On the Road with WOG and John Prine

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Vancouver, BC
Seattle, WA
Portland, OR
Interlochen, MI
Minneapolis, MN
Fish Creek, WI
Madison, WI
Louisville, KY
Edmonton, AB
Sandpoint ID
Whitefish, MT
Chicago, IL
Charleston, SC
Birmingham, AL
Yosemite, CA
Clearwater, FL
Austin, TX
Helotes, TX
Vienna, VA
Hanford, CA
Dallas TX
Kansas City, MO
Peoria, IL


Observations from WOG
...traveling in Jacksonville, Florida

The Florida Theater--John Prine Concert notes from Jerry Briggs (WOG)
April 17, 1997

 I found the old FLORIDA THEATER with no problem on this day. I pulled up about 3:00pm right in front of the building. Expired parking meters along the street with cars in place suggested a lack of "meter maids" but I fed mine anyway and wandered in.

The manager was two-wheeling things around inside and paid me no heed. I went directly into the theater, and was impressed. The Florida Theater is one fine old auditorium, and well maintained.

Maple and Mitch were up on the stage getting final things done. Mitch was getting paper-work on his new employee, Eric Tarleton. Earl will be taking Maple's place on most of the rest of this tour (except Birmingham), and was undergoing "training" on these three Florida dates.

Maple, for those of you who are Emmy Lou fans, will be leaving to do his "regular" job, beginning with the MerleFest next month. He has been working with her, when on tour, for fifteen years, he says. I took a few farewell pictures of him. He was quite busy putting new strings on the instruments needing them.

A little information for you guys about Eric, © jerry briggs 1997the replacement for Maple. He has done this kind of work for Waylon, as recently as last June. He worked two years with Tanya Tucker in 1993 and 1994. He was recommended a couple weeks ago by bass player David Jacques, when they bumped into each other. He is experienced in this life on the road, and will be an interesting change from Maple.

Tonight's show will offer John's new CD to the fans, as well as a brand-new T-shirt, "John Prine...On Tour 25 Years." It is a gray shirt, heavy-duty material. They had 48 dozen shirts available, approximately, for this three-date Florida gig.

Eric and Maple drove the white company van down yesterday, while all others were flying in from their homes.

I took a picture of early crew, local guys. They provided technical support and would work the show. One of them, Peter Theoktisto, was telling the other three about how they do "safe sex" in Indiana....."they mark all the sheep that kick!" A Hoosier myself, I had to agree with him, mentioning that cowbells always worked the best in my neighborhood, and then he worked on healing my feelings by mentioning that he heard that happens in other places, too...like Kentucky...Tennessee...and in Greece! (see his name again!) I forgave him.

The FLORIDA THEATER, Thursday April 17, 1997
--John Prine Concert Location

From 51 degrees in Indiana to the 85 today as I passed over the St. John's River into downtown Jacksonville, Florida, I smiled with the thoughts of music, sunburns, and more music.

The Florida Theater was easy to spot as I took the off-ramp onto downtown's Main Street. Rising 6 stories high, it was clearly and freshly painted on the traffic side so there'd be no mistaking where it could be found.

A single-engine plane flew over the city, towing a banner saying, "The Blood of Jesus is over Jax." It turns out that Marilyn Manson is also doing a show this evening, and the local TV later gave live extensive coverage of the many religious protestors, as well as the fans waiting patiently for the show to start. Expectations for attendance there had been revised upwards, from 1500 to 2400. Local soccer Moms also were presenting, at the same time, a free religious-music outdoor concert, hoping to hold down MM's attendance. Right! It was also announced that tonight no one with studded collars will be admitted. With the attention given, they may get surprised at the onslaught of fans wishing to see the source of all this anger.

No such controversy for the John Prine concert. In fact, until Mitch, the Tour Manager arrived, the lighted marquee outside the Florida spoke of John's appearance coming...April 12...."We sold out the 12th show, but not much on today's," Mitch kidded.

A theater well maintained, I met its manager, a middle-aged fellow who tells me he has been in charge for 10 years. He was nervous, hurried, unfriendly, impatient, and, apparently, a little incompetent in proof-reading his own marquees.

Inside, the elegance of this 75-year old theater is still alive and well. Stucco on the walls is clinging well, and the seats, upholstered for the most part, are in good condition. Restrooms are well maintained. "Shine" beer in great quantities was there in anticipation of the evening's sales. Drinking patrons tonight may feel a bit restricted, however; they may drink all they want, but there is no smoking inside!

With a capacity of 1000 patrons down and about 500 up, it is ideal for a Prine concert. It is not expected that the tickets will sell-out, due to several things. Thursday is not a great attendance night, the marquee was wrong, and in general expectations were not that high for this venue, which John has previously played.

The seats all feature a great view of the stage. The depth of the theater is not as deep as most, but the steep incline in the balcony gives the impression that you are in the front row, albeit a bit far back!

Giant chandeliers in the balcony hang, all bulbs in operating condition, and match exactly the downstairs globes recessed above the seats.

 Jacksonville, Florida, Thursday, April 17, 1997

  © jerry briggs 1997

  It was an unusual night here in Jacksonville, right from the start. This crowd was different. This crowd was an attentive one. This crowd was appreciative. This crowd was in John's hands, completely.

Starting the evening at 8:00pm with RB Morris (see elsewhere for notes on his session), it was clear that this room full of patrons were there to be entertained.

They hung on every word RB said, laughed in all the right places, and cheered and applauded constantly...and they came to see John! RB had to feel satisfied after his royal acceptance by this bunch. He earned their respect, and did it quickly.

John came out with the standard beginning numbers with the band, and on the seventh he threw in a rare one; performed possibly only at the Milwaukee show this year. "The Late John Garfield Blues," was done and the crowd was quiet, listening to the lyrics, wondering at the meaning of it all. At the end, he said, "People ask me why I write so many 'happy' songs, and I tell 'em that after a sad one like that you have to get out of it somehow!"

"Spanish Pipedream" kicked off the show, as usual, but at it's conclusion there were many already standing with their applause. That usually happens later in the show. This crowd was hot and ready. The band and John did not fail them. This was a concert to be seen.

John immediately developed an ease in his manner with the audience. "I'm John Prine and THIS IS THE 6 O'CLOCK NEWS!" They jumped into this and Jason's harmonica solo and later guitar bits made for an effective presentation.

"Let's go fishin'!" was his introduction to "Fish and Whistle." "Something off the 'Missing Years' record," was his description of "Jesus-TMY." I mention these intros only because usually John just takes off on them.

He smoked his normal half-pack of cigarettes ("Bought up at Jack's Joke Shop in Boston. I don't get any flavor, just memories!") John smiled often at the crowd. He seemed to be enjoying himself after his three-week vacation, and his stress levels seemed very low. The crowd loved his every move.

At one point two women came up, during the show, and from the front row threw him kisses and pointed and almost fainted, from the looks of them. John saw them, grinned real big at the nice bouquet of cut flowers they laid on the pre-stage, and then pointed his guitar and attention right at them and played directly for their benefit. When "Ain't Hurtin' Nobody" ended, it got larger than normal applause. The audience enjoyed seeing John's reacton to the two fans. He handled it very appropriately.

This crowd, as mentioned was good. No, they were great. They were the most appreciative audience I have seen so far this tour. They caught nuances that others missed. They laughed at funny lines that often went over the heads of others. They yelped, whooped, yelled requests, and heaped their appreciation on the band through the whole session.

There were too many numbers to mention that drew considerable standing ovations: normally that is reserved for "Lake Marie," and then some of the encore numbers. Looking about this audience tonight, even in the dark the standing, cheering figures were spotted after every number.

Strangely, "Lake Marie," the money-song of this tour, had less audience enthusiasm than any crowd I've seen so far...perhaps they were tired by then, from all the other exercise they had from thunderous applause.

Tonight John had more anecdotes than I've heard on the tour. The audience loved them. Every song he writes had a beginning, a reason, and often it is humorous. John is able to carry that directly to his crowds and they eat it up.

Several times this evening John seemed distracted and lost his place on the lyrics. "Dear Abby," "Grandpa Was A Carpenter," and "Please Don't Bury Me," all were adulterated, but the audience likes this and he got full applause on all of them. John was often distracted by the requests and yells from the audience. He often yelled back at them and the band, off mike, and was grinning all the time.

Once, when two or three scattered voices yelled out requests, John said, "That's the trouble when you write so many songs. You sing one and you have to skip ten!"

Another time, it was, "I'm doing all those, they just haven't come up on the jukebox yet!" Or, "Hey! I know that song!" Yells for "Illegal Smile" were greeted with "I'm comin' to it later!"

John was the most relaxed with this crowd that I have seen him. It paid off, as they loved him. I was with an usher who had never heard of John. By the time the show was ending he was yelling, applauding, standing, really enjoying. "Where'd this guy come from? How long's he been around? I'm gonna go out and buy his CD." He couldn't believe that the whole crowd knew the words to so many songs, and when the lights were turned up so the audience could sing "Illegal Smile," he just smiled and shook his head. He was intrigued, and I thought back to the first time I had heard the words to "Paradise," "Sam Stone," and "Hello In There." He liked "New Train," "...that's catchy!" and just seemed as though aliens had taken him over. It was nice being with him, kind of like your child's first Christmas, when all is new and wonderful.

He had recently ushered a Foreigner Concert, and said that group really did a bad show. "This guys puts on an amazing show. He gives 'em their money's worth!" he told me. He thought ticket sales tonight were at 1200, which was much better, I think, than what Mitch & Co. were expecting. Over a CASE of John's new CD's were sold, and virtually all "large" 25-year T-shirts sold. It was a good night for everyone.

A full thirty songs were done tonight, five of them encore numbers. Although I have said it before, it bears repeating. This "Tennessee Two" as John kiddingly called David and Jason, are responsible for innumerable bursts of applause from those watching. Jason stands in one spot and shows off shamelessly on his many opportunities for solo spots. He pulls them off flawlessly. David seemed to enjoy himself immensely, and the left side of the stage began to generate movement reminiscent of the last guy I saw over there, Phil Parlapiano! David thoroughly enjoys his music. John has assembled a tight, cohesive machine. You people on the chat page and those passing by...check the tour schedules for future concerts. They are being added to constantly, and you may wish to schedule a long weekend and do some driving. This is not just music, this is not just a concert.. This is an Experience. Do it, and do it soon.




21. SAM STONE (band returns)



This concert was, in a word, fantastic. John had rapport with the crowd from the very first song, and he could feel it. He gave the crowd his energy, and they in turned recharged him for even more. This was his night, and he made the very best of it. This Jacksonville audience will not forget what they saw this evening.


© WOGIt was a great concert in a very nice theater. See my notes elsewhere on the particulars.

Tonight I had another "meet"   ...Mr. Keith Nutt, his wife Kathy, and son Benji...we didn't meet until after the show, so I had to wear the damn Alpo hat all through it. Keith, as you know, is a Prinester from 'way back. He got to meet John and shake his hand. When they left, John remembered their names and told Ben "Goodbye."

This was another autograph session conducted at a card table, John's very least favorite method. As usual, I waited until last to talk with John. Tonight he felt good. John knew he had connected with this audience, and that seemed to buoy him. The band seemed happy after the show; Jacques brought two of his relatives from town to meet John. Prine commented that he couldn't believe that David knew so many people in every town they played. "There's always three or four!"

I decided against making the trek to Pompano beach tomorrow, as I need to be back up North Saturday morning, and then there is the Clearwater concert Saturday night. Turns out Clearwater is where John and Fiona had their honeymoon. While there he got to meet Van Morrison; got four free tickets and then a note that Van wanted him backstage. They had never met, but were both fans of the others' music. The meeting led to a lunch later, one lasting four hours. John seemeed to be most happy to have met that particular legend of music.

There should be more reviews coming in on Jacksonville. I talked to several people who were on the internet, and I told them to look us up, or to drop in on the shrine when they couldn't find anyone to talk with!

Reeda's special message for John was delivered. He fully remembered her, and began talking again about getting on the net.© rrb it's our bisiness

John said he will schedule a day (or evening) with Ben to show him around. John's going to Ireland and will be gone for a while, he said, and he wants to get on before then. So, Prinesters, keep the hopes up...it just may happen yet!


While most of my observations in the past have been those concerning my main interest, John Prine, I felt compelled to do another RB Morris piece.

Spotted Thursday night in Jacksonville, opening for John Prine, RB's purpose was two-fold: Get the crowd warmed up for the feature, John Prine, and, hopefully, further his own career by exposing a new audience to his own talents.

RB regaled his audience with clever anecdotes before each of his selections.

A "local" story going back to his teen years hitchhiking through Jacksonville during Spring Breaks made him seem almost a "home-town" boy here at The Florida Theater.

Perhaps there is an aura within this venue that inspires confidence and relaxation in its performers: both RB and his tourmate, John Prine, were extremely relaxed and comfortable. RB set the stage for the night's enjoyments with this appreciative audience: while he played they sat and listened, called out to him, stamped their feet, applauded, and laughed when they weren't cheering. You'd have thought that RB was the feature attraction.

This place was a milestone in RB's career. He has passed being a "newcomer" and now handles himself completely as an old pro. The audience treated him with respect and admiration. He earned it, and received their full attention.

An unusual audience, one a performer could only dream about, was this bunch Thursday night. They came to have their minds stimulated, their emotions stretched, their brains prodded. But they expected it from John Prine, not RB Morris!

Somebody forgot to tell RB that John would be along later, and he took his numbers to the maximum, quietly building up his anecdotes before each to create a desire to "hear this song that inspired this..."

"Thunder Road" and "Devil Woman" were both familiar songs, and the audience again listened carefully, perhaps hoping to discover some previously unnoticed line of wit or wisdom.

When RB returned for his encore with his usual, "They told me to come back out," there was a voice from the crowd:

"Just give it your best shot!"

RB primed his guitar for the launch of his final number and said, "Well...OK!"

The rapport he built with the audience definitely carried over into John's show later in the evening. RB's final number, about old friends no longer around had such thoughts as, "Old friends never die, they just stay on inside," while another chorus line says "Hey, I miss you, I guess...just want to see you to tell you." It was a song that hit home for me. I lost my long-time wife in 1995 and he expressed sentiments I have felt.

RB's performances are very short. He did a total of eight tonight. The quality of each was not lost on this crowd. They laughed at the right places other audiences have completely missed. They listened instead of talking to each other. They were involved. They were fascinated. They were impressed. Those attending were witness to the BEST performance RB has put forth. He just keeps on keepin' on...


After John's show, long after RB had left to spend time with an old Knoxville friend and his wife, John and the band were discussing RB. John now has the new, unreleased CD, and he went on and on about the high quality of the album. He was impressed with the content, the sound clarity, and the mixing. John is every bit as enthusiastic about RB's future as RB himself is!

"I had the tape and it was real good," John said. "But this CD: it's really an unbelievable record!" John didn't even mention his own work on the cut "Roy." He was just grinning about RB's new release. 


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