Wyndham rebel Archers are a small club that has its grounds at Laurie Emmins Reserve (formely Laverton Lakes reserve) and holds meetings on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Sundays of each Month, usually the gate is open at about 9 am and we start shooting at 1030 normally.
We have sufficient room for two 20 target field courses and still have sufficient space to branch out to other forms at a later stage of our growth as  club.

club member with what you would not call a scoring shot

We are affilliated with Australian Bowhunters Association (ABA) and all members of our club must hold or obtain ABA membership.
We do have a group of members that are into hunting and we try to hold regular hunting trips.
If you would like to join or band of friendly people then click on the arrow head and get yourself a membership form and either bring it along with you or post it to the address on the top and then come along and join us.
click on this arrow head to go to the membership form

Or if you want to get more information quickly you can email:
or Email;"Grant Jones at"scoutgw@bigfoot.com