Hi, I'm Joshua
this is my Joke Page...

What do you give a sick pig ?
Oinkment !

What do cows like to dance to ?
Any kind of moosic you like !

What kind of bird lays electric eggs ?
A battery hen !

What do you get if you cross a steer with a tadpole ?
A bullfrog !

What game do cows play at parties ?
Moosical chairs !

What do you get from a drunk chicken ?
Scotch eggs !

What do you give a pony with a cold ?
Cough Stirrup !

Where do milkshakes come from ?
Excited cows !

Why do ducks have webbed feet ?
To stamp out forest fires !

What do you get if a sheep walks under a cloud ?
A sheep that's under the weather !


For more Jokes like these go to www.kidsjokes.co.uk

Knock knock.
Who's there?

Gruesome Who?

Gruesome since I saw you last.

Knock knock.
Who's there?

Wayne Who?

Wayne Wayne go away.

What do pigs put into
Their computers?

Sloppy discs.

What do you call two
banana peals?

A pair of slippers.

What did the painter
name his son?


What has two banks
but no money?

A river.

I used to be a Safe Driver,
But then I quit.

Who wants to drive a Safe!

What has 3 feet but no toes?

A yardstick.

More Jokes Coming Soon!

More to come...

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