From Westside Story



(When you're a JET, you're a JET all the way,
from your first cigarette to your last dyin' day...)

When you're a PIG you just stare at the 'fridge
from the second you're welped, till you go to the bridge...

When you're a PIG, there is nothing that beats
sleeping all of the day, and just dreamin' 'bout T*R*E*A*T*S

Yah go to see TED - he tells yah mom you're chubby,
but yah know she'll say "He's just fluffy!"

When you're a PIG, you think it-is-just-great
to lick ev-ver-ree bowl, dish, cup, spoon and each plate...

When you're a PIG, peo-ple bet-ter watch out
if they walk next to you when you've food in your mouth...

Yah know you've got it bad, you know yah kinda sick
if you pass the cat's dish, and give it a lick!

Yes, you're a pig, Ditto, that's what I said,
Your "TOP TEN" list sez "1-to-9: is BEING FED!"

You are in "THINAP" and you can't get out,
no matter how much you woof or you pout!

Sniff Yah Later,
-The Pakled (VicePresidoggy of THINAP + proud to be a piggy)


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