Total Annihilation
While playing in Skirmish mode, press ENTER then press 
the + key and type in the code for the desired effect: 
ATM        - Gives you 1000 metal and energy. 
CDSTART    - Starts CD Music. 
CLOCK      - Adds an in-game clock in the corner of the screen. 
CONTOUR#   - Displays a 3D contour, # = 1-15. 
CONTROL#   - Lets you to control a different skirmish AI. 
DITHER     - Changes line-of-sight shading
DOUBLESHOT - All weapons do twice the damage
HALFSHOT   - All weapons do half the damage
ILOSE      - Causes you to lose
IWIN       - Causes you to win
KILL#      - Kills off a player, where # is 0-4
NOENERGY   - Drops your energy to 0
NOMETAL    - Drops your metal to 0
NOSHAKE    - Stops explosion screen shakes
NOWISEE    - Full map and disables line of sight
RADAR      - 100% radar coverage
SING       - Makes units "sing" when given orders. 
SHOOTALL   - Units will automatically target enemy buildings
SWITCHALT  - Switch between squads with # keys instead of ALT-# keys
VIEW#      - Display other players' metal and energy.
Free Nuke 
Build an air transport and have it load up the enemies 
commander (can usually only be done early in a skirmish 
against the computer). Fly the commander over the enemies 
base and self-destruct the air transport. 
It will nuke the base! 
Mission Select 
To choose any missiong, go to the SINGLE PLAYER GAME 
screen and type "drdeath." Click on the Cavedog bone 
(below the Load Game button) to choose your starting 
More Opponents in Skirmish Mode 
To add up to 10 AI opponents in Skirmish Mode, go the 
Skirmish Setup screen and type * plus a Roman numeral 
for the number of opponents you wish to add. For example, 
"*iv" will add four AI opponents. 
Resource Sharing in Multiplayer Games 
To share resources with your allies in skirmish mode, 
press ENTER, type one of the codes below, then press 
ENTER again. 
+shareenergy        Shares energy
+sharemetal         Shares metal
+sharemapping       Shares map information
You can control the amount of metal and energy you share by 
placing a number after these commands. For example, 
+setshareenergy 2000 will ensure you have at least 2000 
energy units at all times. 
 Total Annihilation: Battle Tactics
Tip 1:
Experienced TA generals should skip the advice 
portion of the mission briefing and dive immediately 
into each scenario without any preconceptions. 
This greatly reduces the "training mode" feeling.
Tip 2:
The mobile Annihilator cannons should always 
travel in packs of three; this will keep them from 
being overwhelmed while allowing them to lay down 
devastating firepower.
Total Annihilation: Battle Tactics
Tip 1:
Experienced TA generals should skip the advice 
portion of the mission briefing and dive immediately 
into each scenario without any preconceptions. 
This greatly reduces the "training mode" feeling.
Tip 2:
The mobile Annihilator cannons should always 
travel in packs of three; this will keep them from 
being overwhelmed while allowing them to lay down 
devastating firepower.
Tactical Manager
Money and Manager rating cheats
Run the game as usual, select the Managers icon (pen and paper) from
the control panel, and create a manager in the first slot.  Manage
Birmingham City, save the game in slot 1 and then exit.
For loads of money
Edit the file TEAM2.DAT file in the DATA directory, change the values
at 0000:00DC and 0000:00DD to 26.
For Manager Rating of 10, World Class status and able to manage ANY
Edit the file MANAGER.DAT file in the DATA directory, change the 
values at 0000:0014 and 0000:0015 to 0A.
Play as Poison
Type Poison at the "1) Player 2) Players Q)uit" screen. 
Clue Mode
Type Akces at the "1) Player 2) Players Q)uit" screen. 
Hidden Options
Type IKE at the "1) Player 2) Players Q)uit" screen. 
Sound, access to Poison, and clue mode options will 
become available. 
Enable background colors
Type ifokvision at the "1) Player 2) Players Q)uit" screen. 
Exit game
While in game play press Esc. 
Jump up and left five spaces
Press the special jump button, 2442, and the special 
jump button again during game play. 
Random Select
Press Tab when selecting a character.
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
Tip 1: 
When playing as the Zhon, hide your unit-producing 
units-the Beast Handler, Tamer, and Lord-under 
trees while they do their work. This will make them 
more difficult to spot when your enemy rushes into 
the jungle after you. 
Tip 2:
When facing Harpies, keep your units moving. 
Harpy mind control needs to hit a stationary or very 
slow-moving target. Keep a force of fast archers 
zipping around under them until the Harpies have used 
up their mana for a few seconds, and then cut them down. 
Tip 3:
Veruna players should practice using their Amazons and 
Berserkers as a fast land strike force to target enemy 
defense, while slower but tougher knights should be used 
defensively, or to move in after the initial enemy 
defenses have been breached.
The turbo cheat for tanarus is as follows:
you need to load a tank with turbo and rockets, 
To do the cheat you hit turbo wait 1 second and 
hit rocket and forward veryfast. now your turbo 
will keep going until you stop it and you will 
be able to turn in turbo mode.
Here are the level passwords for the novice skill:
 2       03797     3      58829
 4       73159     5      88530
 6       22585     7      64383
 8       50037     9      85164
 10      07274    11      37322
 12      25105    13      70473
 14      83524    15      85720
 16      71990    17      15683
 18      24759    19      10439
 20      14278    21      95912
 22      58819    23      58890
 24      85239    25      72851
 26      47530    27      46574
 28      81152    29      72493
 30      81093    31      51522
 32      58875    33      59092
 34      74665    35      36388
 36      39793    37      43456
 38      51499    39      63588
 40      47672    41      54796
 42      96296    43      50897
 44      71231    45      98488
 46      40965    47      70834
 48      46121    49      31089
 50      27277    51      08439
 52      38599
Tank Commander
Mission Cheat
The File You MUST Edit Is Called "cmndr.0" 
Which You Will Find In  Your Tank Commander 
(E.G. "C:\TANKGAME\") Directory On Your Harddisk.
An example of the string of characters found in 
the right hand coulmn is as below 
..........   45 52 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  RAIDER..........
..........   31 47 32 41  33 41 35 41  36 41 37 41  ....1G2A3A5A6A7A
..........   2A 41 00 02  00 04 00 06  00 09 00     8A*A*A.....
The Line With "1G2A3A5A6A7A" and "8A" in The Next Line Represent The 
Missions.  Now Grab A Simple Hex Editor And Change Your Missions 
Like Following:
Mission 1 - From 1A To 1G
Mission 2 - From 2A To 2H
Mission 3 - From 3A To 3E
Mission 4 - Doesn't Exist Neither In The Savegame Nor On The CD 
Mission 5 - From 5A To 5F
Mission 6 - From 6A To 6E
Mission 7 - From 7A To 7F
Mission 8 - From 8A To 8E
Mission 9 - Doesn't Exist - Will Be Probably The Data Disks Or 
Tank Racer
- HeX-Cheat -
Load the file tanksave.dat into a hex editor 
and change.
 offset 04 to FF -> all cups available
 offset 0F to FF -> all boni available
 offset 10 to FF -> bronze cup circuits available
 offset 14 to FF -> silver cup circuits available
 offset 19 to FF -> gold cup circuits available
While in the game, type:
Code      Result 
stlevel   - Skip Level 
ststage   - Select Level 
stanimals - Kill All Unwanted Animals 
stsave    - Save Game 
stload    - Load Game 
sttarzan  - Change to Tarzan 
stjane    - Change to Jane 
stcolour  - Brighter Colors 
submitted by Nightraider
Total Annihilation: The Core Contingency
Tip 1:
Almost every scenario requires you to build up heavy 
air defenses immediately and then prepare to repel a 
heavy enemy thrust as soon as your radar towers go up.
Build up long-range siege guns ad nauseam and pound 
the computer player.
Tip 2:
Beware the Krogoth!! Unless your defenses are very deep,
you will be forced to use your Commander's Disintigrator
and the resulting explosion will leave your Commander 
teetering on the brink.
Tip 3:
On maps with rivers, ditch some metal makers underwater 
where they will remain pretty much safe against the 
myopic computer player.
The Blues Brothers
In the title screen type HOULQ and you'll be 
able to play any level by writing his number 
followed by Space Bar!
Type 'CRASH' on the high score table, and you can 
skip levels with the HELP key.
On the 'Rescue Tygra' stage, find a place where 
bonus' pop up frequently, and keep getting them.  
If you're careful not to die, you can horde a lot 
of free men.
Tom Clancy's SSN
[B] activates comm panel then type CISCO SEZ then hit [enter].
After that you can put in these codes after you press [B]:
Code                     Result 
BE MY BUDDY            - Targeted ship or sub will become ally. 
FLIP HER               - Turns sub around. 
ZEPPLIN                - Sub flys like a blimp. 
DROP ANCHOR            - Makes sub stop. 
HEAL ME                - Fixes sub. 
EAT LEAD               - Changes torpedo. 
BOOM                   - Targeted object will explode. 
SEE THEM               - Improves sonar. 
ENGAGE CLOAKING DEVICE - Hides sub from enemy sonar.
Test Drive 1
Choose the Ferrari: 
Hit [Z] and [R].
You're at topspeed.
Test Drive 2
Try typing the following during the game for interesting results:  
aerf     - Fast acceleration and quick braking (and free life)
Test Drive 3: The Passion
Edit TD3.EXE and
- change the string 88 3E C9 18 88 1E  CA 18  
  in                90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
- change the string FE 0E 82 09 74            
  in                90 90 90 90 90
Test Drive 4
To enter a cheat code, first go to the Save Game screen. 
Select Slot 10, type in the cheat code and press [ENTER].
You can use multiple cheat codes together. 
NOAICARS = No AI racers in the LAN game
STICKIER = No 3D collisions (you can still spin each other but your cars will 
           not leave the ground)
AARDVARK = All collisions turned off
ITSLATE = No special effects (3Dfx version only)
CREDITZ = Show Credits with cool pics
SRACLLA = Unlock All Cars
LEVELLLA = Unlock All Tracks
SPAZZY = Test Drive on Acid
BANDW = Black & White Mode
MPALMER = Mini Cars
GONZON = Fast Forward Mode
BIRDVIEW = View From Above
NITROXXX = nitro boost with horn button
BOBCRED = extra credits
COLOUR = changes screen back to color when in b and W mode
Test Drive 5
To use these codes you must be fast enough to have your 
time entered on the high score screen (make sure to turn 
checkpoints on from OPTION screen.) 
Name:      Effect:
knacked    - Reverse tracks
whoooosh   - Nitros (press HORN while racing)
mjcim.rc   - Tiny cars
sausage    - Bonus cars
After entering the codes make sure you save your game.
Otherwise, you will have to run this each time you play.
Also, if you use the Nitro code don't try it until you're
in second or higher gear. Otherwise you'll spin out. 
 Other Cheat Codes:
 Go to the first OPTIONS menu and type:
cup of choice       - This unlocks all cup races!
that takes me back  - This enables backwards mode!
i have the key      - This unlocks all cars and tracks!
Where the spaces are you must hit the space bar
All Cars 
To unlock all cars, type "I have the key" at 
the options screen. 
All Police Cars 
To unlock all police cars' go to the 'options' 
screen, then type in "i carry a badge" 
You will hear a 'boom' sound if you did it right. 
All Tracks 
At the options screen type "Cup of Choice" 
to unlock all tracks. 
When you get a high score, enter your name as 
"whoooosh". While playing, press the HORN button 
for a burst of speed. 
Remote Breaking 
At the options screen type "remote braking". 
This will then stop all opponents when your horn is sounded. 
Reverse Tracks 
To reverse the direction of the race, type 
"That takes me back" on the Options screen. 
Small Cars 
For smaller cars, enter your name as "mjcim.rc" on 
the high score screen.
Test Drive Off Road
Type the following Cheat-Codes
as your Racer Name: 
Cheat 1 - Race with a stock car 
Cheat 2 - Get stock car and more cars 
Cheat 3 - Play an off roading video 
Cheat 4 - Gives all tracks 
Cheat 5 - No clipping mode 
Ciggies - No bumps or rocks
Hidden Picture: 
You can see a picture of the Acclaim Team 
by going selecting any vehicle. Go to Mojave 
Part II (If you have it unlocked.) 
After you start, turn all the way around. 
Go on the right side of that pile. 
You should go through the wall.
Test Drive Offroad 3
Hex Cheat:
Hex edit 000000BD to 000000BF.
To have 800 000$ change to 00 35 0C.
Team 47 Goman
- Secret Codes: -
During gameplay, secret codes may be entered with the keyboard. All of the
secret codes are activated by having the user hold down the (~) or F6 keys
and then type one of the following codes.
The (~) or F6 key acts as a "shift" key for entering codes, and it must be
kept held down while you slowly type in the code. The code will be entered
into gameplay once you release the (~) or F6 key.
 ~POWER           Turns off Monster AI
 ~OWQUITIT        Stops spores from targeting robot
 ~YOUPYRO         User can play as monster for current level
 ~YOUTWIT         Play as robot (used after ~YOUPYRO)
 ~WIPEOUT         Kills current monster
 ~TRIPWIRE        Kills current robot
 ~POWERUP         Gives monster full energy
 ~POWERTIE        Gives robot full energy
 ~TYPEWRITER      Prints framerate to screen
- Windows95 Run Command Line Parameters: -
To use these options, you need to install GoMan then use the Win95 "run"
command and enter in these numbers with a space after the EXE. Click on the
Windows95 "Start" button, then click on "Run", then "Browse" to the
directory that you installed GoMan in, choose the GOMAN.EXE & choose
"Open". Type a space after the GOMAN.EXE portion and then type in your
desired combination of the 6 numbers.
Example: GOMAN.EXE 124411 (this would choose level 1, 640 mode, full
screen, detail on high, andfancy type transparency)
The following are explanations for each of the 6 numbers:
1st: chooses the level.
Number can be 0-6 for regular version, must be 1 for shareware version.
2nd: chooses the video mode.
1= 320 x 240 x 8 bit mode
2= 640 x 480 x 16 bit mode
7= 512 x 384 x 16 bit mode
3rd: chooses window size
1= small
2= medium
3= letter box
4= full screen
4th: chooses detail level
1= lowest ; smallest land, color key only
2= low ; small land, color key only
3= medium ; regular land, color key only
4= high ; larger land, alpha transparency, perspective correction
5= highest ; largest land, alpha transparency, perspective correction,
lighting, bi-linear filtering
* 4 & 5 are primarily for D3D cards.
5th: not in use
This not in use, but it must must set to 1 if you want to use the 6th
6th: chooses transparency & translucency type
0 = color key only
1 = Fancy type
2 = semi-fancy type*
3 = translucent type
4 = normal type
5 = alternative type transparency**
*(This one will improve quality on ATI Rage II, 3D Labs Permedia/2& Cirrus
5465   Laguna chips)
**( This one will allow for GoMan transparency to work on the Cirrus Laguna
"64" chip)
Host your own game and make sure your console command window 
is set as the button ~, press it and a window will come down, 
type in sv_gravity ***, fill in the *** with as many numbers 
as you want, the normal gravity is 600 -700. have fun. 
Heavy powered sniper: 
Join a game that has a level with a stationary machine 
game(total war). join the game as a sniper walk up to the 
gun with your sniper gun out, gain control of the machine 
gun and just sniper in, your accurracy will be a lot better 
with this.
Team Fortress
Purpose of Team Fortress 
It should be obvious, but it seems as if many players miss it. 
Look at the first word in "Team Fortress". Ahh, get it? Yup, 
this is no ordinary deathmatch game, where it's everyone for 
his or herself. There are some people who play TF as such, 
though. If you want a disoriented frag fest, with classes,  
check out Future vs Fantasy (FvF). I am by no means saying 
such a game is bad (hell, chaos is good once in a while), but 
for the most part, that's not what Team Fortress is all about. 
In TF, teams are pitted against each other. They have to work 
together in order to: 1) secure their base, and 2) score against
the enemy. Sometimes scoring is done via flag capturing (a la CTF).
Or sometimes it requires damaging parts of the enemy base (like in
Havoc). In any case, coordination is something teams should be 
doing, if they want to win. 
Although we all love killing, being #1 on the frag list doesn't
necessarily mean you're good at TF. If you're fragging everybody,
but letting the enemy team score against you, and not scoring 
against them ... you're not a good TF player. A great killer 
perhaps, but it would undoubtedly be better for your team if you 
adapted to the TF style. 
So what does this all mean? Simple. You will take a rocket blast
if it means protecting the flag carrier. You will patiently defend
your own flag. You will tell others where the enemy is. You will 
go out of your way to detpack-open grates and holes. You will go 
after spies that threaten to backstab your teammates. You live, 
frag, and die for your team. And you will have a helluva fun time
doing so. 
Defending your base is one of the most important jobs you can do
for your team. After all, you want to make the enemy team work if
they want to score, right? Fortunately, this is one of the easier
things to do in TF. Respawn points are generally near the flag, 
as are ammo/armor supplies. Enemies that come your way are likely
to be damaged already. And most maps have choke points so that you
know where they're coming from as well. 
There are two types of defense: base defense and score defense. 
The former is the first line of defense. It's their job to injure,
if not kill, the enemy before they reach the score area. This is 
the role Snipers usually play: kill the enemy the moment they start
heading towards your base. Engineers are also necessary. Their 
sentries should try to catch anyone who happens to slip past the
Sniper. Players of other classes should situation themselves in 
whatever choke points happen to be in the map. What you don't want
to do is let a person roam around your base unscathed. Doing so is
dangerous for your fellow Snipers/Engineers and more importantly, 
your second (and often last) line of defense. Finally, if anyone 
does happen to get past you, and starts heading towards the flag/ 
score area, it's important that you alarm your teammates. 
Basic Class Tips 
The best thing you can do for your team is choose a class that 
you're good at, and that they're lacking. Nowadays, classes like
Snipers and Engineers are a must. (So are Soldiers and Medics but
a team almost always has enough of them) Please don't choose a 
class if you're not good with them, though. All you do is waste 
ammo and time. (Use small, really unimportant games to practice 
new classes, or perhaps games in which your team is simply dominating) 
Obviously, it's important that you know the strengths and weaknesses
of each class. Take note of the benefits and problems, and use them 
to predict the actions of your enemy. "Knowledge is power", so read 
Be aware of the speed differences. Namely, don't go chasing after 
Scouts if you're a Heavy Weapons Guy. If you think you have a 
chance of catching up (Soldier vs Demoman, go ahead and try, but 
don't waste too much of your time if the pursuit turns hopeless. 
The Grenades 
Use them! Regular hand-grenades are supposedly twice as powerful 
as normal grenade-launcher ones. Great for parties with the enemy!
Bounce them around corners, lob them onto balconies. Use them on 
sentries, Hwguys, other unsuspecting villains, and watch the 
Also get to know the special grenades as well. Some are rather 
piddly, but others can result in near instant death. 
Nail Grenades 
Used by Soldiers. Somewhat powerful, and they can really clear 
out a room! Best used if thrown into a small room with lots of 
enemies. (Ever try the ammo rooms in 2fort4? Gibs of fun!) Note 
however, that nail grenades are notorious for causing lag and 
crashing servers. It's not fun for the server to record where 
every nail in the grenade is. (I personally made a big boo boo 
when I threw, uhh, 6 or so nail grenades into the top level in 
MIRV Grenades 
Can we say cheap? Gobs of fun and gibs o' plenty. These little 
nasties will spew forth multiple grenades, in attempt to blast 
open anyone within its range. They're probably the Engineer's 
worst nightmare, since many o' MIRV has "dismantled" a sentry. 
EMP Grenades 
Used by Engineers. Not much to them. Use 'em like normal grenades.
However, they pack a much LARGER punch. (Most blasts seem to result
in instant death) They're supposed to blow up the ammo of anyone in
range. Maybe if you didn't carry any ammo, you'd survive? :) 
Concussion Grenades 
These really annoy me. Basically, they cause your view to shift 
around automatically. Moving around is still possible, but firing
is unwise (and dangerous if you're a Soldier). I've heard of Medics
"grenade jumping" using these things. Must be hard, but definately 
a good ability to have. 
Flash Grenades
Yet another "annoying" grenade. Used by Scouts to blind their 
foes (momentarily) and slip through unsuspected. As with 
concussions, it's usually not a good idea to fire ... who knows
who or what you'll hit? (Can we say: "Wall blast?") 
Hallucinogen Grenades 
Used by Spies. Not terribly effective, though. It's sort of like 
the nail grenade, in that rooms will be cleared (for quite a long
time I might add). But they're not likely to kill anyone, unless 
you happen to tranquilize enemy players into them. In any case, 
they sort of give away the Spy. 
Napalm Grenades 
Used by Pyros. These used to be not that powerful, but in the 
latest version these can be deadly. Now they continuously burst
into flame. They can be used to block off passages and just as 
good as a mirv grenade for taking out sentries. It's great for 
damaging incoming enemies. 
Finally, the last "special" grenade isn't even a grenade at all..
it's the flare. Used by Snipers. Flares seem to work best when 
used to light up those shadowy areas Snipers like to lurk in. 
The Sniper can now chuck the flare pretty far. But wouldn't it
have been nice what if Snipers were able to SHOOT flares, via 
the Sniper Rifle? 
Knowing the Levels 
One of the most important tips I can give: know the levels. Also,
learn how to score in them. It never ceases to amaze me how many 
people take the key to the wrong place in the Rock or how many 
players don't know where the control room is in Havoc. Do your 
teammates a favor and read the DOCs. Or at the very least, don't
pick up keys/flags if you don't know where they go. There's 
nothing more irritating than watching a teammate in the Rock 
bring the key to YOUR base. 
It's also important to know where the choke points and Sniper/
Sentry hideouts are. If you know where to expect the enemy, 
you'll probably find a way to surprise THEM instead of vice 
versa. Also, I've found it much easier to bounce grenades into
areas with Sentries, rather than attack one head on.
If you start with only 5 lives and must go through 11 
levels of harsh battle, I don't think you'll make it, 
unless you are lucky and fast enough to get extra lives.
But you can save your game, and use PCTools to change 
the byte at offset 5(hex) to 05. 
This will return you to 5 lives. I tried fixing it with 
FF, but I found out that it doesn't work - I lose as if 
I had no lives left. You can attempt to screw around 
with other bytes and hopefully get more lives than five.
Teenage Ninja Turtles
Press A,S,D,F,G,H at the same time so you can 
walk thru buildings.
Press Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,P at the same time for
unlimited energy.
When you eat a pizza, enter and leave the sewer.
The pizza will reappear.  Cowabunga!
ALT+SHIFT+G  = Invulnerability
ALT+SHIFT+W  = All weapons, lots of ammo, and all keycards
ALT+SHIFT+J  = All matrix symbols
Tennis Elbow
Type during gameplay
Mtkil                    - win the match
Mtwin                    - Win current set
Mtbal                    - Makes Ball big
Spacebar+Right Shift+(.) - win all points
Lifeforce: Tenka 
The file TENKA.SAV in the SAV folder holds the saved games info. Hex
offset 124 begins the data for the saved game in the first save game
slot. This section begins with hex 26 and continues for 92 bytes. The
next 92 bytes are for slot 2, then 92 for slot 3, and so on.
Byte number 13 (decimal) of this 92 byte section contains the level
number. Valid values for this byte range from hex 00 through hex 24
excluding hex values 02, 14, 15, 16, 20, and 21. Hex 22, 23, and 24
will play the three running demos.
A hex 01 entered into decimal byte 25 will enable the Double Shot
weapon. A hex 01 entered into decimal byte 27 will enable the Rapid
Fire weapon. Decimal byte 53 contains the number of shots available
for the Single Shot, Double Shot, and Rapid Fire weapons. Any hex
value of 00 through FF is valid however, if a hex value higher than 63
is entered, the shots will be available, but the readout on the weapon
will be incorrect.
A hex 01 entered into decimal byte 29 will enable the Single Laser
weapon. A hex 01 entered into decimal byte 31 will enable the Double
Laser weapon. A hex 01 entered into decimal byte 33 will enable the
Burst Laser weapon. Decimal byte 57 contains the number of shots
available for the three Laser weapons. Any hex value of 00 through FF
is valid however, if a hex value higher than 63 is entered, the shots
will be available, but the readout on the weapon will be incorrect.
A hex 01 entered into decimal byte 35 will enable the Missile weapon.
A hex 01 entered into decimal byte 37 will enable the Grenade weapon.
A hex 01 entered into decimal byte 39 will enable the Mine weapon.
Decimal byte 61 contains the number of shots available for the Missile
weapon. Decimal byte 63 contains the number of shots available for the
Grenade weapon. Decimal byte 65 contains the number of shots available
for the Mine weapon. Any hex value of 00 through FF is valid however,
if a hex value higher than 63 is entered, the shots will be available,
but the readout on the weapon will be incorrect.
Terminator 2
Hold the fire-key while the computer is loading
the "T-800 versus T-1000" sequence.  
This makes you invulnerable.
Hex edit T2.EXE
For everlasting energy:
Search for 89 44 10 60 E8 7F
Change to: 90 90 90 60 E8 7F
For everlasting bombs:
Search for 89 45 68 60
Change to: 90 90 90 60
Terminator 2: Arcade
For Unlimited Energy
Edit the file T2.EXE
Search for 89 44 10 60 E8 7F
Change to  90 90 90 -- -- --
For Unlimited Bombs
Edit the file T2.EXE
Search for 89 45 68 60
Change to  90 90 90 --
Terminator Future Shock
Press [Alt]+[\] and type these codes:
 FIREPOWER   : All the weapons available
 SUPERUZI    : More firepower
 BANDAID     : 100% health and armour
 NEXTMISSION : Jump to next mission
 ICANTSEE    : Enhanced targeting
 TURBO       : Turbo mode
 GARBLE      : Show typing cheat codes
 WHOAMI      : Show coordinates
 COUNTERS    : Puts numbers at the top left
 VERSION     : Prints version #
 VERSION(ID) : Prints version # with some extra info
 HELLO       : Prints "HELLO?"
Terminal Velocity
TRIGODS - Invicibility
TRISHLD - Restores shields to full
TRINEXT - Ends current level
TRIHOVR - Game responds with Hover Pad.
MANIACS - Afterburner (gives you 960 afterburner units)
TRSCOPE - Displays an oscilliscope
TRIBURN - Terminal Velocity
TRFRAME - Displays a frame counter
TRIFIRx - where x is a number between 0 and 9
0 - Invicibility       1 - P.A.C.
2 - I.O.N.             3 - R.T.L.
4 - M.A.M.             5 - S.A.D.
6 - S.W.T.             7 - D.A.M.
8 - Afterburner        9 - Invisibility
3DREALM - Game replys with Smokin'.  
This is a catch-all type cheat. 
It combines the MANIACS cheat with all the weapons.
(Enter under the Help Menu option in the 
Cheat Codes password box) 
barnsley     = Invincible mode on/off
nozzle       = Access to all episodes and levels through
               the Game-Levels Menu option
popov        = Go anywhere mode on/off
clam_chariot = Loads of cheats (including all guns)
welk         = All guns available
phaal        = Unlimited ammo on/off
batfinc      = Full shields
drugssuck    = Numbers displayed on screen on/off
top_trumps   = "Go anywhere mode on" message displayed,
               but it doesn't work
yams         = "Go anywhere mode on" message displayed,
               but it doesn't work
The following may also be cheat codes, but no message 
or effect was noticed.
TFX Experimental Fighter
Commandline parameters:
Start the game with
TFX PLOP [Enter]
This should give you infinite lives in all
Ingame funnies:
Enroll in the UN, but when you enter your name, finish
it with a [Ctrl]+[Enter].  Now you can choose scenery.
After executing your callsign, press [Ctrl]+[Enter] to 
skip training.
Type [RightShift]+PLOP while playing to become invincible
in the air.
Press [Shift]+[D] to fill weapons.
The Ardennes Offensive
Combat system
Spend some time learning the combat system. 
Even though it is simple, try to pay attention 
to what adjustments and shifts are happening in 
each combat. Being able to use the system to your 
advantage will prove invaluable, especially against 
live opponents.
Keep reserves
Keep plenty of reserves ready to exploit any holes you 
punch in enemy lines. Let the lead units do the dirty 
work, then push the fresh troops through the gap to wreak 
havoc on any remaining enemy units.
Be sure to surround enemy units whenever possible so that 
a "retreat" result will annihilate those units.
The Extacy 
During the game press: 
F - Full lives 
S - Skip level
The Hive
1Type TORYO (all caps) at player name screeen 
to be able to access any level of the game. 
If it doesn't work, try reinstalling the game 
and use the cheat the first time you play.
The Immortal
The level codes:
 Level 2 : 757FC10006F70
 Level 3 : IA3D620000E10
 Level 4 : D9B3531010EB0
 Level 5 : B57F943000EB0
 Level 6 : 563FF53010A41
 Level 7 : C250F63010AC1
 Level 8 : EO11F730178C1
Their Finest Hour
Here's an easy way to create a British fighter ace. 
Using the mission builder create a mission with six 
BF-109s on one runway and six on another runway nearby 
but only to thell them where to take off and land and 
don't give them anywhere to fly to. Fly in a Spitfire 
MkII and start the mission near the runways. Strafe the 
planes on the ground. Destroy them all. Return to base 
and you should get 152 points. Repeat this milrun mission 
10 times and you get all the medals and should be promoted 
to Group Captain.
The Last Eichhof 
Start the game with beer /007.*, 
where * can be (they can be combined): 
1 - Unlimited lives 
2 - Unlimited money 
4 - Invulnerability 
7 - Activates all the cheats
The Manager
Go to speed menu and position the mouse cursor
over the A of main menu.
Press [A] to get $24 million.
Theme Hospital
First click on an icon in the corner. A fax machine 
will pop up with a question on it. Look down at the 
bottom and there are some numbers and then the green
button. Enter 24328 and the following cheats will work.
Or enter 7287 to go to a rat shotting level after you 
have completed the level you are on.
To get all the rooms and litter bombs: 
Shift+C  - toget more money
Ctrl+y   - end of the year
Ctrl+m   - end of the month
Ctrl+C   - full reasearch
Theme Park
Super park
Enter demo as your nick. 
go to continue game then you have a super park.
For your nick name type in DEMO then press enter 
then from there press continue game or F3 and you 
will start with a superpark.
Enter "horza" as nickname.
Then while playing press:
c        for money
ctrl+z   for all rides
shift+z  for all shops
Alt+z    for all features
More Money
Hold Shift + C while Playing
The Rocketeer
Here are the passwords for all the five episodes:
The Summoning
Beat the Game Quick and Easy 
Say ZEBU to the first person you meet in the game. 
Go left and use the newly activated teleporter. 
Pick everything and go north. Use the broken 
staff in the hole to open the door. Go North. 
Get the Second half of the staff from the chest. 
Hold one piece of the staff in each hand and cast 
mending (FHGACABF) Use the Staff of summoning while 
holding Warmonger in the other hand. Pick up the 
Clothes that Shadow Weaber left behind. Enter the 
Turn on [Caps Lock] and start the game:
During the game, press [Esc],[Y],[Esc].
You'll be fully loaded with energy.
Thief: The Dark Project
Only works with v1.33
Mission Skipping: 
If you're tired of a particular mission, pressing 
"Control-Alt-Shift-End" will cause the mission to 
end and allow you to move on to the next mission.
Money cheat: 
You can give yourself loot by adding the line  
"cash_bonus" to your "dark.cfg." If set to an 
integer, its value is added to your loot total 
for loadout purposes.
With 'cash_bonus 3000' added to your dark.cfg file, go 
into the game. When you get to the "Loadout" screen, 
immediately hit ESC, then SAVE, then quit back to the 
Go back into the game and LOAD the game you just saved. 
You'll return to the Loadout screen, and another 3000 gold 
will be added to your purse.
Repeat until you have as much gold as you want/need!
Starting Mission:
You can start the game at a mission other than Lord 
Bafford's Manor by putting the line "starting_mission X" 
in your "dark.cfg," where X is the mission number to 
start at. When you select "New Game," you will start 
at that mission.
Extra Money in the Training Level 
When you go through the red door that exits the 
training ground, quickly go north. There will be 
a table with a golden glass type thing on it.  
Pick it up and you will have an extra 50 bucks 
when you go to the next level to buy stuff! 
Secret Basketball Court 
First go through training until you reach the 
courtyard. Spar the guard until he goes back 
to the area he came from, stop him by hiting 
him a few times. 
Then grab the key on the table, now go where 
the guard came out and go all the way down 
the hall until you a door then use the key. 
You'll come to a court with a ball in the 
middle and find a scroll. 
Tip 1
If you're forced into a swordplay situation, try to keep
your back away from the wall. Backing up may be your best
defense. Backpedal from the approaching foe and strike 
just as soon as he finishes his attack (who will hopefully 
will miss you).
Tip 2
Stealth is your best tactic in nearly all situations, but 
remember that a foe who's actively searching for you can 
spot you in the shadows from about 12 feet away.
Tip 3
Always try to listen in when you hear a conversation going 
on around the corner, you just never know when you might 
pick up some useful information.
Tip 4
The Water Arrow to put out torches is very useful when you 
want to sneak past a guard in a room full of light. But be 
careful, you can only use this when the guard is facing the
opposite direction of the torch, or he will immediately warn
the others.
Tip 5
The poisoning arrow is very useful when there are two guards 
standing next to eachother. Just kill one with the arrow and 
finish the second one off. He won't be able to warn others. 
If there're a lot of people, use the noise arrow to distract
some and finish them off, one by one.
Tip 6
A guard standing alone should always be killed by taking him 
out from behind. He shouldn't be able to make any noise.
Think Cross
This Means War!
View enemy location
Click on the right side of 
the screen and type max. 
Destroy any unit
Click on the right side of the screen 
and type ronpost. The pointer will turn 
into a lightning bolt to confirm correct 
code entry. 
Note: Turn off death mode while in the view 
menu to avoid destroying your own units.
Three Stooges
To really slow down the hang that selects the scenes, 
do the slapping game and pull Curly's ear; 
do it continuously until time runs out.
Use these passwords to enter the different 
parts of the adventure :
Tie Fighter
Hex edit FLIGHT.OVL file
Change offset 36234 to 01 to disable enemy hyperspace drive
Change offset 36230 to 01 to enable hyperspace for you
Tiger Shark
In the first menu, press SPACE-N. 
Now you can enter the following codes:
HAPPY - no damage
BLAST - unlimited ammo
EMPTY - enemy won't shoot back
AMMO  - super power weapons
Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf
Blow Up the Golf Cart: 
Go to the driving range and wait until you see the golf 
cart crossing the driving range. Hit the cart with the 
ball and the person inside should say something. 
Hit it again and he should say something else. 
When you hit it the third time, it will blow up. 
Tip 1:
For great multiplayer success, switch from Pro Swing 
mode to three-click in the middle of a hole. Use Pro Swing 
(with ample overswing) for some truly huge, straight drives, 
then move to three-click for short approaches, chips, and 
putts. What your opponents don't know might hurt them.
Tip 2:
Downhill putts with even a tad too much momentum have 
a tendency to run way past the hole, seemingly further than 
in most other golf games. Therefore, landing under the hole 
is recommended; you'll have a better chance putting uphill.
Tip 3:
Don't be afraid to tamper with the default club length 
for virtually all approach shots. Shortening your club will 
improve your game.
Tiles And Tribulations
Level skip
Enter one of the following warp codes 
to start after the indicated level.
Level    Code 
5        PROJECTILE  
10       INFANTILE
The Incredible Machine
Listed below please find all 160 TIM passwords. That's right, 160. 
This list includes the passwords for the puzzles in the new TIM 
add-on disk. 
The first entry is blank - you don't need a password for the 
first puzzle of the game. Entry of any password on this list 
gives you access to all the puzzles below that level. 
For some reason, there are *2* final passwords. Entry of 
either of these passwords gives you access to all levels of 
the game. 
The game turns the list of puzzles that you've `done' 
(or entered the password for) green. If you enter the 
final password, all the puzzles in the list turn green. 
So, if you do this, you must keep careful track of the 
levels that you've completed, or you might miss some. 
If you get fed up with this, you can turn all the levels 
back to red by deleting the file `TIM.CFG'. 
This file is updated each time you quit the game, saving 
the level that you've got to. If you delete this file, it's 
regenerated the next time you quit the game. When I deleted 
it from my TIM + Add-on-disk setup, the add-on levels turned 
red and the original levels stayed green. 
*** CAUTION *** make a backup copy of your game before trying 
this. If you delete files from the game, and the whole thing 
refuses to run, *and* you haven't first made a backup; don't 
come crying to me :-) 
These passwords work fine on the UK version of the game. 
For all I know, they'll work on all versions of the game 
worldwide, and also cover the new commercial version that 
will be released soon; which combines original TIM and the 
add-on disk stuff. However, I'm not making any guarantees. 
Congratulations to Jeff Tunnell Productions and Sierra on 
a game that has held my attention right to the end. 
I've played many, many computer games; and I tire of most 
before I complete them. Nice work, guys! 
Please feel free to distribute this file. However, please 
leave the whole text intact - the spoiler alert, the 
warnings, and my .sig at the end. (Fame - I wanna live 
forever :-) ) 
Here's the list of passwords:
2 SIERRA          3 DYNAMIX 
4 MACHINE         5 DISK 
6 SHUTTLE         7 SATURN 
8 KING            9 DRAGON 
10 ANTS          11 BASEBALL 
12 BEAR          13 FISH 
14 DALE          15 CHESTERTON 
16 SIZE          17 IRELAND 
18 WORD          19 BRIEF 
20 HOT DOG       21 COUNTDOWN 
22 PSALMS        23 TANK 
24 NIGHT         25 GAMES 
26 WESTERN       27 LOG HOME 
28 GRAPHICS      29 KNUTH 
36 DESK          37 MYRTLE 
40 SHOE          41 FLOWER 
42 STORE         43 CLARE 
44 KERRY         45 FLANGE 
46 SEASON        47 TRIBOLOGY 
62 PALM          63 SOMBRERO 
64 JOIST         65 ASTRONAUT 
72 ANGULAR       73 ZIPPER 
74 UMPIRE        75 RECOVER 
76 SHADOW        77 IONIZE 
78 QUAKE         79 OCTOBER 
82 NEEDLE        83 THEORY 
84 LOBSTER       85 SAMURAI 
86 SPLICE        87 GULF 
88 RHOMBUS       89 OLIVE 
94 HEAVY         95 REPUBLIC 
98 SULFURIC      99 DOPA 
102 JASMINE     103 WRANGLE 
104 KUDOS       105 CULDESAC 
106 YODEL       107 XYLOPHONE 
108 MONKEY      109 HEIST 
110 CAPTURE     111 PURSE 
112 HOBBY       113 DEIFY
122 YAMMER      123 NERVE
124 GRATE       125 EMULSION
126 INPUT       127 PARADISE
128 SAMURAI     129 CHAOS
130 BRAWL       131 ASIDE
132 AXIS        133 OFFBEAT
134 QUIP        135 NEWMAN
136 SLOPE       137 TENON
138 CROSSCUT    139 NORM
140 HOUSE       141 MACARONI
142 TALON       143 BEAK
146 STREAM      147 UMIAK
148 HIATUS      149 CREEK
150 CROQUET     151 ACID
152 BABY        153 SEAN
154 QUALM       155 THIAMINE
156 TURN        157 KANGAROO
158 CONTENT     159 BELLOC
Time Commando
Type in during gameplay:
HUIBON          All weapons
VONLUX          Health
Type in at start code menu:
COMMANDO        Access secret level
Level Codes:
                Easy            Normal          Hard
Roman           YPTERFGZ        QJSLVABL        SOIOLGNK
Japanexe        NKTOLVIF        KAYAGEAF        TFJSVJMC
Middle Age      VMXYICCB        MZFSPQDD        XFYAMXIE
Conquistadors   FDQLUGGCC       AVMJFGGU        ZOVASAIV
Wild West       ZREHQFIR        EVBSVTCV        BODSGWLW
Modern Wars     FBTAWPFC        YLHHGXBO        VEJHMQKO
Future          X               ALPYPJFO        ZEYPCEHQ
Beyond Time                     YBULVABN        HMFDLGNN
Time Slaughter
Start the game with the ts midgetpower command line, 
then enter one of the codes below while in game play 
to activate the following cheat function.
Function                    - Code 
Toggle clipping mode          - Ctrl + A 
Toggle death mode             - Ctrl + E 
Toggle heads                  - Ctrl + L 
Toggle mid-air moves          - Ctrl + Q 
Toggle screen spins           - Ctrl + U 
Toggle status bars            - Ctrl + I 
Toggle strobe effect          - Ctrl + O 
Toggle suction                - Ctrl + X 
Toggle super moves            - Ctrl + S 
Toggle teleports              - Ctrl + H 
Toggle tilt screen            - Ctrl + Z 
Toggle timer                  - Ctrl + T 
Toggle zooms                  - Ctrl + W 
Toggles background graphics   - Ctrl + D 
Toggles combo messages        - Ctrl + N 
Toggles vertical scrolling    - Ctrl + V 
Turbo player one              - Ctrl + Comma 
Turbo player two              - Ctrl + Semicolon 
"shot???.raw" screenshot file - Ctrl + Equals 
Display debug info            - Ctrl + Y 
Enables fatalities            - Ctrl + F 
Increase blood                - Ctrl + B 
One hit kills                 - Ctrl + K 
Pauses and resumes game       - Ctrl + P
Tin Tin in Tibet
In the game there are three 
different codes... 
these are:
 1: 315
 2: 907
 3: 623
Tiny Trails 
Level Codes:
TITANIC: Adventure out of Time
Cufflink Location 
Mr. Strauss' cufflink is in the First Class reception room. 
Go down in the lift (elevator). The cufflink is behind the 
cushion in the left chair. 
Playing Tip 
When you begin the game, you will start out in a room in the 
year 1942, which is during World War II. In this room there 
will be a model Titanic and a book that has the word "Memories" 
written on it. Click on both of these items. After you have 
done this, walk over to the desk and click on the desk. Once 
this is done, you should hear a alarm that sounds like a 
tornado warning. It's a bomb. 
Control Room 
When the seamen asks you to help do this: 
Turn red valves clockwise until they can't be turned anymore. 
Adjust Sea Water Pump level 1/2 to 3/4 open. Maximize heat by 
main boiler control by 3/4. Close steam valves until turbine 
power output is in the green zone. 
Finding the Rubyiat 
First, go to boiler room 3 using the stairs right by Penny's 
cabin then solve the engineer's problem. Go through the doors 
until you reach boiler room 3. Talk to Vlad, say you will get 
his package, get the Rubyait and move it to a different chute.
Get the packege, give it to Vlad then get the Rubiyait and
Georgia's Real Necklace
First of all, you must have the necklace Georgia gave you on
the deck. After that when you meet Charles on deck, say yes 
to visit the smoking room with him. He will tell you Georgia's
necklace is fake. Say good bye and visit Sasha's cabin. Talk 
to the guy and he'll leave. Then shut off the power. Sasha  
will leave turn on the power and enter. You will find the 
Doll on his desk, simply much the numbers so they equal the  
number they are pointing to. Then open the thing up. Take the 
real ncklace and replace it with the fake. Then take it to the
Get the Painting 
Once you have gotten the keys to the cargo hold go to it the 
entrance is on the forcastle deck there will be a guard talk 
to him he will think you are the purser and will let you go 
in find the cargo room where the car is turn on the car lights
and leave them on then click on the crate that the lights are 
shining on the painting should be there if not you didn't go 
fast enough thats all right you'll get it later. 
Willy's Notebook 
When the ship is sinking, go to the first class louge and get 
the shawl from Ms. Limehouse. Then use the second class stairs
to get to F-Deck. Then go down the steps right before the 
control room. You will find Vlad and say, "You can get him in 
to first class". Give him the shawl for the notebook and then 
return to the deck.