//a story about a phoenix who travels around the world visiting the seven wonders
//here,the voice of the phoenix and the bear is speeds up
//so that the talking speed wont be so slow that takes up the time
Title "once upon a time..." color GRAY duration 6
MEANWHILE play "F:\cartoon\track5.wav"
//introductory music
//edited music sang by artist 16 Ris. song title is unknown
Next scene
Background "F:\cartoon\BACKGROUND\jungle1.jpg"
play "F:\cartoon\track5.wav"
phoenix ayam

ayam appears at (0,600)
ayam moves to (660,600) speed 100
subtitle "there's a phoenix named ayam"

Next scene
Background "F:\cartoon\BACKGROUND\globe.jpg"
play "F:\cartoon\track5.wav"
phoenix ayam
//background of a globe
ayam appears at (0,600)
ayam moves to (660,600) speed 100
subtitle "he likes to travel around"

Next scene
background "F:\cartoon\BACKGROUND\THE_SEVEN_WONDERS_copy.jpg"
play "F:\cartoon\track5.wav"
phoenix ayam
//the background is the compiled pictures of the seven wonders of the world.
ayam appears at (0,600)
ayam moves to (740,600)
subtitle "he gets to visit the 7 wonders of the world" font ARIAL color YELLOW

Next scene
background "F:\cartoon\BACKGROUND\great_wall.jpg"
phoenix ayam
//he visits the Great Wall of China
ayam appears at (100,600)
subtitle "he went to see The Great Wall of CHina" font ARIAL color YELLOW
sleep 3
meanwhile ayam says "waaa...i could hardly see the other side"
ayam moves to (400,600)
ayam says "now u see me"
ayam disappears
ayam says "now u dont"

Next scene
background "F:\cartoon\BACKGROUND\Taj_Mahal.jpg"
//in this scene, he visits the Taj Mahal
phoenix ayam
phoenix ayamone scale 0.7
phoenix ayamtwo scale 0.5
phoenix ayamthree scale 0.3

subtitle "at the Taj Mahal"
ayam appears at (400,600)
ayam says "now i'm here"
ayam disappears
ayamone appears at (400,530)
ayamone says "oh..."
ayamone disappears
ayamtwo appears at (400,450)
ayamtwo says "waaa..."
ayamtwo disappears
ayamthree appears at (400,395)
ayamthree says "wow..this is awesome!"
ayamthree disappears

ayam appears at (400,600)
ayam says "i wonder how does d other 7 wonders seems like.."
ayam says "let's go find out!"
ayam moves to (740,600) speed 100

next scene
background "F:\cartoon\BACKGROUND\jungle1.jpg"
phoenix ayam
bear lil scale 0.7
//he ends up at the wrong place
ayam appears at (300,600)
ayam says "waa...what is this place?"
ayam says "i cant believe i've reached the third wonder"
ayam says "this is amazing"

meanwhile lil appears at (500,600)
lil says "excuse me,sir."
lil says "this is not the wonders of the world"
lil says "this is my place"
lil says "i live here"
lil says "The Jungle"
then ayam says "you mean,i'm lost??"
lil says "i'm afraid you are"
then ayam says "yyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"
ayam moves to (700,160)

next scene

title "the end..." color GRAY duration 3
//cartoon script done by the group Wonders Crew
//Rabe'ah bte Hj Yussof (07B0461)
//ahmad Farhan bin Hj Muhd Saifulizan (07B0805)
//Hadi Salalu
//Mohd Waliuddin
//Wonders Crew website:

    Source: geocities.com/wonders_crew/Project2Cartoon_files

               ( geocities.com/wonders_crew)