Wolf Lake Cottage Association (pdf file)

Financial Statement - Aug 2003 to July 2004

Bank Balance: July 2003                                                                   1764.74

Income:                                                                           7155.00        

Wolf Lake                                                                                               

Loon Call Lake                                                                  845.00        

Memberships                                                                  1425.00        

Interest                                                                                    2.61        

Total Received                                                              9427.61        

Total Income                                                                                         9427.61

Expenditures:                                                               6227.25        

Road Maintenance                                                                               

Road Insurance                                                                 874.20        

Total Road Expenses                                                                         7101.45

AGM Expenses                                                                  -50.00 (Refund on prior yr's Legion deposit)

Bank Charges                                                                        2.00

Stamps & Stationery                                                           45.76

Water Testing                                                                    142.31

FOCA Membership                                                          231.92

NORKLA Membership                                                        50.00 (2yrs worth)

Total Admin and Other Expenses                                                     421.99

Total Expenses                                                                                    7523.44

Bank Balance, July 2004                                                                   3668.91