This White Light Radionic Association was founded in 1983 by Katherine Gray B.Sc., N.D.
Its purpose is to provide a professional association for those persons, in good standing, who have completed an authorised 3-year training in White Light Radionics with the Association.
The Association provides its Registered Radionic Consultants (R. R. C.) with updated and new material which is not available outside the Association. It also provides supervision and advice to its members for more complicated client cases and acts as a centre for information sharing.
The White Light Radionic Association has no connection or affiliation with any other radionic or radiesthetic organisation.
The White Light Radionic Association has no connection with any person or group claiming to practice White Light or Gallert radionics outside of its own professional members.

The Association may be contacted by post at:

Weisslicht Radionik Vereinigung
Tua Thré Zentrum
Mühlegasse 14
CH - 8001  Zürich
Schweiz / Switzerland

Or by e-mail at


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