Real Name: Dwayne Johnson
Also Known As: Flex Kavana, Rocky Maivia
Date of Birth: May 2, 1972
From: Miami, Florida
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 275 pounds
Finishing Move: The Rock Bottom, The Peoples Elbow
Famous Quote: "IF YOU SMELLLLLLL, what THE ROCK, is cookin'." "Just Bring It"

The Rock is one of the most gifted athletes in all of pro wrestling. A graduate of the University of Miami (where he won a football national championship in 1991), he is a third-generation wrestler, the grandson of the late "High Chief" Peter Maivia, and the son of former WWF tag team champion Rocky Johnson. Following graduation, The Rock signed with the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League, but decided that pro wrestling was his calling, and so he signed with the World Wrestling Federation in 1996.

The Rock began his wrestling career in the now-defunct United States Wrestling Association (where WWF wrestlers were sent for seasoning) under the moniker of Flex Kavana. He then debuted with the WWF at the 1996 Survivor Series event in Madison Square Garden. Billed as a "blue chipper", Rocky Maivia soon won his first title, the Intercontinental championship. Despite his unlimited potential, Rocky's babyface character just didn't seem to work with the fans. In 1997 he was shelved from action due to a knee injury, and would undergo a transformation during his absence. He returned with a new no-nonsense attitude, called himself The Rock, and became the leader of a heel stable known as The Nation, which included such stars as D-Lo Brown, Mark Henry, Kama Mustafa and the late Owen Hart.

Following the disbanding of The Nation, The Rock became one of the top singles stars in the WWF, or as he puts is, "the most electrifying man in sports entertainment". He displayed incredible talent on the microphone to compliment his in-ring skill, developing a host of catchphrases including "roody poo candy a$$" and "on the corner of Know Your Role Blvd. and Jabroni Drive". The Rock also became the youngest WWF champion ever, winning the title for the first time at the 1998 Survivor Series, defeating rival Mankind in the finals of a tournament.

Although he initially won the WWF title as a heel (he was dubbed Vince McMahon's "Corporate Champion"), the crowd couldn't help but cheer for him because of his looks, his wrestling ability and his catchphrases. The Rock utilized his status as the heelish WWF champion to headline Wrestlemania 15, one of the most successful pay-per-views of all time, against the most successful wrestler of all time, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Although The Rock would lose the match (and the title), he would eventually benefit from the loss. McMahon's Corporation severed ties with the Rock after the loss, and he went on to even greater stardom as a result, becoming one of, if not *the* greatest face wrestler in the WWF.

Today, The Rock is arguably the most popular wrestling star in the world. He has appeared on various mainstream talk shows including "The View", "The Martin Short Show" and others. A biography was also released based on the career of The Rock. He is able to grab the attention of the crowd unlike any wrestler in the history of the industry, as he can make capacity crowds chant "Rocky" just as Pavlov got his dogs to salivate by ringing a bell. He is "The People's Champion", and whenever he's on the scene, you're best to "know your role, and shut your mouth".

Major Titles Won:

WWF World Championship (5)
WWF Intercontinental Championship (2)
WWF Tag Team Championship (3)

Other Credits:

Featured in the WWF's ad campaign with Chef Boyardee
Portrayed fighting warrior on episode of "Star Trek Voyager" (2000)
Featured in "The Mummy Returns" (aka The Mummy 2) (2000)