The honour to the people, who made possible for us to open this site, lies here.

First of all, for the one who made the layout picture: unelma. Well, Lunaris paid for her for that picture, but it's still lovely.

homepage: Monophobia

Next, the greatest thanks to medicy, who made the whole layout and helped Lunaris greate the site further. This whole thing would have been impossible without you.

homepage: (Finnish)

And now all the supporting writers of the site Wonderwolf, the previous second webmistress of the site, who also helped Lunaris to write "How Could The End Be Happy". Great thanks for your help.


{totchicoffee}, I'm sorry that we are not as close friends as we used to be, but it was great fun to play with you. You helped Lunaris to publish the second story of the whole site. Thank you.


And of course, thanks to Malice Mizer (yes, to the whole band) who made possible to write Fan Fiction about them. Too bad Malice Mizer doesn't exist anymore. Glad it doesn't have effect, and we can still worship them.

Special thanks to Közi and Yu~ki. Why? Because they are so damn sexy I can't stop myself from thanking them about it.