Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 11:15:31 -0600
From: zygot 
Subject: Re: price of sea urchin sushi? UNI


I've been snorkling in New Zealand, picking uni off the rocks. We'd crack 
them open -- sometimes there were just pale pink skins on the inside of 
the shell, and sometimes they were creamy! Big fat uni's. And if one was 
ripe, all the others in the area were ripe. 

I met a couple of blokes on a beach with a bucket (big bucket) full of
uni. They had a air tank and mask with them. They were a little surprised
that I would like (love) the raw sea urchin. 

Some people (not me) like to eat the black guts that spill out when you 
crack the shell open.

I spent weeks on various beaches, eating homemade sushi along the way. I
carried a small kitchen on my bicycle which included wasabi, shouyu, nori,
(plus a bunch of Indian stuff). 

On my birthday a fisherman gave me half a kingfish (hamachi). Happy Birthday!

Anyways, that year the price of uni was zero!
