Starshot: Space Circus Fever
Tip 1: 
The documentation says to double-click the jump button 
to fly. 
Actually, you need to hit the jump button and then 
double-click quickly--three taps on the jump button in 
all--before your character hits the ground. 
Tip 2: 
When in doubt, try a quick pan with your camera-view controls. 
A new perspective on your situation can often be enlightening. 
Tip 3: 
Unless you have a gamepad, which is probably the best 
alternative, I recommend joystick controls. 
It gives a finer touch on the controls than the mouse 
or keyboard, and you can configure the buttons to suit 
All & Unlimited Herc's & Weapons 
1: Use Windows Explorer and go into the campaign file. 
2: Go in either cybrid or human file. 
3: Open the campaign file (if it asks how to open it 
   scroll down and click on NOTEPAD) (on human side it 
   should be the 1st file, on cybrid: 34th). 
4: Where it says usePlanetInv = true; (In 29th row of 
   cybrid side and 33rd on the human side,) erase true 
   and replace by typing in bool. so the row should say: 
   usePlanetInv = bool; 
5: In the 36th row of the Cybrid side, 40th on human side, 
   where it says techLevel = 3; and replace the three with 10. 
   So it should say techLevel = 10; 
6: Save your files and exit. 
7: Start a new campaign using the side(s) that you changed.
Star Trek: Starship Creator
Extra Buying Credits: 
First you need to create a ship using as many credits 
that you can, the more you use the easier this trick 
will be. After your ship is built use the "Export Ship" 
function under the Fleet Heading. Once you have done  
this, go to the Main screen and enter a new "Admiral" 
name. Then use this new name and go to the fleet screen
once again. Once there, use the "Import Ship" function 
to import the ship you created. Once it is in this new 
fleet, decommission it and the value of the ship will be 
credited to your buying funds. 
Keep Importing and decommissioning the ship that you  
created and your buying funds can go through the roof.
I stopped at 1 Million credits.  
Better Parts: 
If you play under the difficulty level of "advanced", you 
will have a wider selection of parts for each vessel you 
decide to use. For instance, the Defiant class ship's original 
defense mechanisms only included a navigational deflector and 
shields. With an advanced playing level, you are also granted 
the use of ablative armor and a cloaking device. Also, when 
you pick your class of ship, the hull mainframes will be empty. 
This gives you room for modifications. 
Big Bucks in Seconds: 
Go to any of the difficulty levels,and then go to the "Fleet" 
screen, and select a fully loaded ship(must have 2 torpedo 
launchers and all types of probes, best to use a Galaxy, 
Intrepid or Excelsior class ship). Go to the select mission 
window and select the mission "Test Launch a Probe and Collect 
Data" Once in the simulator select, from the control bar to the 
right of the screen, Accelerate. It will take around 10-15 seconds 
to complete the mission
Star Trek: Starfleet Command
Get 4000 Prestige Points
When Playing a mission (any mission), do an alpha strike on 
the Aft right shield, but DO NOT DESTROY IT COMPLETELY - It 
may take a couple of tries not to do this. 
If you destroy it this will not work. Then fire a photon into 
the front left shield. Then hit ctrl + f4 and it will give 
you 4000 prestige points!
To increase your prestige in the campaign game go to the 
Spacedock and sell all of your missiles. Then select the 
slowest missile engine and buy x4 for a cost of 1) then x3 
(at -1, giving you your prestige point back), then x2 
(for another -1) then standard (for another -1). Go back 
to x4 and repeat, going for as much prestige as you need. 
This will not affect your career prestige for gaining rank, 
but it does allow you to purchase that much needed upgrade.
All the starships configuration data 
(weapons, shields, engines, ect.) is stored 
in a delimited text file which can be accessed 
by excel. The file is called "sfbspc13.txt" and 
it is located in "assets\specs\sfbspc13.txt" in 
the main directory of the game. By modifying these 
fields you can make any ship have all sorts of features.
Add cloaking ability.
Modify engine power levels.
Add shuttles and fighters.
Add/change weapons.
Modify shield levels.
Add more transporters, troops, mines, ect.
...and much more.
Be sure to save the original file in a safe place before 
modifying it so you can return to your original configuration. 
You will also need to remove the read only attribute from the 
file. When playing multiplayer all players must have the same 
file (modified or not) in order to play. 
Here are some hints on modifying the "sfbspc13.txt" file. 
1. The highest I have tested the engine output to is 120 each. 
I know that Federation ships can't seem to go over 150 each 
but other races ships might be able to go higher. Engine values 
are located in the following areas: R_L_Warp, C_Warp, Impulse, 
Apr, Battery. 
2. Shields can be modified to very high values for Federation 
ships (2000) but Klingon ships don't seem to be able to reach 
as high. Shield values are located in the following areas: 
Shield 1, Shield 2_6, Shield 3_5, Shield 4, Shield Total. 
Shields cover each ship on 6 sides. Therefore the values 
in Shield 2_6 & Shield 3_5 each represent 2 sides of the 
ship. The value you place in Shield Total = (shield 1) + 
((shield2_6) x 2) + ((shield3_5) x 2) + (shield4). 
3. Weapons can be changed to any type within an existing 
group. You can also change the number of weapons (up to 4) 
within an existing group (missiles can accept higher values 
but I do not know where the breaking point is on these). 
You can't add new groups of weapons. You can only modify 
the existing weapon hardpoints. Weapons are arranged in 
these areas: heavy weapon (photons, rockets, plasma, ect) 
and weapon (phasers, disrupters, ect). Weapon arcs vary 
but I do know that if you put the value ALL as an arc, 
the weapon will fire from any angle. 
4. Cloaking is very easy to add to any ship. Just go to 
the area that reads "Cloak num" and place a value for how 
much energy you want is to cost to run the cloak. 
5. Shuttles are defined as base and max values. The base 
value is the max value divided by 3. I have successfully 
made the max value of all the different types of shuttles 
30 and the base value 10 which allowed me to purchase 
quantities of 10, 20, or 30 shuttles of each type while 
in spacedock during the game. By changing the "launch rate" 
value you can define how many shuttles can launch before 
the ship needs to recharge itself for more launches. If 
you want to add fighters to any ships just find the area 
that says fighter bay 1 thru 4 and place the value of 6 
(higher than 6 will cause game to crash) in each one of 
the areas and you will have 4 fighter groups made up of 
6 fighters each! 
6. Movement is defined in the "turn mode" and "move cost" 
areas. The best "turn mode" value is AA. This will give you 
a very agile ship. Move cost defines how much energy is 
used for movement. The best value I have seen for this is .25. 
Prestige Cheat
Firstly start a campaign game, any race & era will do. 
If playing as a federation late era, you will start with 
an "F-FF" frigate. Then save the game & exit to windows.
(Any ship will do as long you remember the ship class.) 
Open the file called "sfbspc13.txt" and it is located 
in "assets\specs\sfbspc13.txt" in the main directory of 
the game using Exel. Look for "BPV". At the "F-FF" "BPV" 
value change to 1000 or higher. Save then return to game. 
Load game then go to Shipyard menu. You will notice the 
trade in value of your ship is high. Trade in your ship, 
big or small your choice and in return you will also get 
an extra prestige from the balance. You can repeat over 
and over again. 
Know your weapon ranges:
Know your weapon ranges! Don't close in on an enemy who hits 
harder than you at close range.
Capture, capture, capture: 
Capture, capture, capture. Grabbing a couple of frigates from 
the enemy at the start of a scenario can save you grief later. 
Keep your ship loaded with Marines during your starbase visits.
Star Wars Monopoly
The Game's AI is quite predictable. 
" will exchanege anything (and that includes everything) 
for a monopoly..." You can choose to play the hardest level 
for all computer controlled players. They all have the same 
folly. I found that computer controlled will accecpt trade to 
complete a monopoly of colors.
Keep trading and don't be afraid if you have to mortgage your 
properties (this is part of the strategy). I always mortgage 
the property i wish to trade. This set back the recipient a 
few bucks. Allow computer controlled to have a monopoly by 
trading for all the cards he have (that is not included in 
his monopoly suit) and all his gold (just leave him like $10). 
Computer controlled player even in the difficult level will 
fall for that.
Lure the sucker into your properties. If he/she can't pay 
the rent, he/she will be out of the game and all his/her 
card will be yours. I have tried this strategy for like 15
times and i won 15 times.
It ain't a cheat but it sure is a sure fire strategy.
Star Trek: Captain's Chair
Klingon bridge 
On the bridge of the Enterprise NCC 1701-D, sit at 
the captain's chair. Then access captain's panel R,
press the security code button on the touch pad and
you will receive a number. 
Go to Tactical and access Tactical interface (left); 
here there is a number pad on which you can input that 
number. You are immediately taken to the Klingon bridge.
Star Trek: The Next Generation: A Final Unity
Type make it so and then one of the following codes 
at the tactical screen: 
I-Full impulse 
F-Repair all damage 
T-999 photon torpedoes 
W-Jump to warp speed
Stick Fighter 2
To execute the special move, try this: 
(In numeric keypad terms, this would be 4, 1, 6, 3 
if you're using player 1.) This will only work if 
you are facing left, of course, if you are facing 
right instead, simply do the opposite!
While playing, pick up a skull from your inventory and 
press F9. Note that your health will drop when you take 
damage, but it will never drop below 1.
Dagger of Penetration
Start a new game. Before going down the first flight of 
stairs, find the lever on the wall next to the stairs. 
Pull it Up, Down, then Up again. After that, check all 
of the inner walls on the square shaped hallway that you 
found the giant ants in. 
Eventually, you will find a secret compartment with a 
lever in it. Pull the lever Down and you'll hear a sound. 
Check around the hallway for a new passage. You will find 
three grenades and, (if you search the walls) a secret 
compartment with the Dagger of Penetration -- the second 
best dagger in the game!
Build Up Status
There are two ways to build up a character’s status. One way 
is to go to the Dwarf Clan Hall and whack the onyx stone 
beside the blacksmith. The other way is to use invincibility 
and beat on Ettin, the two-headed giant.
Type in gimmepowernow 
(or gimmemorepower)
at main screen and in the game you use the function 
keys for cheats.
Level 1 - The Opening Level:
When magnet mines start coming towards you, back up 
S.T.O.R.M. and use lasers to blast the mine. 
Near the krill puzzle, send out the diver and
follow the shark which eats the krill in order 
to get the probe. But be careful that the shark doesn't 
also get you!
Level 2A - The Sea Lion Puzzle
The sea lion will chase away the fish which block STORM. 
Kill the sharks before they get the Sea Lions.
Level 2C - the Giant Squid
This is a Diver-Only level, so watch that you don't 
run out of oxygen.
The main puzzle is at the end, where you must decide 
whether or not to save the whale. 
(You may be rewarded later in the level, depending on
your decision.)
Level 3B - The Sea Anemones
A probe is trapped by one of the anemone. Lure the fish 
near the anemone.
It will release the probe and go for the fish.
As the game starts to load, hold down the joystick 
button and the left mouse  button.  Keep them held 
down until the game has finished loading.  
Then when the game starts, quickly press SPACE to 
pause the game. Then type 'MNBVC'.
This will give you unlimited lives and time.
Also 'L' skips levels.
Storm Trooper
Enter 'JAMES CAMERON' on the high score table.  
Now, whenever you need more lives, hit F9.
Star Wars: Episode I - Racer
Get Cash:
At the screen where you purchase pod parts 
press [Shift] + [F4] + 4. 
You can do this up to five times 
High Floating: 
On any Oovo IV level just before exiting an anti-gravity 
tunnel pull up and keep pulling up away from the ground 
and if done right, after exiting you will keep floating 
in the air hugging the ceiling. 
For those of you lucky enough to be playing this hot 
new game based on the upcoming Star Wars Episode I 
movie, here are some cheat codes to help you out:
Type these codes in while playing the game, or you may 
simply speak them into the microphone (using Microsoft's 
new DirectVoice implementation):
- God Mode On/Off
- Access to All Weapons
- Makes All Racers Tiny (and Green)
- Access to All Levels
- Instant Death
- Win Current Level
- Bonus Level - "Dark Inseminatioon"
- Display's"April Fool's" onn the Screen 
Tip 1: 
As soon as you can, invest in a full complement 
of pit droids; this will ultimately save you the money 
you would spend replacing the worn-out parts that reduce 
your pod's performance. 
Tip 2:
Save your in-race repairs for twisting areas or 
hairpin turns where you have to slow down anyway. 
Tip 3: 
For big money (and impossible odds), jump ahead 
to the Invitational races as soon as they're available.
In a mission, press Enter to bring up 
the message window and type: 
 @MISTER FREEZE SAYS STOP - Computer Forts Halted
 @SHOW ME THE RESOURCE    - All floatstone increased by 50000
 @GIVE ME THE ROCK        - Rock increased by 50000
 @MORE ORE FOR LESS       - Ore increased by 50000
 @MORE GREEN FOR ME       - Crystal increased by 50000
 @TALL TOWERS             - Command Center size raised
 @TECNO FREAKS            - Tech Level raised
 @I GOT MY XRAY SPELLS    - Radar line of sight
 @I GOTTA SEE MORE        - Radar zoomed out
 @GIVE ME A CLOSEUP       - Radar zoomed in
 @WEASEL WEASEL WEASEL    - Win mission
 @I WANT TO LOSE NOW      - Lose mission
 @WAS THAT A MOUNTAIN     - Super mountain armor
 @BOMBS MAY FALL          - Super projectile armor
 @OTHER FORTS MAY RAM     - Super fort armor
 @ROCKETS RED GLARE       - Super projectile damage
 @BAA RAM EUE             - Super fort damage
 @ELECTRONS ARE FLOWING   - Super energy
 @BAM BAM BAM             - Super shooting
 @WHOOSH BY THEM ALL      - Super movement
 @BANDAGE ME QUICK        - Super repair
 @BUILD ME A SHAKE        - Super build time
 @ARMORED BLUE            - Super shields
 @NOW YOU SEE ME          - Super cloak
 @NO ONE CAN TOUCH ME     - Super cacoon
 @SILVER BULLET           - Super quicksilver
 @LOCK ON TARGET          - Super targeting station
 @HOME ON THE RANGE       - Super range booster
 @I CAN SEE FOR MILES AND MILES - Super observatory
 @WHERE'S THE BEEF?       - Super cow
     Playing Tips 
Hold down the firing button, don't tap it. Constantly adjust 
your aim. This way, you get a maximum firing rate.
Adjust your camera to suit your fortress. Ballistic weapons are 
best viewed from a high vantage point that just barely covers 
the weapon's max range. Flat shooting weapons benefit from a 
horizon view that lets you send shots beyond your firing arcs.
Use mines off the back of your ship for a protection during 
Use the macro assignment (CTRL-1-9) to group weapons and make 
special units easily selectable. By cycling through your macros,
you can separately aim weapons on the left and right sides of 
your fort.... very effective with weapons that have a long 
recharge time (e.g. Doom Cannon).
If you're too slow but can't add thrusters, try removing some less 
vital structures and reducing your fort's footprint. Given the same
engines, a smaller fort will be faster than a larger one. Damage 
affects all units efficiency (energy cost) and effectiveness (action 
rate), so be sure to repair whenever possible.
In a pinch, use CTRL-A to select all units and then 'R' to repair 
If your unit selection gets confused, just hit ESC to de-select all.
Once you've seen an enemy, you can select their entry (denoted by 
their fort's name) to get a compass tick mark showing their position
relative to yours.
Try building asymmetric forts. Take a look at the custom fort 
Sidewinder... To use it effectively, rotate and lock your camera to 
align with the weapon arcs. Then use your radar to navigate. This 
way, you always present a strafing target that fouls the enemy's aim.
While a focused strategy and lots of battle experience will win most 
battles, a true master has to be able to change strategies on the fly.
If your fort design is susceptible to your opponent's style, retreat 
and redesign. Many multiplayer levels have Floatstone deposits that 
can give you the added resources to turn the battle in your favor.
Street Fighter 2
Some command line paramaters:
/updownmove - scroll when jumping
/vesa105    - Load in SVGA (1024x768x256c) mode if vesa available
Street Racer
Go to GAME OPTIONS and put 
this codes on "Cup Password" 
Street Rod
When you first start the game, put in your name.  
Then go to the newspaper, and get a CHEVY 2 door 
STYLINE. It must be that car.  
Next, go to the garage and take everything off 
the car: 
Strip bumpers, chop roof, take out whole engine, etc. 
Don't worry about the tires. You can't take them off 
anyway. Once you've done this, sell the car for 
however much money you want.  
(Note>  You can't get over about 200,000 for it.
Streets of SimCity
Press Ctrl-Alt-X to display the cheat code 
prompt and enter these case-sensitive codes:
lock and load  - Full ammo
sampo          - $999,999
im back        - Repair damage
mr fabulous    - Invincibility
jupiter        - Jupiter gravity
earth          - Earth gravity
mars           - Mars gravity
moon           - Moon gravity
cruise control - Enable cruise control
cow frags      - Display cow frags in Scenario Progress window (F3)
beefcake beefcake - All weapons and mods
These codes only work in Player's Choice. 
They are disabled during Scenario and 
Network play.
Invincible Scenerio: 
Here's a way to have invincibility during scenerios: 1. 
Go into Player's Choice and do the 'mr fabulous' code in 
any city. 2. Leave Player's Choice and go into scenerios. 3. 
If successful, you will be invincible until you exit the game.
Cheat codes:
Go to "Play game" and when you are selecting team color, 
type one of the following codes and press enter:
Code         Result
speed364   - Allow speed up game in network mode
worker928  - Allow buying of workers at any time
pickup036  - Allow picking up of enemy beacons
weapons563 - Allow buying of any weapon for gangster
tenants872 - Allow selection of any tenant at any time
loans458   - Allow borrowing of any amount with bank
estates216 - Allow buying of an estate without conditions
Within the game, you can toggle cheats on/off by pressing C.
Press F9 to pause the game. Hold HELP, Left Shit, 
and 1 (main keyboard). Let go of all three, and 
press F10 to restart the game. 
>From now on the following keys are activated:  
1 - 5 (main keyboard) = Warp to corresponding level  
F1 - F4               = Warp to section 1-4 in current level  
If you are almost dead, just use the F1-F4 keys 
(depending on how far you are) for renewed strength!
Strike Commander
Saved Game Hex editing positions:
0008 - Current mission
0009 - Next mission
016F - # of AIM-9J missles
0171 - # of AIM-9M missles
0173 - # of AGM-65D missles
0175 - # of Durandal Munitions
0177 - # of MK-20 Rockeye Cluster Munitions
0179 - # of MK-82 Bombs
017B - # of GBU-15 LGB's
017D - # of LAU-3 Rocket Pods
017F - # of AIM-120 AMRAAM missles
0189 - 018A  -  Bank balance
018D - 018E  -  Amount of money lost
024D - 024E  -  Current Score
0199 - # of Air Kills
019B - # of gorund kills
Strip Poker 2
Type in "artworx" at 
the password prompt.
While playing the game, hold down 'HELP', 'M', 
and 'E' for maximum strength, fuel and ammunition
for the jetpack.  
Or, try 'HELP' and 'P' for all four door passes.
Beat Skid Vicious: 
To beat Skid Vicious, give him a jeep and choose a track 
with a jump. Skid will crash and burn. 
Edit Terrain: 
To edit the terrain, go to the track editor and then press 
Shift + F1. This will give the option of changing the terrain 
by being able to add and edit water, hills, and elevations. 
Submitted by RickHH
Stunt Track Driver
Select car/bonus track cheats
You can get all the cars on the select 
car screen. 
Left-click on the empty slots and you 
will get that car.
Also, when you beat the Championship's 
six tracks there is a bonus track.
Toggle lights on track
While on a custom track press L
Star Wars: Rouge Squadron
To enter the passcodes, simply click on Settings 
from the game's console, the click on General. 
Type in the passcodes into the blank are labeled 
"Enter Passcode Here". 
To delete a passcode, i.e, the Chicken Passcode, 
simply click on the passcode, and press Shift-Del.
CODE         RESULT 
CHICKEN    - Play as an AT-ST 
LEIAWRKOUT - Activate joystick force feedback feature
GUNDARK    - Changes force feedback control for joystick
CREDITS    - View credits
DIRECTOR   - Let's you view all the cutscenes
IAMDOLLY   - Gives you Unlimited Lives  
TOUGHGUY   - Gives you all powerups in the game 
HIKEN      - Hidden secondary weapons
NEUC       - Destroys all Imperial ships on the radar
LOKJOT     - Allows you to land and do repairs
MAESTRO    - Let's you listen to all the sound themes
             Select "Concert Hall" from the High Scores
             menu to activate
NUMBERTWO  - Gives you infinite secondary weapons, 
             which mostly consists of missiles or bombs
RADAR      - Improve on your radar technology. Higher targets 
             will appear brighter then the lower ones
USEDAFORCE - Seems to disable any secondary weaponry
FARMBOY    - Fly Millennium Falcon (NOTE:  cheat will not work 
             in missions that already have the Millennium Falcon)
TIED UP    - Fly TIE interceptor
IGIVEUP    - Unlimited lives
In the folder PLAYERPROFILES under the folder Rogue 
Squadron was installed into are the files containing 
the player info such as current mission number, what 
medals have been won, what rank the player has achieved, 
etc. The filename of the first player created for example
At hex address 32 in this file is the current mission number. 
Hex 00 is the first mission, 01 is the second, 02 the third, 
and so on until hex 0F, mission 16, which is apparently the 
last mission. Simply changing this number to anything up to 
hex 0F will allow access to that mission and all missions 
before it.
At hex address 31 is the player rank info. 
The following table shows the values and their effects:
00 = Trainee
01 = Cadet
02 = Ensign
03 = Officer
04 = Lieutenant
05 = Flight Leader
06 = Captain
07 = Squad Leader
08 = Gold Leader
09 = Major
0A = Commander
0B = Colonel
0C = General
0D = Line Admiral
0E = Fleet Admiral
0F = Supreme Allied Commander
Note: Even if this value is changed, the game will
continue "promoting" the player at it's own rate.
At hex 53 through hex 57 is the info for the medals
(Bronze, Silver, Gold). The following table shows the
values and their effects:
0 = No Medals
1 = 1 Bronze
2 = 1 Silver
3 = 1 Gold
4 = 1 Bronze
5 = 2 Bronze
6 = 1 Bronze and 1 Silver
7 = 1 Bronze and 1 Gold
8 = 1 Silver
9 = 1 Bronze and 1 Silver
A = 2 Silver
B = 1 Silver and 1 Gold
C = 1 Gold
D = 1 Bronze and 1 Gold
E = 1 Silver and 1 Gold
F = 2 Gold
So, as each byte consists of 2 hex numbers, a hex 4D for
example would be:
1 Bronze plus 1 Bronze and 1 Gold for 2 Bronze and 1 Gold in that byte.
Apparently the maximum number of possible medals is 19, so
a hex FF FF FF FF FF would be 19 Gold rather than 20 Gold. 
   - Hints -
If you're going after an AT-AT, come in low and slow. 
Release your cable just as you start to turn; once the 
cable is set, you'll switch to a distant view and the 
controls won't be as intuitive, so you'll already want 
to be turning to keep your bearings. When trying to 
wrap a tow cable, you'll find that a left-turning path 
will work the best. 
Because you get rated on your shooting accuracy, you 
have to be careful when taking on TIE fighters, as you  
can find yourself missing an awful lot. Try to figure 
out their patterns and get in behind, so that your shots 
will have a higher hit percentage. Avoid taking on the 
AT-ST and the AT-PT on a head-on run or you'll get chewed 
up by their blasters. Instead, make a sideways strafe. If  
possible, make a visual ID of all turreted blasters or 
missile platforms as soon as you enter an area. Fly low 
or from the side and take them out first; then you won't 
have to worry about being shot out of the sky during a 
dogfight. Don't count on your wingmen to do much at all 
against airborne foes. When you find yourself in a major 
furball, fly defensively and always tackle your targets 
from their weakest sides. Gradually picking away at the 
enemy is the best way to disperse a major force.
Sub Culture
Type while playing:
kamikaze  Kill yourself
tonka     Hull strengthened
refill    Shield restored
mutant    Radiation protection
billy     Speedup
tick      Geiger counter added
rinse     Stage 0
dryer     Stage 1
cotton    Stage 2
delicates Stage 3
tumble    Stage 4
colours   Stage 5
halfload  Stage 6
didit     Mission success
bedlk     God mode
haveall   All missions available
havesome  All missions available
scotty    Teleport (see below)
wonga     Money
imnotluc  God mode
Type SCOTTY and the game should freeze. Now type one of these names to
teleport to that location.
Touka      Boot      Flats
Beluga     Knob      Anchor
Velcova    Arch      Outlet2
Tryton     Pipe      Outlet3
Aquatraz   Volcano   Pipe2
Refinery   Cave      Bucket
Ribs       Tunnel
Outlet     Wood
Can        Limpet
Abyss      Cleft
Submarine Riptide
For unlimited oxygen:
Sector 76, Offset 173-176: 
change 01 06 C0 2A to 90 90 90 90
Take the terrier (harrier whatever) and equip your best 
bullets and your rockets. Pick up a lot of speed and then 
hit your rockets, fly into the crowd and start shooting. 
They should all start running, pick one and chase him. 
Either followed or lead an enemy into a tight area, such 
as the maze in Chaos Nevada, and then hit you of your burst,
if you have bouncing bullets and he's in the same corridor 
he should be heavily wounded or die. 
If you see enemies in the safe zone, just leave bout 3 mines 
outside and leave, the second they step out, they die. 
Say you're being chased and you deploy a decoy, first thing to 
do, don't shoot, next turn your ship around the second you 
deploy the decoy and head straight towards your enemy, he will 
assume you are going straight and the decoy is going in the 
opposite direction(stupid people do do this), equip your bomb,
and you will have a perfect shot because he will try to go thru
you thinking you are a decoy. Once you are ready and he is close
enough, fire 2 of your most powerful bombs at him and open up 
with your guns. You ought to kill him.
Submarine Titans
Code         Result 
fow        - See All 
technologi - All Technology 
metal      - 1000 Metal 
gold       - 1000 Gold 
corium     - 5000 Corium 
air        - Full Air 
exiton     - 5000 Gold, 5000 Corium, 10000 Metall
submitted by Nightraider
Subwar 2050
Once you enter the game, and answer the copy protection 
question, turn CAPS LOCK on and type "UP PERISCOPE" 
(without quotes). From the pilot roster the keys are:
[ - Previous Mission
] - Next Mission
= - Revive KIA or MIA Pilot
There are probably more keys to use, but I don't know them.  
Experiment and find out.
Hex Editing a SaveGame
Get a hex editor and open up your savegame file
(ie: swslot0.sav)
Byte   - Description
1-16     Pilot Name
17-24    <Null Space>
25       Pilot Picture (10 pics total; 00-09 hex)
26       <Null Space>
27-30    Money (signed int; is backwards)
31-32    Something to do with medals, kinda screws up.
33       Campaign (00=Training; 01=North Atlantic)
34       <Null Space>
35,38    Mission; Both must be the same (hex 00=mission 1)
         NOTE: Every campaign has 9 missions except for
         South China Seas which has 11.
39-46    <Null Space>
SuperBike World Championship
Tip 1
Stick with the outside chase view until you have 
memorized every square inch of the track you're running 
on. In addition to offering a much better view of the 
road ahead, it also warns you of bike attitude problems 
(such as the rear wheel coming off the ground under 
braking) before they have a chance to send you 
Tip 2
If you find yourself struggling to keep up on certain 
tracks, try to follow one of the AI bikes for a lap or two. 
If that's still too difficult, then run a quick race and 
save the replay. This way you can watch their technique 
from a number of different camera positions and pick up 
some valuable pointers. Just remember that the AI bikes 
sometimes follow a different set of physical laws, so you 
won't be able to match their speed in every section of the 
Tip 3
Graduate to the manual transmission as quickly as your 
learning curve will allow. You can squeeze out a noticeable 
amount of extra speed when you do your own shifting. 
Tip 4
Although you can crack off a few hot laps during 
qualifying rounds with the softer tires, the key to success 
in longer races involves choosing and managing the harder, 
more durable tire compounds. This is especially true when 
the track temperature is quite hot. Keep the tire wear display 
turned on (F8 key) to constantly monitor the condition of your 
Edit the savefile with a HexEditor (it's a hidden file!) and 
edit this after your name (as entered when you first created 
a character in the game) enter a few 01 hex characters , ascii 
code 1 a small face (white) and this counts as one more completed 
level. Do this up till about 111 or as far as you like!
Super Bubsy
Cheat Codes (type in game)
GH44 = Invincible On/Off
DDB4 = Time Limit Off/On (no time bonus if off when episode ends)
DD6D = Episode 1
DF6D, CKBGMM = Episode 2
D46D, SCTWMN = Episode 3
D76D, MKBRLN = Episode 4
D06D, LBLNRD = Episode 5
D96D, JMDKRK = Episode 6
D16D, STGRTN = Episode 7
D66D, SBBSHC = Into The Canyon 1
DC6D, DBKRRB = Episode 8
DA6D, MSFCTS = Into The Canyon 2
D26D, KMGRBS = Episode 9
D36D, SLJMBG = Into The Canyon 3
DE6D = Episode 10
FD6D = Episode 11
FF6D = Episode 12
F46D, TGRTVN = Episode 13
F56D, CCLDSL = Episode 14
F66D = Episode 15
G00D, STCJDH = Episode 16 (none of the cheat codes work in this episode)
F00D = Ending Sequence
SLS, BBPAN, SHARK = Bubsy slides, flys or jumps in weird, uncontrollable ways 
Saved Game Hex Cheat Codes (the only way to cheat 
in episode 16)
Start a Super Bubsy game, hit Escape, choose Options, save a 
game, edit the saved game with a hex editor.
Byte 18 hex is the number of lives. Enter any hex number up 
to FF hex. The largest number displayed during the game is 99, 
so if the the value entered is 64 hex or higher, the 99 will 
continue to be displayed until the actual number of lives is 
decreased to below 99. 
Byte 20 hex is the episode number. Enter any hex number up to 
14 hex. 13 hex is the last playable episode (and the one in 
which no cheat codes will work). 14 hex is the ending sequence.
Bytes 34 hex and 35 hex are the time remaining. These values 
are repeated in bytes 38 hex and 39 hex (reason unknown). 
Apparently the highest value accepted is FF hex in bytes 34 hex 
and 38 hex and BA hex in bytes 35 hex and 39 hex. Putting very 
high values in these locations will result in items from the game 
being displayed in the time remaining area instead of numbers 
and a much larger time bonus at the end of the episode.
For tons of money ($500,000), 
try 'RICH' as a password!
 1-2 234667 
 1-3 447467 
 1-4 747822 
 2-1 392822 
 2-2 446364 
 2-3 984448 
 2-4 477444 
 3-1 343522 
 3-2 882311 
 3-3 992334 
 3-4 091332 
 4-1 467464 
 4-2 818234 
 4-3 182394 
 4-4 298383 
 5-1 452234 
 5-2 984841 
 5-3 383772 
 5-4 093152 
 6-1 387211 
 6-2 981122 
 6-3 017632 
 6-4 398112
Super Off-Road
At the truck selection menu, 
c left, 
c right, or 
c up 
to get monster trucks.
Super Stardust
The following codes should be entered as 
passwords on the title screen.
NOBRAKES    - Full engine power.
HARDGAME    - Makes the game harder.
DNUMUAHCS   - Ten times more energy, but only one life.
DIEALIENDIE - All weapons on full power.
JJRULES     - Thirty-five lives, all weapons on full power.
WARHEAD     - Makes missiles detonate when they hit a target.
ELITEMASTER - Weapons are ten times more powerful.
PETSKUMODE  - Enables reverse gear
Super Karts
Cheat codes    Where to type       What it does
ORIEL         "Go Karting" screen  all tracks
BRASENOSE      In shop             Give you $10,000
MANICMARTIN    During race         Give you unlimited turbos
Surf Ninjas
Hex edit SURF.DAT for everlasting life:
Sector 11, offset 84: change to 03
Surface Tension 
To enable cheat mode press V + T + S. 
Next, enter one of the codes below to 
activate the following cheat function.
Function                         Code
Additional weapons             - A + R + K 
Free movement                  - B + Y + Z 
Invincibility                  - E + L + K 
Press F3 to jump to next world - O + M + R 
Full database                  - R + Y + 1 
Increased maneuverability      - Z + O + R
Part One
"Suspended" is an excellent game and possibly the most advanced
game to date for the adventurer. The story is quite simple:  You
are the failsafe device to protect the surface world of Contra
should any emergency develop that would cause the planet control
devices to fail (these are underground in a complex where you
live suspended in a cryogenic tube, awaiting a disaster).  Of
course, a disaster develops as soon as you boot up the disk. You
are awakened to find that there has been an earthquake that has
damaged the cables in the Primary and Secondary Channels. You
have six different robots at your command.  These robots all
enjoy different skills and abilities.  Each one represents a
different sense. Iris:  The sense of sight Waldo: The sense of
touch and dexterity Sensa: Perceives things magnetic and
electronic Poet:  Perceives things electronic and can diagnose
electrical flows Whiz:  Commands the computer and can do errands
Auda:  The sense of hearing The trick to winning "Suspended" is
assigning the right task to the right robot.  Also, the right
robot has to be at the right place at the right time. This is
called critical path planning, and is the secret of "Suspended."
In the standard game, there are a few real-time events to be
aware of:  1) At the 15th cycle, there is another earthquake
which causes an acid spill that kills, in short order, any robot
that thereafter passes through the Cavernous Room (until the acid
is shut off); 2) At the 75th cycle, there is another quake which
wrecks the hydroponics and transit equipment on the surface
above. These have to be fixed quickly or the game ends swiftly
due to the starving populous above; 3) At the 100th cycle, humans
enter the complex with the intent of turning you off because, by
this time, you are clearly screwing up the assignment.  These
humans can be the death of you or they can help you by...well, I
won't tell you yet. The following commands get you through the
game in less than 70 moves.  As a result, they give little aid in
the event that you finish the game in more than that time.  The
game changes considerably after the 75th move.  There are many
problems that surface after that time, and these clues do nothing
to help you.   Let's get started! #1 POET,GO TO WEATHER CONTROL
JUNCTION #9 AUDA,GO TO GAMMA REPAIR The above moves set the game
up. Poet is needed to turn the weather control off; this
minimizes deaths at the surface (your primary goal).  Sensa gets
the ramp that is needed to allow the robots to go from one level
to another.  Auda is sent to the Gamma Repair area because she
will be needed later and, without the humans coming for a while,
there is nothing that can be done with her anyway.  Waldo is sent
to the Hallway Junction to meet Sensa and take the container and
grasper on his way to fixing Iris who is reported to be out of
Part Two
Now, enter your second set of commands: #10 POET,TURN SECOND
SENSA,GO NORTH #20 SENSA,TAKE RAMP Once Poet got to the Weather
Control, he had to reset the faulty control to 100.  This is only
a temporary fix because if you let the game go on too long, all
hell will break loose with various disasters and accidents
occuring which you will not be able to control.  Poet is then
sent to the Hallway End where he will be used to get the TV
camera needed later.  Iris is sent to the Main Supply Room where
she can be fixed when Waldo arrives.  She will also help Waldo
repair the machine there.  Sensa, upon arriving, puts the ramp in
place so that Auda can get to Gamma Repair and so that she and
Poet can get to the other level.  Waldo is handed the grasper and
container which he installs.  This is done now to save moves
CAMERA #30 SENSA,PUT RAMP AT HOLDER This stage sets the robots to
their major gathering tasks. Waldo has fixed Iris, and is now set
on fixing the machine and salvaging its parts.  Poet has arrived
at the Hallway End, gotten in the car, exited the car, and is now
getting the camera.  Sensa has arrived at the Small Supply Room
to take the cable cutter. #31 SENSA,GET ON RAMP #32 SENSA,TAKE
POET,GET IN CAR #40 POET,GET OUT OF CAR Sensa has completed her
task of getting the metal tool that she will need shortly.  Poet
has gotten the camera and is now coming back, and Waldo is in the
midst of fixing and salvaging the machine with Iris in the Main
Supply Room.
Part Three
You're more than half-way to your goal!  Now, enter: #41 POET,GO
been sent to use the camera in the Primary Channel (this is a
Kamikaze mission because he has to pass through the Cavernous
Room to get there).  Sensa has gotten to the Sloping Corridor and
reinstalled the ramp so that she and Poet can get to the lower
level. Waldo and Iris have gotten the machine fixed and salvaged
one of the two needed cables to set the FCS in balance.  Waldo is
now set on his mission where Whiz will be waiting to install the
cable needed in the Secondary Channel. #51 SENSA,EXAMINE OBJECT
AT SIGN (This is the important "Reset Code."  Write it down!
It's different for every game.) #57 SENSA,TAKE CABLE #58 SENSA,GO
FUSE IN MACHINE Sensa and Auda salvaged the remaining needed
cable to fix the cable in the Primary Channel.  Sensa is now on
her way.  Poet valiantly died trying to work the camera in the
Primary Channel after having had corrosive acid spilled on him.
Iris has fixed the reset machine which is now only awaiting the
installation of the cables in the FCS to reset the systems to set
the surface world above right. #61 WHIZ,GO TO WALDO #62 WHIZ,TAKE
----- CIRCLE At this point, the game iis over. Only 8,000 are dead
and you have succeeded in your mission.  It should be noted that
this does not answer all the questions and puzzles that are
presented in the game, it just tells you how to win the game in
the shortest order.
Line of Sight Cheat: 
Type in "los" (you may have to do it a few times) 
when you're in a mission to toggle off the Line of 
Sight. All characters will be visible, even if 
they're not in any of your units' line of sight. 
The problem is if you type it too slow, then your 
terrorist guy surrenders. It also doesn't let you 
perform any actions when the Line of Sight is off,
so you have to type "los" again if you want to 
perform a action other than shooting. This is 
especially fun to do when you're playing as the 
terrorists. Even if all your guys are holed up in 
one area, you can watch SWAT make entry and clear 
the rooms.
All Mission Cheat:
To get all the missions, paste the following list 
into the swat2.ini file in the swat2 root directory. 
All missions can then be accessed through quick play.
[Missions Played]
Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace
While playing the game, press the Backspace key, type one of 
the following codes, and then press Enter.
HAPPY           - gives weapon 3 more power
FROM ABOVE      - changes camera view to above player; typing again 
                  places camera directly behind player
PERF            - wireframes on/off
FPS             - toggles frames per second on/off
60FPS           - displays "60"; typing again displays "30"
PERFECTION      - purple-colored Force push power now kills; typing again 
                  returns purple-colored Force push power to normal
SLOWMO          - slow-motion mode; typing again returns to normal speed
BEYOND CINEMA   - letterbox movie mode; typing again returns to normal
TURNTABLES      - displays "The tables have turned"
I LIKE TO CHEAT - gives all weapons and adds 500 shots to Weapon 2, 500 
                  to Weapon 3, 5 to Weapon 4, 1 to Weapon 5, and 10 to 
                  Weapon 6
GIVE ME LIFE    - sets health to 100 (even if already set higher) 
HEAL IT UP      - sets health to 100 (even if already set higher) 
GURSHICK        - runs credits 
BRENANDO        - displays "Tech bonus!" 
REX             - turns red lines around menu boxes on/off 
IAMQUEEN        - play as Queen Amidala 
IAMPANAKA       - play as Captain Panaka 
IAMQUIGON       - play as Qui-Gon Jinn 
IAMOBI          - play as Obi-Wan Kenobi 
I REALLY STINK  - skill level set to easy 
DONTTTTT        - kills player 
RRRRRIGHT       - kills player 
KILL ME NOW     - kills player 
DROP A BEAT     - waving screen effect; typing again returns to normal
NAUGHTY NAUGHTY - places camera directly behind player
OLCODE          - displays "debug 1"; typing a second time displays 
                  "debug 2"
BUT I FEEL SO GOOD - Force push power color is changed to red
WHERE IS GURSHICK  - runs credits
I RULE THE WORLD   - displays "You da man"
Swiv 3D
Type THEMANWITHTHEGOLDENSWIV during game & a cheat 
menu appears. The good thing about this cheat is
Sword of Honour
Edit the SOH.EXE file and change the following offsets:
$3C86=90909090 - INF ENERGY
$3C38=90909090 - INF LIVES
$37C4=90909090 - INF SHURIKEN
                               ENEMY WITH ONLY 2 HITS.
Sword of Sodan
Play the game, get a highscore, and kill yourself.  
For your name, enter  'NANCY' and hit return.  
Now when you play again you will have unlimited lives! 
Another untested method is to select your player, start 
the game, and kill yourself off.  
Then play again with the same character, and while the game  
loads keep hitting return.  This should also give you 
unlimited lives.
Use the following as company name, 
you will have special cheat:
ROB A BANK      - $100,000,000
NUK THEM        - Attack any country
TO THE TOP      - $100,000,000 and attack any country
COOPER TEAM     - Same as TO THE TOP and with full weapon
WATCH THE CLOCK - Speed up research time
Syndicate Wars
Login name: Pooslice
(sound effect, you can change the 
name too whatever you like)
In research screen: 
0 (zero) - Makes more things available for research 
U        - Does a days research 
press . (full stop) - 1000 dollars 
In game: 
Alt+C - Completes level 
Alt+T - Teleports you to where the mouse points
System Shock 2 
Cheat mode:
Hold [Shift] and press [Semicolon] to display the 
command prompt. Type one of the following codes and 
press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat 
All Psi Points 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type psi_full and 
press ENTER. 
Bind Quickslot
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "quickbind" and 
press ENTER. 
Clears Teleport Markers 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "clear_teleport" 
and press ENTER. 
Cycle Available Weapons
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "cycle_weapon" 
followed by 0 or 1 and press ENTER. 
Cycles Avalaible Ammo 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "cycle_ammo" and 
press ENTER. 
Display Software Version
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type show_version and 
press ENTER. 
Do the Macarena 
When you first start off a game and after you 
choose your career, you will choose your abilities 
and statistics by going into certian doorways. 
After you choose your 2nd ability and watch the 
movie, walk to the left before you choose your 3rd 
to find 2 robots behind the window. Watch the skinny 
one in the back do the macarena! 
Free Cyber Modules
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type add_pool followed 
by the number of modules you wish (i.e., add_pool4.) 
Instant Reload
To reload your gun while playing, hold SHIFT and 
press ';' to bring up the console window, then 
type "reload_gun" and press ENTER. 
Jump the Player
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "shock_jump_player" 
and press ENTER. What does this mean? 
Maximize Statistics and Skills 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type ubermensch and 
press ENTER. 
Open MFD by Overlay Constant 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "open_mfd" and 
press ENTER. 
Open PSI selector in MFD 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "select_psipower" 
and press ENTER. 
Play Unread Logs 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "play_unread_log" 
and press ENTER. 
Quick Load 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "quickload" and 
press ENTER. 
Quick Save
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "quicksave" and 
press ENTER. 
Search for and Equip any Weapons in Inventory 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "equip_weapon" 
and press ENTER. 
Stop Playing e-mail 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "stop_email" and 
press ENTER. 
Summoning Items 
The Summon command brings forth an item or object, player 
or enemy. To summon an object, hold [Shift] key down and 
press the semicolon [;]. Then type "SUMMON_OBJ x" where x 
is the desired item (without spaces) and push [Enter].
Here are several examples: 
Crystal Shard
Electro Shock
EMP Rifle
Gren Launcher
Laser Pistol
Medical Kit
Status Field Generator
Worm Launcher
psi amp
assault rifle
ap clip
he clip
standard clip
pellet shot box
rifled slug box
large worm beaker
detox patch
psi booster
reflec armor
french-epstein device
portable battery
maintenance tool
hack soft v3
repair soft v3
research soft v3
modify soft v3
Fusion Cannon
Viral Prolif
Standard Clip
HE Clip
AP Clip
Timed Grenade
EMP Grenade
Incend. Grenade
Prox. Grenade
Toxin Grenade Small Prism
Large Prism
Pellet Shot Box
Rifled Slug Box
Med Patch
Detox Patch
Rad Patch 
Psi Patch
Psi Booster
Speed Boost
Strength Boost
INT Boost
Light Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor
Reflec Armor
Vacc Suit
Worm Skin
Soda Can
Wide Machinery
Blast Turret
Laser Turret
Slug Thrower
Protocol Droid
Greater Over.
Male Appar.
Female Appar.
Invisibile Arachnid
Turret Rocket
Cards Med Card
Science Card
Crew Card
R and D Card
Rec Crew Key
Med Annex Key
Cryo Card
Crew 2 Card
Rumbler Organ
Grub Organ
Swarm Organ
Mn. Over. Organ
Gr. Over. Organ
Arach. Organ
Midwife Organ
Molec. Analyzer
ICE Pick Recycle
r 1 Nanite
5 Nanites
10 Nanites
20 Nanites
Fusion Shot
EMP Shot
Explode Barrel
Rad Barrel
Stats Trainer
Tech Trainer
Weapon Trainer
PSI Trainer
Chem #1 is Fm Fermium
Chem #2 is V Vanadium
Chem #3 is Ga Gallium 
Chem #4 is Sb Antimony
Chem #5 is Y Yttrium
Chem #6 is Cu Copper
Chem #7 is Cf Californium
Chem #8 is Na Sodium
Chem #9 is Os Osmium
Chem #10 is Ir Iridium
Chem #11 is As Arsenic
Chem #12 is Cs Cesium
Chem #13 is Hs Hassium
Chem #14 is Te Tellurium
Chem #15 is Mo Molybendium
Chem #16 is Tc Technetium
Chem #17 is Ra Radium
Chem #18 is Ba Barium
Chem #19 is Se Selenium
Swap Primary and Secondary Weapons 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "swap_guns" and 
press ENTER. 
Toggle ? Cursor 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "query" followed 
by 0 or 1 and press ENTER. 
Toggle Inventory Panel 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "toggle_inv" and 
press ENTER. 
Toggle Message History
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "msg_history" and 
press ENTER. 
Toggle Split Cursor 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "split" followed 
by 0 or 1 and press ENTER. 
Toggles Compass State
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "toggle_compass" 
and press ENTER. 
Toggles Weapon Settings
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "wpn_setting_toggle" 
and press ENTER. 
Use Items you Don't Posses
The Use command lets you use the effects of an item 
without actually posessing it. To do so, hold [Shift] 
key down and press the semicolon [;]. 
Then type "USE_OBJ x" where x is the desired item 
(without spaces) and push [Enter]. See "Summoning 
Items" for a list of item names. 
Use Quickslot 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "quickuse" and 
press ENTER.
View previous commands:
Hold [Shift] and press [Semicolon] to display the command 
prompt, then press [Tab]. The last command entered will 
appear in the list.
Hex Cheat:
Editing your savegame to give yourself 10,000 nanites and 
cyber modules:
1. On a piece of paper, note the number of nanites and cyber 
   modules you currently have.
2. Save the game to a savegame slot.
3. From Windows, open the savegame folder you saved your game in.
4. In a HEX editing program, open the latest .MIS file that was 
   saved to disk. Look at the timestamp if you are not sure. 
   (Ignore campaign.mis)
5. Find the P$StackCoun string in your .MIS file. This is the 
   beginning of a 120 byte data record.
6. How many nanites do you have? Convert this number into hexadecimal.
   Example: 128 nanites = 0x80. 603 nanites = 0x5B02 (lsb first).
7. Locate this hex value in the P$StackCoun record.
8. Change this value to 0x1027.
9. How many cybermodules do you have? Convert this number into 
10. Locate this hex number in the P$StackCoun record. Look for it 
    approximately 12 bytes before the nanite counter.
11. Change this value to 0x1027.