Panzer Pulling Tips
from Bill Janitor
July 23, 1998

Panzers are unique, moody, and incredibly powerful machines for their size. I used to pull with a lot of success in the stock 700# and 900# classes in Southwestern Pennsylvania. My friends Randy and Tom also pulled with me, but for some reason my tractor, "Bad Company" or "B.C.", always seemed to run better than theirs (especially when Randy was on it!) All 3 were T65's and I have yet to understand what the differences between them are/were. I guess that's what got me into Mechanical Engineering...

Between the 3 of us, we have a dozen or so of these tractors being used for various tasks, so we have some idea of what makes them run. I quit pulling about 9 years ago, and my old competitors have since discovered some of my tricks and either used them or made them illegal…

Here is a list of suggestions in no particular order.  Remember that some of this stuff is against the rules, so don't blame me if you get caught...

Think of this as trying to turn a nut with a ratchet. The further away from the nut you hold your hand on the wrench, the easier it is to turn the nut. You create a higher 'moment' around the rear axle by raising the hitch relative to the axle center line height, and by moving the weights in front further away from the rear axle. This moment is a force that governs how a tractor behaves as it travels down the track. With a limited total weight and tractor length, you need to experiment to find the right hitch height for your tractor.  

This list of tips was taken from the Panzer Page web site. For more information, please check out the site at

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