• 'Lurve-Brew' is in the air... 
  • Sinister kidnappings from farmland territories 
  • Comet seen in sky of eternal night... omen?

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  • Jacuzzi To Be Taken Offline?
  • Renish Tremas - Arhcitect of the 'Idyll' speaks to NotS

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May 2003


Love is a condition known as temporary insanity and this is very true of the latest incarnation of the higher state of being at TOSA.

In a bizarre twist of events, in an attempt to revive the High Priest using Cerberus' undoubted talents with brews from around the world, the potent new Lurve Brew never before tested on a human has worked it's magic.

So successful is Sticx' new liquid aphrodisiac that the Mad Buddha himself has fallen under it's spell. Yes we at NotS have to report that the Shrinemaster is in love!

Potent Passions:
Stirred or Shaken?

Graceful Shadow of
Dark Desires...

Cerberus, keen to help fellow TOSAn Hidden Erotic Talents to revive the High Priest from a nasty episode first poured the banned drink known as the Drink of the Devil down his throat. Then to counteract it's powerful qualities and to avoid brain damage to the High Priest so that he really would be the mad buddha, Sticx administered the Lurve Brew.

It is true that the Shrinemaster made a full recovery from his afflictions, but in so doing he became an affliction to one of his flock... the Lurve Brew made the High Priest fall in love with the very first person he set eyes on... and that was HET.

For the past few days, we have followed the Shrinemaster around the temple keeping a close eye on his activities following the beginning of this unfortunate episode. So far, he as been seen lovingly polishing the statue of HET in the temple gardens at very odd hours of the day, and is sometimes found skulking around the Graceful ones dormitory in the midnight hours.

We were not able to acquire a quote from the love interest that is HET at the time of going to press, but we can report that he has added extra locks to his temple dormitory door and has even attempted wearing masks and disguises when he ventures about the temple in a bid to elude the besotted Shrinemaster. Cerberus is reported to be working on an antidote to the lascivious liquour that is the Lurve Brew. In the meantime, it should provide amusement abounded for those who like to sit back and do a spot of people-watching... we will be watching with interest. Good luck HET!

Story by Simon Clops



A report issued to the NotS press by the Sutra High Council has revealed a series of alarming abductions occurring in farmland belonging to the family known as Fitchin.

The Fitchin family have farmed the land east of the Obsidia Falls and south of Faerie Hill for 12 generations. They have never moved off the island even when the temples were built and 'strange' folk began to arrive to worship in them.

The Fitchin family indeed supply the temple with much of the food that it needs to provide for it's inhabitants.

We interviewed Mighty Mucho Man, a former TOSAn priest who now works as the Official Temple Chef but rarely has time to leave his kitchens any more.

Victim of the abductions
former TOSAn
'Barshir Valentine'

The black-tendrilled demon
that wove its ancient magic
and caused eternal night to fall
on the World of Shrine.

"The Fitchin family are a good lot, they deliver my orders for food every month bringing it up in several cartloads.

Their eldest daughter was due to be married to Barshir Valentine who left the temple to set up home on their territory, but sadly the girl has been abducted.

The Fitchin family tell me that strange folk have been seen north of the Edge, and that it's rumoured they know a secret way to cross the River Taliesin."

If it is true that these abductions are being carried out by an as yet unknown group, then for what purpose? And what of the rumours of a way to penetrate the barrier? All these are questions that need answering.

As we reported on NotS last month, scientists are working on a way to break the seemingly impenetrable field of magical energy that exists along the length of the River Taliesin and up through the Adarasta Mountain Range, beyond the Molgin Marshes as far as the Greenslip Way. As yet no success has been had, but daily attempts at breaking through are still being carried out.

A recent attempt to traverse the barrier by flying over it failed when it was discovered that the barrier extends out beyond the Earths Magnetic Field as far as the sun. It is the current belief that the sky is black because the field is drawing on solar power in some manner, thus giving the people who live in it's proximity a virtual 'eternal night'.

Story by Delicious Fuschia



Scientists working at the Temple of Sensual Awareness in the Interstellar Observatory on the top floors have noted that a new comet has appeared in the night sky.

This new comet which they have dubbed Comet Centaur AU was observed recently in the constellation of Scorpius passing by the 'Sting'.

Immediately top level priests at the temple are believed to have held a secret meeting to discuss it's relevance to Sutra prophecy.

Comet Centaur AU observed
recently in the constellation
of Scorpius passing by the
'Sting' and thought to be
an omen of Sutra prophecy
about to come to fruition.

The constellation of Scorpius
Click image to enlarge

A source that we cannot reveal told NotS that it was no coincidence that the arrival of the Comet also saw a huge increase in new arrivals at the temple in recent weeks. Was this an indication that Sutra prophecy was coming true?

We attempted to discover what the prophecy was that the comet was being linked to, and searching through the NotS database for the past year, we found a disturbing reference made at a time when Father Inwego Jones was the High Priest at TOPS.

As you know, TOPS [Temple Of Passionate Seduction] was vacated by Inwego Jones and has since been maintained by the High Council as a venue for tourism. However, we managed to track down Jones who had been given a 'missionary position' by the Council in the Bahamas. We asked him why the comet was significant at this moment in time.

"All I can say is that a prophecy was made while I was High Priest at the Temple Of Passionate Seduction referring to a centaur. I don't believe the centaur was ever found though I do know that Hidden Erotic Talents, a priest at TOSA, tried to locate it. I think he failed. The arrival of the centaur was supposed to bring forth some terrible event that would affect everything to do with the holy Sutra faith. Now I am worried because of the discovery of this celestial omen. I have been recalled to the High Council immediately and I am sure that the leaders of the other temples will have been also."

We managed to obtain a copy of the prophecy that was made at the time that Jones was at TOPS. We print it here for you to digest:

When birds do cry out no more their bitter sweet symphonies of melancholy,
and the tides no longer lap upon the shores of antiquity,

then shall come the day of despair.

When the wind refuses to blow gently across the great grass plains of the South,
and the sun is swallowed up by clouds of menacing brow and fury,

then shall come the moment we fear.

When the centaur rides the land free,
With unabashed false prophecy,
Tempting all those to his way,
Then our living hope will sway.

When the beauty turns to night,
And the trees scream dread delight,
Tempting all those to her way,
Then our very own will pay.

The time shall come when all things changed shall change again,
and relentless waves and thunderous winds shall rape and pillage our imaginations,
but like all things, even these will fade.

When birds do sing quite beauteous simple melodies,
and the cerulean skies meet the shore in harmony,

then will we see a new hope and destiny,
for the time shall come.

Story by Bob the Beneficent


(c)2003 NotS Publications [A part of WoS Productions]