Why can't I play my Freeform Ayenee Role Playing characters here?

Isn't this Ayenee?


Why can't I play my freeform Ayenee role-playing characters here? Isn't this Ayenee?

Sorry - the World of Darkness isn't Ayenee (even though it's made in the Entertainment and Arts section of Yahoo!'s user rooms) What's that you say? All user rooms belong to Ayenee? Umm... no, they don't. The poetry rooms don't. The quote rooms don't. User rooms belong to the user who makes them. If I want to make a room that's dedicated to the three toed sloth, then it's a three toed sloth room. Ayenee is a group of like-minded role-players who have banded together to achieve some form of order out of the anarchy that otherwise ensues if you don't have some form of agreed upon rules amongst the players. Mind you, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with Ayenee, or the site, or the people who play in the Ayenee setting. Far from it. Anything can happen in Ayenee, and often does - and that's part of it's charm. However, one of the things that attracts people to WoD is the fact that there's consistent rules for character creation, a consistent standard by which you can gauge the power level of your character and others' characters, as well as a consistent setting that is readily understood by those who play in it. Ayenee is a friendly form of anarchy, and I wouldn't want to change that. I just firmly believe that there's room enough for both types of settings.

As far as I've understood it, all role-playing rooms that are made in Entertainment and Arts are Ayenee unless labeled otherwise. (after all - Ayenee was here first). That is why you see the World of Darkness rooms with "WoD" in the title somewhere. It's not a "Keep out" sign - it's simply clear labeling, to allow people who enjoy the semi-structured setting of WoD to do so in peace, and warn those who don't enjoy that structured setting to not bother trying the room.

Ayenee allows you to make any character that you can think of, with whatever powers that you feel are appropriate to the character. In World of Darkness, there's set types of supernaturals, with set powers that are available. This is more limiting than the "anything goes" setting of Ayenee, but for those who enjoy it, it allows a great area of "common ground" and understanding of how people work their powers, as well as less arguing about what can affect who and how.

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