Real Name: Matt Hardy
Also Known As: Surge
Date of Birth: September 23, 1974
From: Cameron, North Carolina
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 220 pounds
Finishing Move: Twist of Fate
Famous Quote: ...

Real Name: Jeff Hardy
Also Known As: Wolverine, Willow the Whisp
Date of Birth: August 31, 1977
From: Cameron, North Carolina
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 212 pounds
Finishing Move: Senton Bomb
Famous Quote: ...

This young brother combo is one of the most exciting teams in the WWF, while still only in their early 20s. They grew up in North Carolina and became known on the independent wrestling circuit, and they also made wrestling attire for themselves and other wrestlers to help support themselves while they trained in the ring. Finally, the two were invited to the WWF's training camp, worked various WWF events, and were offered a full-time contract in 1998, which they accepted.

For a while, the Hardy Boyz' WWF stint was relatively mediocre. Their colourful attire didn't work with the fans, and they were unable to compete against the larger competition in the promotion. Therefore, they found themselves on the short end of the stick in most matches. But then, they took on Michael "Dok Hendrix" Hayes as their manager. Hayes got the two to change their look and adopt a more aggressive style, and it paid off as they won the WWF tag team titles. However, Hayes became a nuisance to the team as he tried too hard to control them, and so shortly after losing the belts, the brothers decided to leave Hayes and join Gangrel as the New Brood.

Under the tutelage of Gangrel, the Hardys were again a success and developed a feud with former Brood members Edge and Christian. The Hardy Boyz became favourites to watch on WWF television, regularly displaying an arsenal of aerial moves that left the crowd breathless. Jeff Hardy's senton bomb in particular was incredible to watch. Then in mid-1999, Terri Runnels announced that she was holding her own invitational tournament to exclusively include the Hardys and Edge and Christian. The tournament would be a best-of-seven match tourney, with the winner earning $100,000 and Terri's managerial services. The two teams went on to have one of the greatest series of matches in WWF history, with the last match being a definite Match of the Year candidate; a tag team ladder match at the No Mercy PPV. The Hardys won that match, the money, and Terri's services, so they left Gangrel for her.

Today, the Hardy Boyz are one of the most popular tag teams in the WWF, and one of the top teams in the tag division. They have established themselves as a force to be reckoned with despite their lack of size, and each appearance by the team guarantees crowd-pleasing action.

Major Titles Won:

WWF Tag Team Championship
WWF Hardcore Championship (Matt)