1. Orginal Wrestlers only, no Rocks or HHHs, and no e-wrestlers based on any real life wrestlers or any names similar like Hulk Logan.

2. The Roleplay Limit is four, this is so that no one gets drain from doing six rps a week, but if anyone goes over the limit, the best four count. This Rule maybe suspended for certain events, and/or matches.

3. I allow everything to be written in role-plays if it's legal, no smut... By the way, remember that all acts done by wrestlers in their rps are only meant to be in character, I'm sure the handlers aren't really racist, preverts, or whatever else they have their character do.

4. Don't bitch... this is a key rule, if you bitch you just digging yourself a deeper hole. If you felt like you deserved to win, it's your own oponion not the ones who decide the matches. This is just game anyways, stress is not worth it, and there almost always have to be a winner or a loser. Another thing if you lose, it just a sign you should try to improve your rping skills.

5. Don't attack or use the other handlers' character without permission, which is pretty logical.

6. Unless mentioned on the OOC board or obtained permission, do not, I repeat DO NOT! use the actual handler in your roleplays. We do not want to cross fantasy wrestling into real life. Doing that just pissed off people.

7. In your roleplays if you have gained permission from the handler to be attacked in your roleplay to broaden the storyline then do not break character while using him. There is nothing more horrible than seeing a character who has spent so long working on his gimmick to be shattered by one's stupidity.

More Rules To Come