Curtis Henry Winesett

Born 19-Apr-1909
Died 23-Oct-1993 in King, Stokes County, NC
Social Security: 230-10-7745 (Virginia)
Son of Isaac Robert Winesett and Lola Parrish

Married Margie Edwards
Born 27-May-1910 in Carrol County
Died 9-Nov-2007 in King, Stokes County, NC
Daughter of John Edwards and Cora Ogle

Curtis worked in a furniture factory in Galax and did upholstering. No other information is currently available.

Curtis and Margie's known children are:
1. John Isaac (1939) married to Bonnie and has two sons, Michael and David, and
2. Cora Sue who married Alva Lee Withheld and has a daughter, Debra Ann.

Curtis and Margie are interred in Monta Vista Memory Gardens Cemetery in Galax.

Any information about the members of this family would be appreciated.

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