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#Astrophysics | #Maths
#Astrophysics and #Maths are a pair of Maths/Science based channels on AustNet (Australia's primary IRC server group).
#Astrophysics: -

#Astrophysics is a nexus of individuals who voluntarily give some of their time to meeting up, discussing current topics, and keeping the 'dream' of a solution to all our questions alive.

The Members of
#Astrophysics have a wide range of interests in and outside of science, though most have some interest in Cosmology, Mathematics, Computers, Astronomy, or (of course) Astrophysics.  The level of our knowledge of any given area varies from person to person, so #Astrophysics is a friendly environment for those of all levels;  from avid Astrophysicists to those who just wish to know a little more about what Astrophysics actually is.

If you are interested in joining
#Astrophysics or just want to know more, please click here.
#Maths: -

#Maths is a Mathematics Help, and Mathematics Discussion Channel.

#Maths consists of Helpers - people who volunteer their time to helping others with Mathematics - and ordinary Members - people with a general interest in Mathematics. The knowledge and skill level of the Members of #Maths varies from person to person, but Helpers genearlly have a very sound knowledge of Mathematics up to Secondary or Post-Secondary Standards.

If you are interested in joining
#Maths or just want to know more, please click here.
#Astophysics and #Maths were created and are run by Mark Bugno (aka Fascist).
Mark can be contacted via:
or on ICQ via:  35113082 (