There will be no Wings/Enrichment classes during the winter and spring grading periods of the 2008 - 2009 school year due to increased numbers of newly identified gifted students.

Talented Advanced Learning Program (Wings) is offered to higher level students at Brumby Elementary School that have at least one qualifying gifted eligibility score. It is an attempt to offer a differentation of curriculum to these students that have expertise in the areas of verbal, quantitative, non-verbal or creative skills.

Students in grades one through five come to Mrs. Wright's classroom at their scheduled times. They participate in activities involving Junior Great Books, literature circles, problem solving, critical thinking, abstract thinking, logic, research, technology, and focused units of study.

Each week students should bring a folder and a pencil. Parents are asked to review their work on Wings days. Newsletter and progress notes will be sent home requesting a parent signature. Students are encourgaed to continue practice of material introduced, if applicable.


Pocket folder(s)
Colored pencils
Tissues or wet wipes
Zipper-type plastic bags


Talented A.L.P. (Wings) students should act responsibly understanding that we need to be focused on our academic achievement and the completion of the planned activities. Students should be mindful of the Talented A.L.P. schedule and arrive promptly so the learning can be maximized. Respectful behavior and a desire to learn and help others learn are expectations for students.