Interview from Jeannette Hiller
-What is your name?   Jeanette Hiller
-What is your host country?   USA
-What is your home country?   Germany
-Why did you want to make a school year abroad?   Because it is fun, you improve your English, you strenghten your personality, you become independent and you meet a lot of nice and interesting people.
-How do you like your school in your host country? Is it easier or harder?   I like America schools, because it is easier and way more fun. The teachers are friendly and support you. You get the answers for tests before and during the tests. You have more freedom.
-What do you like especially on your exchange year?   My nice host family, my friends, that I get my licence for just $ 40, church and that my English improved a lot.
-What don't you like?   We get so much homework, so that we have no freetime.
-What are your future goals?   To move to the USA. All the people here are so cool. I love America!
-Are you homesick?   Sometimes I really miss my family and friends, but we call each other and I write lots of e-mails.
-Who paid for this exchange year?   My parents.
-How are your experiences till now?   Good, I really love my host family and the people in my area. They are all very nice and supported me from the first minute on. My English improved a lot and I've seen already so many places. If I would have the chance to do something like that again, I would do it!
-Date: December 2001