Jason Wilber
On the Road with WOG and John Prine

Phil Parlapiano
Pulse 2/92
Jason Wilber
Sarasota News
Jason Wilber
Wogs Souvenirs


News comes from Jason Wilber that John Prine is doing just fine.

While Jason Wilber is doing a lot of promotional work for his own CD, he promises he will drop everything the minute John gives the call to the Dogs to hit the road.

Now the tour schedule, always iffy, is still unsettled. Jason says there may be a November set of dates, and possibly some the first of next year, but nothing is certain yet.

Jason reports that he is busy with Hal Ketchum, and in fact flew to Nebraska ("or was it Iowa??") for a concert the last weekend of July, and this Thursday in Indiana he was preparing to fly out to New Hampshire for dates over the weekend with Hal.

For those who like to keep track of such things, Jason will be married on August 8th....to Michelle, a Bloomington school teacher. Michelle is at his hand helping collect names and sell CD's at his shows. They seem to be an unusually nice couple, and the partnership looks like it will be the best thing that's ever happened to either of them.

© 1998 Jerry Briggs While watching Jason from a front table at the Brown County Inn, he suddenly called up to the stage an old friend....and a person who's name may ring a bell with any looking for old Lost Dogs...

David Steele!
David came onstage and played electric for three numbers, including a dazzling performance on "Galway Waltz." His performance was exciting, and Jason let him have the spotlight, just as John does for Jason in the Prine concerts. David kept a small bottle on his ring finger, and the sounds he got made the whole trip worth while.

A little conversation after the show revealed David is also a Hoosier, coming from down the road in Bedford, Indiana. He is playing with Steve Earle, and you may have seen him a couple weeks ago on David Letterman with the band. He was on a five-day break from work, and it was our luck to have him in Jason's show.

© 1998 Jerry Briggs Of course the conversation got around to John Prine. You would have thought, in the presence of Jason and David, that I was with our bunch from the chat room! These guys LOVE John, and David could not stop talking about what a fine human being John is, a wonderful person with whom to work, and a friend. He could not stop talking about John and it is obvious they parted company in a friendly manner. Sheepishly, he admitted to having given John the phone number and name of Jason when he felt compelled to join Earle....and the rest, as they say.....

Phil Parlapiano....they had word on him....and on Mitchell! Have you heard of 'GRANT LEE BUFFALO"? Phil is with them...and keeping quite busy. Their lyrics can be downloaded, look them up in a search engine. Mitchell....is this year's Road Manager for them!

Let's hope we get more information on John...Jason confirmed the work on the movie, and this week Video Business mentioned, in reference to Billy Bob's latest home video coming out, "Homegrown"....'a future Hollywood icon' when talking of BBT. Seems John has found himself a cutting-edge friend!


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