The GTs Photo Album

As time goes by....well, "Casablanca" may have immortalised the phrase, but it suits us quite as well. Four years does not seem too long, but it certainly is long enough. And when a whiff of nostalgia grabs hold of us, we just run over and pick up our photo album. The album is pretty heavy - for we are liberal when taking photos. We are putting a few of the pictures from our album which we feel captures best the essence of the time. Walk through the album - and join in the nostalgic walk down memory lane.

A typical scene from the GT house. Harsha crushed by Sathya who is being crushed by Deepak in turn. Obviously, Sriram is incapable of any crushing. So he joins in the Harsha torture from the front.

The field visits was a memorable time for us. We had a 20-day tour through a number of places in East-North-West India. Calcutta was the starting point for us - and this is the first picture we took with Howrah Bridge.
On the verandah of the old GT house. This area provided shelter to two UGLY mongrels (no,no -not Harsha.I say it literally here)which used the place for ALL purposes. Harsha being the owner of the bedroom adjacent to this place had to clean it regularly. But he did not mind. No sir. He got them "vengaya vadais" everyday. "So cute no ?" was his appraisal of them. And having known Harsha's "cuties", that is NO compliment believe me.
Nithya Juice Stall in Manavala Nagar reaped benefits he could only have dreamt of during the year we were there. Mango juice was drained completely by Harsha, the rest of us took care of the paneer sodas and the fruit juices. An year that seems just like a dream now - in a way it is...
Its rest time after a tiiring time under the beating sun at the Pipperwar cold mines near Ranchi. The stress was more due to the travel in the sun than due to our stay at the mines which was made as brief as could be. The no-fan-no-AC room though was enough to provide us respite for some time. The linch did the rest.
This is Harsha - and he has the ability to sleep anywhere and at any time (only Sathya beats him in this regard). This is on the journey on Avantika express from Baroda to Indore. Note the French beard. he took great pride in this - and its size made us name him "Dhadi". Thats right - too tiny for words !!
I have already mentioned about our stay at Centre Point, Bangalore. Certainly the best of all the hotels we stayed in during our field visits. The VIEW was sufficient to make it a mini-heaven. Of course, the Cokes and Pizzas helped...
Nothing much to explain here.
One of our weekend hogs. Dont be misled by Dhadi's "ashitu" innocent look. All a feign. The fellow has just scavenged his plate - and is looking around on the others' plates. Of course, we are providing him little chance of satisfaction.
Harsha and Deepak are conneissuers of drink. The first thing they did on landing up in Bangalore a few months go was to enter a pub and drink down a few pegs. Dhadi managed well - but as you can see, Deepak was down and out.
At one of our innumerable eat-outs. This is again Bangalore in recently. The "SELF-SERVICE" sign above Sriram's head is coincidental all right - but an enormous coincidence. And captures Sriram to the best - a born hogger. His insatiable appetite and bottomless pit of a stomach leaves even the likes of Sathya amazed.

Keep dropping in. We shall update this archive often.