
Marika's Cooking


begun 1/4-02, 18/4-02 kbv. written in many different spaces...

html, 18.36 kb.; doc, 123 kb., 3000+ lines (so far), 00000 words.

Just started, and kept on going, and even now, three weeks into it can't find an end.  The visual/narrative is the culmination of the past twenty or so poems I've written... I sense Marquez's earlier stories, when magic realism was just beginning to take form, but also Checkov... funny, prose being the influences I sense most readily... and what is one going to do with a 200 page poem?::::can't even publish it on the web...

Turned 46 last week...

Lost my job last night... says he's hired back a former cook who knows the food and couldn't pass up rehiring him, said I was doing really well, but just couldn't pass-up his old cook's offer to return... I feel burned... and with our financial situation as it is, the thought of going back on welfare is killing me, really making me desperate... two months to go until B. finishes her education, and I just don't see how we can survive those two months... we're in deep shit...

Handwritten, green/white notebooks.


(none yet... feel free to be the first to give feedback on this piece. Hit the letter symbol above... positive, negative, whatever, I'll put it here...)


The Gigantic Ear
