome and sharing them with so many people make them "SMILE."

No matter what we encounter in our lives there is always "beauty" to find, if you just look for it.

Read a poem written by Francine Pucillo for Betty Ellen's husband, Bob. The link to his memorial page is HERE.

~ Betty Ellen (Rrose188@aol.com)~

© Photograph by Marilyn (LaraOct7@aol.com)

The Writers' Corner Index


May 27, 2003