Would you like to work at home?
WORK-AT-HOME SOURCEBOOK, Over 1,000 home job opportunities listed.
For details send self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Work at Home 3423 N 600 W Ligonier, IN 46767.
At&t, JC Penny and over 1,000 other companies routinely use qualified home workers.  This is the first book to give you the facts you need to find, apply for, and get home work with these companies.
Here are just a few of the home-based positions which are included:
accounting               fund raising             programming
assembly                 glasswork              research
auditing                   graphic art             sales
bookkeeping             illustration              silkscreening
claims process.        indexing                 telemarketing
crafts                      interviewing            transcription
credit collecting        marketing               typesetting
data processing        photography           typing
design                     planning                 word processing
database dev.           proofreading           writing
This new edition also has a section on franchsises and other opportunities that can be operated from home, plus a section on shops and galleries seeking to buy specific homemade handcrafts.
"...a wealth of infrormation... very practical advice... besides being a tremendous financial resource, this book is just plain fun to read."
                                --welcome home
"useful for ideas about at-home jobs as well as job leads."  --Good Housekeeping
             --Parents Magazine
"perfect prelude to a telecommunicating job search...[a] comprehensive classic".
                              --Home office Computing
"an excellent reference to getting a job that lets you work at home"
                                 --The Secretary Magazine
"Packed with solid infromation on how to make home-working work for you..."
                                   --Looks at Books
The Work-at-Home Sourcebook was selected as one of the "Best of the best" education and career information print materials by members of the national Education and Information Center Advisory Committee
Seventh Edition

Full Contact Information for:
---Hundreds of home business opportunities
---Over 1,000 home job opportunities--
everything from knitting to data processing
--Plus Telecommunicating, Markets for homemade handcrafts.  "Learning at home to work at home" and much more