Real Name: Pete Gruner
Also Known As: Billy Kidman, Kid Flash
Date of Birth: May 11, 1974
From: Allentown, Pennsylvania
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195
Finishing Move: Shooting Star Press
Famous Quote: ...

Billy Kidman is the only man in WCW who can execute the dreaded Shooting Star Press. He also has a reputation for being incredibly popular with female fans.

Both of these attributes get him in plenty of trouble.

The guy who has acquired the managerial services (and the heart) of Torrie Wilson, Kidman has learned to love being in the throes of danger and peril. The former Tag Team and Cruiserweight Champion has already survived the pitfalls of the independent wrestling scene, the brainwashing of Raven's Flock and a Hair vs. Mask match against Mexican legend Psychosis (trust me, ladies – a bald Kidman couldn't pay for a date...).

As far as the indy wrestling goes, Kidman experienced his share of titles there, just as he has in WCW. As Kid Flash, he won tag team gold in both the ECWA and CWA promotions (alongside Ace Darling) and also captured the TWWF Cruiserweight title.

One might attribute Kidman's durability to his youth, but fans of the sport know that the Pennsylvania native might be the best all-around athlete in professional wrestling. Very few competitors have managed to combine Luchador aerials and classic mat wrestling so flawlessly. No one can claim to have greater cardiovascular conditioning or a higher threshold of pain.

Kidman represents the future of WCW... and the future is happening right now.

Major Titles Won:

WCW World Cruiserweight Champion (2)
WCW Tag Team Championship (2)