Pogotry Essay


Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Night
By Robert Frostie Paws

Whose woods dese are I fink I nose
His den is inna village dough;
He will not see mememe pooping here
To watch his woods fill up wiff snow.

My little horse must fink it queer
To stop wiffout a farmden near.
Between da woods and frozen lake
Da darkest evening ob da year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if der is sum misteak.
Da only other sound's da sweep
Ob easy wind and downy flake.

Dese woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have pawmises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep.

My Pogotry Essay
By Scoutie da Troutie

Dis pogotry aptly eggsxemplifies us doggies pawpetchewal quest to find da pawfect poop place.  Eben when da weafer inna out is whiteb*thing, us doggies still fink it is furry impawtent to locate gud pooping grounds.
Fur instance, in dis pogotry, it was Kissmoose Eve and I was snuggly buggly in my bed waiting fur Santa Paws when I suddenly felt da urge to go inna out and lay a HUGE turf taco onna whiteb*th.  So, I hitched up my faborite horsie, named Carrot, to da sleigh (da one dat Santa Paws didn't need no more and I boughted it from Pee-Bay) and went in search of da Sacred Pooping Ground.  Course, I had Franklesence, Myrhh and T*R*E*A*T*S just in case we needed dem.
Ennyhowl, we ended up in sumbody's woods and Stupid Ole Carrot shooked his big head and said: "We shouldn't be here, dis is too dark and furry scary!"  So I took his sleigh bells and bopped him onna head and woofed: "Look, when a doggie's gotta go, a doggie's gotta go!" I started sniffin' and snortin' onna ground <you nose da place between da woods and frozen lake?> when all ob a sudden I saw dis Furry Scarry Man wiff a long black robe and a scythe.  I couldn't see his face cuz he had a black hood over his head, butts I could see his eyes were glowing red!!  Whale, you'd fink dis wood hab scared da sh*t outa mememe, butts all I did was f*rt and put my paws ober mymymy eyes!
Da neggst fing, I heard him cackle: "Hey, Scoutie da Poopin' Troutie Dude!!  Follow me! I got Great poop places fur you.just make sure you bring lotsa sun block wiff a 1.1 Million SPF and doan furgit your beachie towel and frip frops!"
Whale, I culd see dis appartiti...applei er, hmmm..bad man was up to no good so I woofed:
"No way, youBadMan!!!  I gotta back home to MyMeanOleMom.  'Sides, I gots miles
to go afore I Poop!"  <dis is what Robert Frostie Paws really meant in da last line, but back in dose dopey ole days it weren't polite to use da Poop werd in Pogotry, so he had to make beleaf he was gonna take a nappie instead>
Den I wented home and Mom N Dad gibbed me kisses and more T*R*E*A*T*S so I cud begin da neggst day wiff da same Pooping Ritchewal.

Da End

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