instructor: Justyna Wlodarczyk
duty hours: Tuesdays 10:30-12:00 (Room 413 or 419)

e-mail me
Dear students,

Results of the Lit. Theory Take Home Exam will be available on Tuesday June 20th. You can receive your 'wpis' during my duty hours on Tuesday (June 20th) or on Wednesday (21st) 12-2pm.

You can also give your student book to a classmate, but if you do that you will not have the opportunity of going over your THE.

Do not wait with getting your wpis until later. I will be leaving Poland in August and will not be available until July 2007. So please do not put this off.

The same goes for my fall semester American Literature students who still do not have their 'zaliczenie zajec.'  Come and see me this week or next week, or be prepared to fail the year.