"Indifference to evil is the enemy of good, for indifference is the enemy of everything that exalts the honor of man.  We fight indifference through education; we diminish it through compassion.  The most efficient remedy?  Memory."
           -Elie Wiesel in Parade Magazine, April 2002

Elie Wiesel's novel Night  is an autobiographical account of the atrocities that he, as well as many other victims, experienced at the hands of the Nazis.  The reader is taken on an emotional journey that explores the resiliency of the human spirit and questions the evil that exists in mankind.  Elie Wiesel recounts the atrocities of genocide, but he also writes about the courage and determination it took to survive such a tragic experience.  By the end of the novel, the reader will comprehend the importance of taking a stand for those who are treated unjustly or inhumanely.     

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