Born on the Fourth of July
And I enter the world...(scary thought!)
Note: My parents want you to know they don't always have black circles under their eyes!
Chillin' on the couch from an early age
My first Christmas
Right after this pic was taken, I fell face first into the mud.  Did Mommy pick me up?  No, she stood there and laughed.  Child abuse!
Want my teething ring?  That passifier was my best buddy for four years.
My little sister Charli was the best little sister...until she learned how to walk and talk!
Having a deep discussion with Petey Pineapple
     I proclaim to be no genius about life...after all, I have only lived 17 years of it.  Hopefully I have a lot further to go.  But along the way to 17, I have learned many life lessons...some of them painful and some of them incredible.  So because it is 2:00 am and I have nothing better to do, I will share them with you... 
     First of all, Forrest Gump is a genius.  Life certainly is a "box o' choc'lates" and as much as you think you know what's around the corner, "you never know what you're going to get."  The good surprises are worth wading through the muck of the bad ones.  Life itself never ceases to amaze's like a good mystery novel.  You can see that figure lurking in the shadows, but you aren't quite sure what it is.  In my own life, I have been dealt a bad hand every now and then.  And many times when I was, I just wanted to give up.  And just when I was going to give up, lo and behold some small miracle would occur.  I still get in absolutely morbid moods sometimes, but just one of those small miracles is enough to get me out of them.
     Next, people are a strange beast.  I have met some absolutely incredible people in my life, and some absolutely despicable ones.  People can bring the greatest joy to your life or the greatest sorrow.  They can smile at you one day and turn on you the next.  But, you know what?  There actually are some genuinely wonderful people out there.  They are very hard to find.  In fact, the few that I have found I did not like at first.  Why?  Because they were real; they didn't put up a facade.  Soon enough, I realized that they were the people worth hanging on to.  The old saying "just be yourself" is oh so true.  There is no one else you can be, and good people will appreciate that fact and love you for you.  I sound like a 60s hippie, but it's true.  Real people will find each other, and the relationships you form with them are like no other.  My best friend in the world taught me how to be myself---I actually had to have someone teach me how to do that, and I am forever grateful to him.  Life is a lot more fun that way.  Some people won't like who you are, and that is okay.  You won't like some people, either.  That's human nature.  Isn't it better to just be real and develop a few real relationships rather than a lot of fake ones?
    Third, loving is the greatest gift we were ever given.  To know that you are loved is the most awesome feeling, whether it be by your family, friend, or significant other.  And loving someone else is just as awesome.  My parents always told me it was better to give than to receive.  I am sure every American child is taught that, and none of us believe it at the time.  Now, I believe it.  I thoroughly enjoy doing things for people, planning surprises for them or just wishing them a good day.  I just love to see a smile on their face.
     Fourth, knowledge really is power.  Believe it or not, it is fun to learn.  Stressing out over grades and term papers is not fun, I'll certainly agree.  But pure learning is a blast.  To arm yourself with knowledge is so much stronger than to arm yourself with weapons or threats.  If you know, you can do anything.  I firmly believe that.  I am 17, and the whole world is open before me.  I can click a button on the Internet and learn anything and everything.  I can hop on a plane and fly around the world or jump in my truck and drive wherever I want.  I can read novels or memoirs or biographies about ANYTHING!  Do you comprehend that?  I can't.  The world is at our fingertips and we can learn so much every day.  Plus, knowledge makes movies and books so much more fun! (And you can finally beat your parents at Trivial Pursuit!)
    Fifth, traveling is unbeatable.  You CANNOT understand the world until you have traveled outside of the United States.  I wish I could visit every country in the world before I die.  That, I know, will not be possible.  Some places are just too dangerous and there are just too many places to go.  But I am resolved to go everywhere I possibly can.  The insight gained from traveling can be matched by nothing else.  And you absolutely cannot go through life without visiting the Eiffel Tower!
     Sixth, work is not something to be afraid of!  Work is a labor of love, and only by working does anything ever get accomplished.  Humans were given this incredible ability to reason and think and work and accomplish, and yet it seems like a vast majority are afraid to do so.  Idle minds and idle people are dangerous, and they don't have any fun!  So do not ever be afraid to work.  Thomas Edison even told us, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."
     Seventh, we are so incredibly lucky.  Not just Americans, or Westerners, or anyone in particular.  But ALL of us.  We were given this incredible opportunity to grace this earth, make a difference, and have a great time while doing it.  Thus, do not stress yourself out so much that you forget to "smell the flowers along the way".  Be productive, but enjoy yourself.  Have fun!  We will all die one day and on that day it will not matter if we got a B in 3rd grade science.  It will not matter if we changed the world.  What will matter is if we did some small thing each day that made life a little more enjoyable.
     Eighth, life is so fleeting.  It can catch us anytime, anywhere.  Do not ever wish to be older.  I know I am probably not old enough to say this yet, but never wish life away.  If you're a kid, enjoy your childhood.  Drivers' licenses and rated R movies will come soon enough!  If you're a teenager, you're in the same boat as me.  We're trying to figure out exactly what we're doing here and where we're going.  It can be absolutely terrifying, but it is also a lot of fun.  We don't have to deal with some of those adult responsibilities quite yet, but we're learning.  In my case, I can drive on my parents' gas money!  Time suddenly starts to speed up.  You walk into high school on the first day thinking you will never get out of there, and all of a sudden you are embarking on your senior year.  All I can say is to try to keep up with life, but take a breather every now and then!  Have fun being a teenager cuz you'll never be one again.  For all you adults, I don't know what to say because I haven't been there.  But I can tell you to watch those younger people (and treat them well; they will provide for your social security!) and give them a great example.  And like everyone else, have fun.
     Finally, carpe diem!  What is the point in waiting until tomorrow to do what you can do today?  If you're in an argument, why not solve the problem today?  Don't wait for the other person because of pride; you just might not get another chance.  Seize every opportunity you get.  They are few and far between.  Challenge yourself; you will surprise yourself.  Be open-minded.  Don't be afraid to disagree.  Be passionate about anything you do.  Learn as much as you can, and love as much as you can.  See all that you can see and do all that you can do.  As morbid as it sounds, there is a ticking clock on us all.  But don't let that discourage you; let it motivate you to enjoy every day and accomplish all you can.  Life will throw you curve balls.  Take a moment to absorb them.  Let yourself cry, or fear or get angry.  And then move on, because time isn't going to wait for you.  Hang on to those real people in your life in any way that you can.  They are what make life worth living.  And more than anything, get to know yourself.  You are the only person who will accompany you throughout your entire life; y'all need to be on good terms! 
     Have a good one and I'll talk to ya later!
What I Have Learned Since July 4, 1985