Our Journal

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Month, day, 1999

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September 1999 : Our Troop was formed.  It was so much fun getting to know each other.

October 1999:  We made cats filled with candy.  yum yum
December 1999:
January 2000:
February 2000: Yee-Haw!!! What a great time we had at the square dance with our dad's . 

March 2000:

April 2000: We collected food for the food drive.  It feels great to help.

May 2000: We filled a back pack for a needy child.   He is going to be ready for the new school year with a great new back pack and school supplies. 

June 2000:  We are Brownies !!   What a great time we had at our Bridging.  We met girls from all levels of girl scouting. 

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