The reasons people choose to live frugal lifestyles are as varied as they are. The definition of "frugal" has, however, evolved from its negative connotation into a valued commodity. Frugality, like many women breaking through role barriers, has also "come a long way, baby!" Where we once looked at someone with frugal habits as being miserly or meager, we now hold them up as a model of clever, savvy thinking and action.

Just as the meaning of frugality has changed, so have the reasons why so many seek out its advantages. The big "Y2K" scare seems to have gotten people considering their lifestyles more seriously. A huge segment of American society has had a light bulb go off in their heads as they consider their dependence upon and independence from consumer-driven living. With things on the financial, economic, governmental, global, and societal scenes emerging to form new patterns in this bold new millennium, many are rising from their bear dens of hibernation to think about "what if" scenarios. With this thinking comes the desire to be prepared, to be able to take care of family, to adjust and make do should life's circumstances suddenly take a frightening new turn.

Those who embrace a frugal lifestyle want to take conscious control over their resources and quality of life. In order to do so effectively, the bulk of our income and abilities must be weighed and put to their best use. An easy place to start in assessment is to take a good look around our homes. Are we barricaded in by, and/or do we even rent storage space for, our possessions? The objects by which we are surrounded define our priorities in life very clearly. Are all these "things" necessary? Most of us, if honest, would have to say, "No!"

Indicators seem to show that the pendulum is swinging back to offset the decades of gross consumerism we have indulged in. The pot of gold under the materialistic rainbow has been less than satisfying to the ego and the soul. Something major has been lost in the race we've been running in order to get more, more, more! This being so, frugal living may be the cure. If the balm of frugal, thrifty living is healing souls, it is also noticed that as we pare down our lifestyles, we have more time to devote to stewardship to our fellow humans, our families, our communities, our country, our planet. With clutter and waste cut from our lives, our gifts of time, tithe, and talent flow more freely to others.

Another reason why frugal living is gaining popularity is that many are uncomfortable with current financial status in the stock market, and believe that a correction, or large down turn is long overdue. Fuel prices soar, there is unrest in many foreign lands, political uncertainty in this election year, and things are generally in flux around the globe. Taking control of our families' assets only makes sense as we strive for stability and security, come what may.

Many are also more aware and concerned with taking care of our Mother Earth and the environment we depend upon for our existence. Frugality brings into our consciousness a need for recycling, conservation of precious natural resources, and curbing the pollution and toxic wastes being spewed in the name of rampant consumerism. When we realize that our "wants" and "needs" as a nation form a huge chasm, it makes sense to want to do our part in cleaning up this disparity.

Frugal living offers so many benefits to us, that once embraced, it is hard to understand how we ever lived any other way. Living by the principles of this less-than-luxurious standard, many have found that it is possible to exist as a one income family; and not only to exist, but to exceed!

If you, or someone you know, still aren't convinced of the merits of frugal living, spend an hour or two doing some research on the subject. Check out some of the websites below. You may be surprised at the proud, bold, new definition of the word "frugal."














Angie Ledbetter