*~-- What You Never Knew! --~*

AbOuT mE-----

* Name--> Chez
* Nick Name--> Caked-Blood
* ICQ--> 44331240
* Email--> chezternity@yahoo.com
* Character and Attitude--> Pessimistic, Dependent, Insensitive, Moody
* Favourite Pastimes--> Swimming, Surfing the Internet, Idling
* Favourite Field--> Aliens , Mummies (Egypt), Supernatural Powers, Outerspace

HaVe YoU EvEr-----

* Cried during a Movie?--> I'm an emotional young lady hehhe
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out?--> Nope, never. Hangover Yes
* Been hurt emotionally?--> Yeah..It happens all the time 24/7
* Had a crush on a teacher?--> Hmm..yes I think. He teaches me Networking *wink*


* Color--> Yellow and Orange
* Fave Subject--> Most probably anything to do with psychology

* Summer/Winter--> Summer!
* Fave cartoon Characters--> Batman
* Fave Foods--> I love french beans
* Fave Movie--> I love horror movies!

My FaVoUrItE LiNk-----

* Download Freeware
* Searching for new Friends
* Send a greeting!
* Nice Wallpapers
* Downloading Latest Mp3s!

Wanna be my friend? Mail Me!