The Night Before Kissmoose


(Sheltie style)

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, except two cats and a mouse.

The Shelties were all clung to my bed not a care,
I couldn't squeeze in with all the legs, tails, and hair.

My "children" were nestled, all snug in MY bed
While visions of tablescraps danced in each head.

Tried as I might, I could not find a gap,
So I went down to the couch for my long winter's nap.

Then up from my bedroom there arose such a pitter-patter,
My dogs all jumped onto me, as if something was the matter.

They'd seen I was missing and came in a flash -
Down the stairs and through the hall with a dash.

They were soon on my chest, licking my face and so,
I could not get up from this enthusiastic hello.

Then one of my wandering tri's did appear
With her favorite toy, a squeaky reindeer.

At an agility match, she was graceful and quick,
And in just a few moments, she'd done the trick.

Fast as I could, I had ran by her side,
Shouting the name of each obstacle as a guide.

"Here dogwalk! Here over! Here tunnel and over!
Come seesaw! Come chute! Come over and over!"

"To the top of the a-frame, to the table and down!
Come over! Come over! No, not there, you clown!"

Over each hurdle, she leaped oh so high,
Over each obstacle, it seemed that she'd fly.

So, on top of the mantle hangs a ribbon of blue.
With pictures of my Shelties, and Mum and Dad too.

Just then, was a crinkling, I heard in the room
Then prancing and pawing and then came a boom!

As I turned my head, and was looking around,
I noticed the Christmas tree had fallen to the ground.

They all looked so innocent, like children so carefree.
But that did not change the fact that they'd knocked down my tree!

I picked up the tree. Its branches all out of whack.
I looked over my shoulder to keep an eye on my pack.

Their eyes - how they twinkled! Their noses - how shiny!
Their ears at attention! Their hair smelled all piney!

Their happy little tails wagged to and fro.
I didn't have the heart to throw them out in the snow.

A stick from the tree was held tight in one's teeth.
The garland encircled them all just beneath.

So, I picked up the place, no unkind words here.
Shook my head and laughed, and wished for a beer.

The tree was so wilted and bent, quite a strange sight.
I headed upstairs to, again, retire for the night.

As I entered my room and I twisted my head,
I saw that there was now a gift on my bed.

I heard not a sound, not a bark or a cry.
I picked up my present and what's next is not a lie…

On top of the package it said "To Mom, From Those
Who knock down Christmas trees and have a wet nose."

I sprang to my feet, to my team gave a whistle,
To me they all flew, like I had just took out the 'Bissell.'

And I was heard to exclaim, out of joy and delight,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!

By Elizabeth Hildreth
Cindahope Shelties


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